
Legend of the Highschool : Oni of the Darkness

In a dark world, the infamous shadow twins emerge. They drift through the night, hunting tainted souls. No one knows their identities, their secrets hidden. Flawless yet flawed, they seek to end each other's lives behind their scars. As their paths collide, a gripping tale of mystery and danger unfolds. Prepare for a thrilling journey where light and darkness blur, and the pursuit of truth becomes a fight for survival.

Ixchelle · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

"YOU OWN A CAR!?" Miyu shouted at Tsukasa, annoyed with her own attitude of shouting at him, "Ughh... can you calm down for a bit, please? Yes, I have a car, and what about it?" Tsukasa didn't seem to see the problem, but Miyu still couldn't believe her own eyes.

"You're! I mean, you're just a regular high schooler, right!? How can you...?" Miyu seemed lost in her thoughts, struggling to find the right words for Tsukasa, "Do you think it's not normal for me to bring my own car?" Tsukasa placed his palm on his forehead, unable to believe how Miyu perceived him owning a car.

"Of course!" Miyu nodded in agreement, acknowledging the abnormality of the situation, while Tsukasa sighed at her "weird" reaction.

"Listen, here's the thing. Are you going to come with me and make it to school, or are you going to spend the whole day complaining about me owning a car and end up missing more than one class?" Miyu snapped back to reality, feeling the sting of Tsukasa's words as she realized she needed to hurry if she wanted to make it by 7:45, right after the first class.

"Uh... yeah... you're right, sorry..." Miyu felt embarrassed about her behavior and got into the car, keeping her head down and a noticeable blush on her face.

Tsukasa nodded and got inside the car. He reached into his pocket, grabbed the key, inserted it into the ignition, and started the engine. With full concentration on the road, he adjusted the rearview and side mirrors before turning on the AC and Stepping on the gas pedal as he drove away with Miyu.


A few moments passed in awkward silence between Tsukasa and Miyu. Miyu, in particular, felt unsure of what to do in this silent situation as they had been quiet towards each other for most of the way from her home.

For a while, Miyu attempted to break the silence by addressing Tsukasa, "Uhm... Tsukasa, isn't it?" Miyu initiated a conversation, but before she could continue, Tsukasa interrupted, announcing that they had arrived at the convenience store Miyu had requested, "We're here. Take your time, I'll wait for you"

Once again, Miyu found herself dumbfounded as she realized they had already arrived at the nearest convenience store close to her house, "Oh! Yeah... Uhm... Thanks. I won't take long, I guess..." Miyu nervously laughed as she spoke to Tsukasa, who was glancing at his wristwatch.


The busy convenience store was bustling with people grabbing breakfast or purchasing snacks. Miyu and Tsukasa joined the crowd as they arrived at the nearest convenience store.


The sliding door of the convenience store chimed with a distinctive sound, indicating the arrival of new customers. Miyu informed Tsukasa that she would be quick, mentioning that she only needed to pick up some sunscreen since hers had run out the previous day. She entered the store, leaving Tsukasa seated on a waiting bench outside.

As Tsukasa waited for Miyu, his phone began to ring.


Tsukasa took out his phone from his pocket and checked the screen to see who was calling him.

[Unknown Number is calling...]

Tsukasa stared at his phone for a moment, searching for a secure place, before picking it up and answering the call.

"Tsukasa~~, darling! How have you been?" A woman's voice with a teasing tone could be heard from the other side of the phone. Tsukasa's expression turned serious as he recognized exactly who was speaking to him.

"Tch... What do you want?" Tsukasa replied with a cold and intimidating tone, hoping to avoid being dragged into something he didn't want to be involved in.

"Kyaaaaa, Scaarryyyyyyyy~~ You don't have to be that scary when you talk to me, right~~? Otherwise, I'm going to punish you~~" the woman teased. However, Tsukasa was not amused and felt annoyed by her teasing, "*sigh* Quick, tell me what you want and get it over with, Aiko"

Tsukasa, who had been increasingly annoyed throughout the phone call, noticed a change in Aiko's tone, "The Consortium has started to make their move. You might want to be cautious with your actions, Tsukasa" she warned. Upon hearing this information, Tsukasa's eyes sharpened, and his instincts kicked in.

"The Consortium?" Tsukasa repeated, still unsure about who or what they were. Aiko then mentioned "You definitely remember about "The Ojou" right?" triggering a memory in Tsukasa's mind. It reminded him of the night when he had faced an unknown entity trying to obstruct him.


"We finally meet, Chronoir! Are you still intent on playing another game of justice?" Miyu confronted Tsukasa, her twin swords tightly gripped in her hands. She wore an oni mask, adding an air of mystery to her presence.

Tsukasa, unfazed by her words, firmly planted his scythe into the ground and assumed a defensive stance. With a determined look in his eyes, he gestured with his hand, signaling his readiness to face her head-on, as if saying "bring it on!"

"I never expect for a small fry to appear" Tsukasa's teasing demeanor persisted as he threw a mocking comment at the girl, further fueling her frustration. In response, she clenched her fist tightly and propelled herself through the air, aiming to strike Tsukasa down with a powerful attack,"Who do you call a small fry!?"

However, the attack proved ineffective against the highly trained vigilante. With his exceptional agility and reflexes, Tsukasa effortlessly dodged the oncoming strike, smoothly evading the attack as he swiftly bent his body to the side.

