
Legend of the Divine Archer

After being blinded and hunted by his enemies, former archer Yan Jin is ready to embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Pi. Prepare for heart-pounding quests, fierce competition, and the dao of archery taken to new heights! Join Yan Jin, a chaotic thrill-seeker with a sharp mind. With only his bow and arrows as weapons, he’ll take on powerful opponents, challenge entire kingdoms, and forge his own path to greatness in a land where power is everything Welcome to a world filled with blood, ambition, and unforgettable journeys! #smartMC #Gore #Mature #

Judejayden · Kỳ huyễn
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109 Chs

A try at Runes Forging

After that intense confrontation, Yan Jin seemed to have vanished from the border town entirely. Rumors spread about his disappearance, with no one able to pinpoint his exact location or what he was up to. However, one person knew the truth—Zhang Li. She kept his whereabouts a secret, benefiting immensely from the mystery surrounding him.

Yan Jin's public revelation as a Soul Master had elevated Zhang Li's status within the Treasure Pavilion. Her connection to such a powerful figure brought many seeking to curry favor with her. Gifts and offers of alliances poured in, but she had to turn them all away.

 Yan Jin was unavailable, secluded deep underground in a forge, crafting arrows with relentless focus.

At first, Zhang Li couldn't understand his obsession with archery. In her view, the path of the bow could never reach the apex of martial prowess.