

Author: Thanks for reading.



A bloody war broke out on an island.

The parties involved were average and great magicians, skilled swordmen, five of the most powerful magic schools in this world and demon Island.


9 friends who will be called One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight and Nine.

Easy to keep in mind, right?

Well, there was 8 males and one female.

Five of the most powerful magic schools mentioned earlier, five of the mentioned, were successors.

Six and Seven (The female) were childhood friends, travellers, after leaving their village.

Eight, a successor of one of the best swordsmith schools in the world.

And lastly, Nine, a successor of one of the most powerful sword art schools in the world.

These people (One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Eight and Nine) already knew each other and would meet time to time for a duel.

One could say, they were good friends, even though their schools were always competing against each other to prove the strongest.

One faithful day, as usual, they met for a friendly duel, which Eight excluded himself cause he thought it was childish.

During the battle between the six, they were attacked by a magical beast and were saved by the two (Six and Seven).

From that day onwards, the 9 became friends.

Like it was destined, Six and Seven later fell in love with each other and got married.

The world was no ordinary one. There are humans born with magic power, making it possible to use magic and there are humans who weren't exactly humans cause they possess abilities going beyond the definition of human.

They have the ability to turn into something that wasn't exactly human and this ability went beyond this.

Some's appearance, different from that of humans.

These humans were called 'Changers'.

Of course, and there are swordmen and swordsmiths.

Humans born to possess swords being great or ordinary.

And humans born to create swords almost like that from the heavens.

There are also humans born with skills, the ability to see something, feel something, create something,......well, we'll all know more as the story continues.

Getting back.........most changers weren't well received.

Because of who they were. Because of the abilities they possessed. Because of what they looked like.

Most ordinary people who were born normal with no abilities or powers feared them. Some religious groups making it almost impossible for them to survivor.

To save them, Six and Seven had the greatest idea.

If they could build a school, teach powerful changers how to control and use their powers, abilities, they could be seen as harmless and might later be considered as humans.

Inviting peace to the two lives.

They did, and it was a success. Many changers, all around the world, made their way there. Thinking this could help them be ordinary, be viewed as humans.

Be accepted and live an ordinary life.

Just so you know, among the 9 friends, only Six wasn't human.

He was neither an ordinary human nor a changer.

In fact, he was a demon. A demon born with the abilities and powers to destroy a world.

And they all knew about this.

However, they thought that would never happen. The man was too good, caring, had the kindest heart. And knew how to control his dark side. Born as a demon, named a demon king, he never behaved as one. Not once, was he seen as a vicious demon.

The eight accepted him, cause they knew the kind of person he was.

But then.......

As time went on, something changed.

And this change took place after the demon king decided to look for his family and found a clue.

This clue, changed his life forever.

No one knew where he (The demon king or Six) found the clue and he refused to say a word.

But he did bring back the clue.

A book.

After spending months on reading the book, finally, Six (Demon king) .....lost his sanity, completely.

It was like he was possessed.

He won't eat, drink or sleep.

He spent days and nights, creating something.

Something powerful.


Later, they found out from Seven, his wife that what he was creating was the very same sword he read about in the demonic book he found.

'Destrustion', that was the name of the sword in the book.

In the book, it stated, Six's kind planned on making this sword which could destroy the heavens and earth.

A powerful sword, just like a heavenly sword but even more violent.

A sword made of variety of tools and techniques with finishing touches being strong emotions of fear, despise, pain, anger and many evil souls.

Six acquired all this, however, before he could complete his creation, he was killed.

The last finishing touch was his blood, life and soul. And he was killed before he could do so as it requires, one willingly giving up his life.

In fact, all his students were affected by his craziness. His wife, who wasn't, told their friends about this and requested help.

She also explained how the students got affected.

Using his powers, he brainwashed everyone and she was the only one who could escape after sensing something wasn't right.

All their students turned against her and she barely made it out alive.

Her magic alone couldn't deal with thousands of people and that was why she went out her way to get help from their friends.

She wanted help to save her husband and their students,....... If not possible, put an end to them,........... her good friends did not fail her.

They took action right away.

Now the masters of their various schools, they gathered all their students.

Many other good and great magicians were recruited. Including average and great swordmen.

With that, they marched to the island where demon lsland was located.

And the war between the humans and the demons took place.

The humans won, none injured or dead but the demon Island suffered gravely.

Many from demon Island were killed.

And their leader, Six, was killed by his five best friends.

