
A New Found Strength

12 Noon - 18 October 2020

Seung hyuk is ready to explore another dungeon with his new found strength, he bought a sword other than Excalibur because he figured that it was to flashy. He had yet to develop this new skill King's Swordsmanship.

12:30 Noon - 18 October 2020

With both swords clutched in both hands a regular one and the all to great Excalibur; Hyuk entered the portal this time it was not a cold breeze but fiery hot magma, he was in the layer of the magma sharks. As it was hot hyuk couldn't summon his ice shard even though fire was at the same level of ice which stood next to next to it as one of the 3 core elements. Magma was an evolved version of fire while the evolved version of ice is pure ice an ice monster couldn't stand a chance at a magma monster. 'Whoosh' an large magma golem jumped out of the lava splashing magma everywhere, 'whoosh' the monster swung his fits full of magma. Seung hyuk took out his sword and charged at the monster 'ahhhhhh' he shouted jumped and used holy strike. It did considerable damage; 1/4th of the monsters health was gone.

12:40 Noon - 18 October 2020

After a few minutes of fighting hyuk finally defeated the magma monster and added it to his collection the monster was an elite knight (B rank) and also very strong. He climbed on top of the monster and ran around destroying other monsters and collecting them till he had 5 magma golems and 18 fire soldiers although the fire soldiers was an soldier level (D rank).

1pm - 18 October 2020

Seung hyuk came out with multiple monster cores and tons of mana ore. He sold all of this for 10 million won. Now he had a lot of money but no family to spend it on so he went to buy new gear first he upgraded his sword (the other one not Excalibur). He bought some rings to help him grow stronger.

2pm - 18 October 2020

Seung hyuk went inside another dungeon and farmed exp to level up he was level 23 according to the system that gave him notifications. He killed monsters until the date was 25 October 2020 on earth (7 days total). He spent the whole week killing monsters and eating their flesh ( it tasted disgusting). All the monsters in the dungeon he was in were extremely strong and since he went alone it was harder than expected but even after killing the boss on day 2 he stayed there kill the other monsters and collecting their loot.


I have exams coming up so i have to take a break from writing thats also why i havent been writing that much lately. after my exams, it ends on november 26 the exams end that day im gonna try to write a chp by the 11th but dont worry ill make it 1000 words probably more. also the next chapter will be the last as i feel that this book is to cliche and very similiar to another thing that i read.

denthavetocreators' thoughts