Tsukasa jumped back down, swiftly evading the incoming attacks with a graceful movement. With a playful tone and attitude, he wiped his clothes as if brushing off the dust, not showing any signs of being bothered by the girl's aggressive assault, "You almost make my clothes dirty you know?"

When she heard the mockery from Tsukasa, anger started to boil within her chest. The frustration of being underestimated fueled her determination, and she intensified her attacks with even more ferocity, aiming to prove him wrong.

Without giving Tsukasa a moment to catch his breath, Miyu continued her relentless assault. Her movements were fluid and swift as she swung her sword one after another, aiming to overwhelm Tsukasa with her relentless attacks.

With a swift and determined motion, Miyu lunged forward, her muscles tense and focused. Closing the distance between herself and Tsukasa, she exhibited her skill and agility, ready for the impending clash. The air crackled with anticipation as they prepared to face off, "I don't care about your clothes. All I care about is taking your life!"

Tsukasa, who had been dodging and deflecting the girl's attacks, caught sight of Edgar attempting to escape during their fight, "What a big brain jerk" Tsukasa smirked as he observed Edgar's actions. However, as he turned his attention back to the girl, a flying blade was heading in his direction.

Maintaining his composure, Tsukasa swiftly rolled onto his back and extended his leg, forcefully kicking the flying blade with his bare leg. The impact caused Miyu to stagger back slightly. "Averting your eyes in the middle of a battle? What an amateur!" Miyu taunted Tsukasa before resuming her assault with her twin swords.

In the midst of the intense battle, Tsukasa managed to catch a glimpse of Edgar, who was already making his escape. Determined not to lose track of Edgar, Tsukasa utilized his agility to search for an opening in Miyu's attack pattern while gracefully evading each strike, "Come on now! Focus on your opponent! otherwise i can easily take your live!" Miyu, with her eyes glowing in red, continued to taunt Tsukasa.

But after a few dodges in an attempt to find an opening, Tsukasa finally seized his chance and exclaimed, "GOT YOU!!!"


Tsukasa swiftly threw his knife towards the direction where Edgar was running away. The knife found its mark, creating a gap in Miyu's attack pattern as she momentarily recoiled in surprise.


"ARGHHHHHH!!!" Edgar's scream pierced the air as Tsukasa's knife found its mark in his neck. The mysterious girl's eyes widened in shock as she realized that Tsukasa's target was not her, but the person standing behind her.

With an excruciating pain in his neck and blood splattered everywhere, Edgar fought desperately for his life, crawling on the ground with the last remnants of his energy.

"What can you possibly achieve with such an arrogant and vicious attitude?" Miyu shouted at Tsukasa and lunged forward once again to attack him, but once again, Tsukasa effortlessly dodged her attack.

"Why did you commit such monstrous acts? What is your intention behind all of this?" Miyu's voice echoed with frustration as she demanded to know Tsukasa's true intentions, but he remained silent, refusing to indulge her curiosity, "Are you simply enjoying killing these criminals without giving them another chance to change?"

"Answer me!!" She shouted even louder than before as she once again dashed forward, attempting to inflict damage on Tsukasa. However, there was one thing she failed to realize.

Tsukasa had been holding back since the beginning of their confrontation, not taking the fight seriously. However, the moment she shouted, Tsukasa summoned a sword and unsheathed his new sword and pounced towards her with newfound determination.


The swing from Tsukasa was so powerful that she struggled to hold it off, causing her to back off from her original position. She was once again shocked by his strength and the force behind his sword swing, "Since whe-?" Tsukasa didn't give her a chance to finish her word and launched a relentless onslaught, causing her to struggle to keep her balance as his attacks grew increasingly fluid and powerful with each strike..

Eventually, she was overwhelmed by Tsukasa's relentless assault and was thrown back, unable to withstand the force of his attacks,"What could you achieved with such a puny powers!?" Tsukasa's eyes gleamed with a murderous aura as he swiftly disappeared into the shadows, blending seamlessly with the darkness of the alleyways.

Miyu quickly regained her composure and sprinted towards the spot where Tsukasa had vanished, her eyes scanning the nearby area in an attempt to prevent him from escaping.


While she was still trying to locate Tsukasa, a chilling sound of flesh being torn apart reached her ears from behind. Turning around, she found Tsukasa holding the severed head of Edgar in his hand, his gaze filled with a cold, murderous aura.

"Besides, it can be quite satisfying to get rid the corrupted souls when you know the extent of their sins" Tsukasa spoke, his voice laced with a haunting calmness

"Isn't that right? Ojou!?" Tsukasa smiled at her like a psychotic lunatic, while showing her an identity card with the words "Oni No Ojou" [Young Lady of the Oni in Japanese] She felt a chill run down her spine as she realized that Tsukasa had already retrieved his scythe and thrown the decapitated head.

"We shall crossed our path again soon young lady!" Tsukasa laughed creepily before disappearing into the dark alley, only to reappear moments later with his bike's engine revving, passing above her.

Frustrated and humiliated by Tsukasa, Miyu shouted at the top of her lungs before swinging her twin swords recklessly and randomly in a fit of anger.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she shouted once again to the moon, "I SWEAR!! ONE DAY!! YOUR LIFE WILL BE IN MY HANDS!! I SWEAR!!"