The remaining ones from demon Island, were locked up in the school by Seven. She used the key which she and Six created to lock up the school just in case things got out of hand or something went wrong.

Seven didn't have the heart to put an end to all the students, knowing it wasn't their fault and they were not in their right minds.

Also, they were her beloved students. Loved them like her own children. There was no way she could do that to them.

Afterwards, she gave the key to her friends which then divided into five and they each took one.

To keep it safe. And make sure demon Island was never opened again.

Seven felt she lost everything after her husband died.

Six wasn't just her husband, but her best friend.

Her first lover.

She was devastated, heartbroken.

She felt she couldn't move on anymore. And even though her friends assured her they were going to stay by her side.

Help her move on.

Help her have a life again,........she still chose the unthinkable route.


Seven killed herself.

With her husband's very own most treasured sword.

There was nothing the five could do and only watched as she took her last breath beside her late husband.

Remember, the story only said the five friends and Seven made an effort to stop Six and the students.

What about Eight and Nine?

The two other friends.

This is what happened.

They were present when Seven shared of what happened to Six and their students.

However, they took no part in the mission. After they heard the news, they left. Without a word.

And even after the war, they were still not heard of.

No one knew where they were.

What happened to them.

And the five friends never tried to find them.

They were considered traitors as they absented themselves during a time their friends needed them the most.

Still, many who knew of this story, still couldn't help but ask these questions.

What happened to them?

Why didn't they help?

Did they really abandon Six and their other friends or.....did something happen to them.

This is something we will never know........


They show again.



The story continues from twenty-five years later and it begins with a man.

And handsome man.

His good looks, over the top, number one on the board of handsome guy.

He's reliable, calm but not exactly calm.

Quiet but not exactly quiet. He's sympathetic but doesn't always try to show it, fearing he'll be taken advantage of.

He's devoted, warm and tender.

However, given his job, he doesn't show this side of his and always try to remain cold.

Then again,........that was all over. After all, just yesterday, he resigned from his job.

Guess now, he could show a little bit of weakest.

He was never weak. Could not be even if he wanted. His former job as a leader, as a fighter, never permitted him to be weak.

Weak,........we all know, humans, intent to take advantage of those weaker than them.

He never wanted to be in that kind of position.

Before, among his comrades, he would smile with them, laugh with them, joke with them, but when duty called, being superior, all that just couldn't fit in one piece.

He's a pretty peaceful person.

Aways has this peaceful aura around him. This,....... harmless, calming, peaceful aura around him, that makes it so easy for people to approach him.

However, only his comrades noticed this. Out, people found him dominant. Cold, aloof.


And totally, unfriendly.

Well, the outsiders who noticed this, are the very same people his job forced him to face.

He couldn't be seen weak or a perfect candidate to be taken advantage of.

His job was a serious one and though he rarely met ordinary people, this perfect portrait of himself, was better, judging by the kind of people he was dealing with.

'Inder Yuuki' Or 'Yuuki Inder' whatever you want to call him.

This is our handsome guy.

The now unemployed Yuuki just woke up from a dream.

Calmly sat up on his bed, before running his hands through his messy hair.

It seemed he was really concern about the dream he had but wasn't really discomposed or surprised.

Almost like he expected it.

Who wouldn't?

He has been having the same dream for a year now.

He still didn't quite understand exactly what it was about.

Sometimes, he would have nightmares of that horrifying day, and afterwards, have that dream.

Other times, it was just that dream alone.

Today, was one of those times.

He had both the nightmare and the confusing dream.

Of course, as usual, the nightmare was first to come.

...............Truth be told, he felt comforted.

Seeing that face. Hearing that voice........

Feeling that presence in his dream gave him a peace of mind. Comforted him from the nightmare he had.

Still,.............he was curious.

Dying of curiosity.

Who was it?

Who was this guy he has been dreaming about for a year now?

It felt like they'll meet.

Like they'll meet anytime soon.

He would be lying if he said he wasn't excited.

However, he still felt a bit off.


Cause it felt like, these feelings he had for the guy in his dream, was the same as what he felt for that kid............

(And guilt, took control over him again)


(And the face of the guy he always saw in his dream flashed in mind. Just like in his dream, he was smiling?

He was more excited to meet this person and he couldn't wait to find out who he was.

When and where were they meeting.

What the name of these feelings were.

He had all these questions in mind and knew,......... only time could tell.

And he wonder if he can make it to that time.

A devastated look on his face, he held onto his chest. Feeling sharp pains.

It has began, again, he could tell.