
Bored as hell!

In the vast universe, in an unknown place far away from any living beings. A place that is full of a void and emptiness. That place had no life, no moon, no sun, no stars. In such an environment anyone will die without any doubt, well... anyone but an absolute existence. That existence was living in that place for a long time, and who knows how long he was there. He was floating in the endless void. "Enough!" He yelled. "I had enough of this place! It's so boring!" He said Frustrated! Well, no one can blame him, he was floating in that place for thousands of years...

"Your Excellency! Please calm down your anger!" Out of the void, an incredibly charming voice sounded, a second after that a man appeared. Well, it will be more right to call him a young man.

He didn't look older than 18 years old. He had a long blonde hair that was shining like the sun.

His face was handsome to the point of being a bit demonic; It's hard to believe someone like that actually exists. His eyes were golden. "Your Excellency! Please don't get angry if there is anything I can do to calm down your anger, please let me know!" He said while kneeling on the void.

That being turned his head toward that man. "Stop being so noisy, Yang." He said with a little smile on his face, the man in front of him was his longtime friend and guardian, Tai Yang! He saved him once when he was fighting a mighty beast after that Tai Yang swore to follow him to the end of the world. And so he did.

Hearing that Yang immediately covered his mouth not daring to outer a single word afraid to anger his master! Seeing that Tian Tu couldn't help but flinch his brow... Yes, that extremely powerful being name appeared to be Tian Tu! No matter how many times he sees that he can't get used to it, Tai Yang actions are just too extreme... "You know yang; I told you many times you don't have to be so formal around me..." Said Tain Tu with a plain smile. Hearing that Yang immediately jumped in response! "How can I?! Your Excellency! You are the strongest, the wisest, and the most handsome existence, someone as lowly as me can't speak with you casually!" He said with determined eyes! He truly believed in everything he said!

Hearing that Tain Tu could only sigh in helpless, he couldn't handle Yang extreme nature, so he just let it be. "Pfft, You never change are you, Yang. Always acting like some kind of a puppy to Tian Tu." A voice that seemed to become from everywhere, hearing that voice Yang face changed. A man appeared, just like Yang he didn't look older than 18, his hair was long and red like blood. His eyes were crimson like a volcano.

That man was also extremely handsome, easily can make thousands of girls run after him, well his cold personality won't allow them that.

"Long Jingyi!" Seeing him Yang's face was red with anger, the man in front of him was his rival! "Jingyi, so you are here too?" Said Tain Tu with a helpless face, he knew that these two at the same place is going to bring trouble.

"Of course I'm here, you yelled strong enough to make anyone in this void to hear you. I'm pretty sure the others heard you too." He said with a knowing smile. Well, accurate enough a second later another man appeared. His hair was white like snow and reached to his legs; His eyes were crystal blue and bright like the sky, that man had a long sword in the right side of his waist.

He looked around, first, he took a look at Tai Yang, and then at Long Jingyi, and finally at Tian Tu. He greeted Tian Tu with a bow and said. "It's been a while, Leader." Said the man. "Yeah, it is, Li Xue, you seem to be fine."

Answered him Tian Tu, the man in front of him is also one of his guardians, Li Xue, and just like Yang he is very protective, tough, he is a lot more reversed, and a cool-headed. Tian Tu said with a calm voice "So, for how long I'm here, it felt like an eternity." He said with an annoyed look. "Your Excellency you have been here for 5893 years, 250 days, 52 minutes and 38 seconds. Said Yang.

Hearing that Tain Tu couldn't help but flinch... "How long...?" He said in a furious voice. Seeing that all of them glued. Even Long Jingyi... even though he spoke casually with Tian Tu he knew very well how it feels to get beaten by furious Tian Tu!

"Why you didn't tell me?... my promise with that woman was just thousand years. Why you let me wait in this hole way more I should have..." His eyes were glowing with a red color! Because he peeked on some girl and was cathed she made him swore that he will be staying at a place without any living things for thousand years as a punishment, he complied with it because he felt that girl was really hurt by his actions.

Who would believe that almost 6000 years passed for no reason and he was still waiting here for nothing?

This the first chapter! Tell me what you think about the novel, if there some ideas you have for the storyline and stuff I would like to hear!


JyuDViolacreators' thoughts