
LEGEND OF THE INFINITY: The world of the holders

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4 Chs

CHAPTER 3: The unexpected companion

"Sip...sip..." As the leader of the village, Damarcus drink's coffee and looking at the reports, sudenly a village guard barge's in.

Village gaurd: sir!! there's an urgent matter!

Damarcus: whoa! slow down cowboy.

Village gaurd: sir, come with me.

The village guard and Damarcus walks on top of the hill and saw a dust cloud from afar and also saw horses coming to their village

Damarcus: sound the alarm! let the village people stay inside their house.

"Thu, thud ,thud" the village guard and Damarcus are running towards the village.

Damarcus: how many gaurds are left!?

Village gaurd: ten of us sir.

Damarcus: great, get them and also bring Cedric!

Village gaurd: yes sir..... gaurds hurry bring your weapons, go the gate immediately sir Damarcus is waiting for you.

Other village guard: where are you going?

Village gaurd: I'm going to get sir Cedric, do you know where he is?

Other village guard: his beside a tree, you will see the tree in beside a mountain.

Village gaurd: thanks!

"Gallop, gallop, gallop" "neeyy"

Village gaurd: sir Cedric!..sir Damarcus is calling you, we need to hurry, it's seems there bandits approaching the village.

Cedric: what!?

Village gaurd come on sir let's go.

"Gallop, gallop, gallop, gallop" "neeyy"

Village gaurd: sir where here.

Cedric: Marcus! what's going on it's seems something is approaching.

Damarcus: everyone get ready, five of the gaurds stay on top of wall and prepare to fire, and the other five... prepare your sword's, and stand behind us will try to negotiate with them.

"Gallop, gallop, gallop, gallop" " neeyy"

Pika: dear village people I am Pika the leader of the group, please do not be frightened, because we are fellow villagers too, we evacuated our village. And we are seeking refuge, if you are kind hearted will all of you help us, for we are homeless.

Damarcus: where are you from?

Pika: we are from the northern part of Aeda, the farming capital of Aeda and where lie's the city of Geroma, and we live near the city a small village.

Cedric: and why did you evacuate!?

Pika: The royals have ravished our village, and burn our houses to flames, they claim they are looking for a man know as Cedric D. Ahmerhaus, and maybe by now they have also ravished other village's.

Damarcus realizes that they are looking for Cedric and worries for their safety.

Damarcus: hey Cedric the royals are looking for you what will we do.

Cedric: yeah I know, they've been killing and ravaging village's just to find me.

Damarcus: what will we do now!? you know it's been two months since you arrived here, who knows how long they have been ravaging village's.

Cedric: ok for now let's focus here, and on this people here too.

Cedric: how many are you people?

Pika: we are two hundred in total including me.

Cedric: ok there's houses beside that mountain you can stay there, until we and the other's decide what to do with you.

Pika: thank you! we are really grateful!

Pika: are those houses abandoned?

Cedric: some are, but the house on the side of the mountain is mine, you can also use my house.

Pika: oh ok!

While Pika and his group settled in, Cedric, Damarcus, and the elders have a meeting in Damarcus house for they will discuss what to do about their guests.

Cedric: ok let's start the meeting, all of you probably know already about the unexpected visitors right?

Cedric: this meeting will discuss what we will do with them, ok could anybody start with their opinion about this matter, state your opinion.

Damarcus: I think we should take them in because their homeless and finding a place to stay, and besides we are building a new clan right? we should have more people than just a hundred fifty of us.

A great statement their by Damarcus, but one person contradict Damarcus opinion and statement, his name is Galfar one of the elders.

Galfar: I agree with your statement, but...if we take them in there will be more risk's, the fact that the royals are searching for Cedric. It's possible that those people were followed by the royals, and there's a possibility that those people are part of the royals plan, to capture Cedric.

After Galfars statement, Ral one of the elders spoke up.

Ral: I agree with Galfar we...are not ready yet for the royals it's better to just lay low for now

Several days have past, and Cedric, Damarcus and the elders going back and forth. With the meeting about their visitors, two weeks have now past but the elders are adamant about their decision one month have past, Damarcus and Cedric are trying to convince the elders and finally after one month going back and forth Cedric and Damarcus finally convinced the elders to take them in their village. After that a meeting is held between Pika the elders, Cedric, and Damarcus to discuss the terms and condition's. And Pika is allowed to bring one man to be the witness of the meeting.

Cedric: welcome Pika this meeting is for you and your people, if you look to the right there's a piece of paper... this paper state's the terms and condition if you and your people are willing to be part of the village. I want you to agree at every condition.

Cedric: so Pika do you agree to the terms and condition's.

Pika: yes I agree... as long nothing bad is going to happen to me or my people.

Damarcus: don't worry... we won't, and besides there is no bad thing stated in that paper.

Pika: ok I Pika agree of the terms and conditions.

Cedric: looks like we're done here... have a great stay, make your self feel at home... because this is your new home after all.

Damarcus: it's a good thing we consulted your great grandfather The One.

Cedric: yeah I know it's a good thing The One is guiding us and asking his opinion made the elders change their minds.

"Earlier" "shouting!!!"

Ral: Cedric I am adamant about my decision!

Galfar: I to am adamant about my decision.

More shouting filled the room as Cedric and Damarcus are arguing with the elders..... sudenly a bright light shunned the room.

The One: my dear children's do not argue by something so simple... you shall accept them in your village because in the future they will come in handy.

As the light's fades away Damarcus and the elders were shocked, and the elders finally agreed upon the advice of The One.