
Legend of the Seven

Humans were cast out of Eden for committing the original sin. Now Seven will answer, should Humanity live forever? But first, join Team Six in their rescue mission turned daring prison break from death. Author's Corner: Welcome to the Legend of the Seven series #LOTSseries, my Guardians. This is my first novel turned webnovel. I'm returning to this fictional world after a 6-year hiatus with a lot of personal growth and insight. Insights gained from being a lifetime reader. I was the kid who read Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. I was the new adult who read I Shall Seal the Heavens and Ark. I've lost count of how many fictional worlds I've visited and lived through for I grew up on western novels but discovered eastern novels in my college years. This is my attempt to marry those two literary styles. It's my hope that this journey becomes more than just a book. If you're reading this simply expecting an ego power trip then turn back. There'll be action but with a lot of metaphysics and discussion on life with its accompanying issues. I strive to ground and make this webnovel relatable with verisimilitude. This webnovel is about choice. Freewill and its consequences. I give my characters autonomy to do and be themselves which sometimes leads to me rewriting and replotting because of pleasant surprises from my characters. Even the character who dies within the chapter they are introduced can have a massive impact with several ripples. So, there'll be stories on love and loss, hope and despair, but most importantly, it'll be a story. Release schedule: M, W, F - I aim for afternoon (1pm to 6pm) MST. I'm working on a project, codenamed "Guides' Sanctum", to make LOTSseries even more alive with special voice-overs, extra stories, behind the scene stuff, and so much more. But it can only come online when certain benchmarks are reached. The listed goals will help us get there. Goals: 50 collections will unlock 4 chapters a week - Extra release on Thursday (First goal crossed! We did it! May 13/21) 100 collections will unlock 5 chapters a week - Extra release on Tuesday 250 collections will unlock 6 chapters a week - Extra release on Saturday 500 collections and Project Guides' Sanctum comes online! Links: Lotsseries.blogspot.com Social: @tonyswag0 - twitter @lotsseries - Facebook I'm thrilled at what is happening and what is still to come. Never be afraid to drop a comment. My DM is open. I'll work to keep this work free to access but I ask you to enjoy it from official sources so that you can be part of the discussion. There's magic in reading together to form a shared experience. Again, welcome aboard, my Guardians.

TonySwag0 · Võ hiệp
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86 Chs

Chapter 67 - The Last Uniform?

September 8th, 2017

11.35 am, Key West Cemetery, Florida

"No parent should ever have to bury their child." Max Smith says.

The bright sun clashes with the gloomy atmosphere. Tombstones serve as stone tablets for those who are below the green lawn, the long gone but never forgotten.

"Never could I imagine that those words would one day apply to me." Max says to the audience.

A group of a few dozen people encircles Max, who is positioned in front of a casket that is covered with the American flag. Right beside is a freshly dug rectangular pit in the dirt. The nearby crowd watching Max numbers less than 50, some of whom wear dark military attire while others wear dark civilian attire. Dr. Wong and General Beggingson are also present.

Further out, past the military security, is a group of over 200 stragglers that easily outnumber those formally invited around the casket. A separate yet still noticeable group are the reporters who are busy snapping pictures and recording videos. Standing apart from this group is Ruthless, her hands are empty so even though the badge around her neck identifies her as press she isn't documenting the funeral.

Meanwhile, Max stands holding his wife's left hand with his right while staring at the flag-covered casket. Yuki struggles to hold back her tears while Max's eyes are red yet no tears fall as he speaks.

"This moment is my," Max says as he squeezes Yuki's hand, "Our worst nightmare realized."

"Alena loved the ocean. She loved the environment. She loved people." Max says, "She never shied away from being brave, going out of her way to stand up for what she believed was right."

"When she was a child, she would wake me up early to take her to go and see boats docking." Max says with a chuckle, "She loved ships, and eventually she fell in love with the Navy."

"Soon enough, our little ray of light wanted to serve." Max continues with a sigh, "And when Irina decided on something, no one could dissuade her. But oh, I tried. Her innocence was too good for war, so I fought with my baby girl. Ultimately, a compromise was reached. The battlefield would not be for her... but she could serve on a base, preferably on home soil, as a civilian."

"I had hoped she would be safe." Max says after a pause, "This... was too soon. The Navy was her life's love, and now it is her last uniform."

"Alena only wanted to do what she believed was right." Max says, "Yet now, we must bury her... The heavens have taken back its angel, our little dove of peace, forever."

Silence follows as Max stares intently at the flag-covered casket. Max sighs, then turns to Captain Mark Keyes and gives a nod. Captain Keyes nods in response then turns to the well-dressed Navy Honor Guard holding a shiny trumpet a distance away and nods. The Navy Honor Guard raises the trumpet to his lips and blows, breaking the silence and filling the air with the sombering song "Taps".

Two other Navy Honor Guards step forward and lift the American flag off the dark brown casket. They begin the flag presentation protocol, folding the flag with taut discipline from opposite ends to eventually meet in the middle. The trumpet ends yet the Honor Guards continue until the flag is finally folded into a triangular shape.

One Honor Guard gives his corner of the flag to the other then gradually salutes as the last man puts finishing touches. This Honor Guard nods then turns and moves in disciplined grace to Captain Keyes. Captain Keyes receives the flag then the Honor Guard salutes. Captain Keyes nods then makes his way to Max.

Observing all of this from further away and in relative seclusion from the stragglers is Team Six dressed in similar dark suits, hats, and sunglasses. Despite the almost half-mile distance, Fire, Shade, Quake, Wave, Spectrum, and Aviator are able to see and hear the ongoing funeral far from immediate prying spies. They all watch solemnly, each in their own thoughts.

"Get what you can from homebase." Fire says softly, "It will be awhile until we can go home."

"Understood." Spectrum responds.

"And check on the kids." Wave requests, "Please."

"You know I will." Spectrum says.

"Everyone, take the rest of the day off." Fire says with a sigh, "Regroup at 0900 tomorrow."

Back to the centre of the funeral, Captain Keyes hands the flag to Max and says, "On behalf of the President of the United States, the United States Navy, and a grateful nation, please accept this flag as a symbol of our appreciation for your loved one's honorable and faithful service."

Yuki sobs as Max receives the flag, embracing it against his chest. Everyone watches as the casket is lowered into the earth. Within it is Alena Smith, another dead who joins the rest in rest.