
Legend of the Cursed Mage

"Had I known what was to come, I never would have laid hands on that tome." Kael Voss, an ordinary man with no prospects, finds himself inexplicably transported to the magical realm of Anduron after touching an ancient tome. Unbeknownst to him, Kael was a legendary dark mage in his previous life, his death and the exile of his soul to a parallel dimension were the result of an ancient prophecy foretelling a dark mage who would bring chaos and destruction to the realm. Upon arriving in Anduron, Kael meets Luna Faraday, who introduces him to a prestigious magic academy. As he learns about his past and regains his lost powers, Kael embarks on a journey to reclaim his full potential, uncover the secrets of his past, and confront the treacherous path ahead. In addition to his magical training, Kael discovers that the ancient tome he found has granted him access to a unique system, which guides and aids him in unlocking his potential and mastering his powers. This system, exclusive to Kael, serves as a catalyst for his growth, helping him navigate the challenges that lie ahead and harnessing the abilities that once made him a force to be reckoned with. As Kael's power grows, he faces an impending showdown with the malevolent Lord Magalar, who seeks to eliminate magic and conquer Anduron. However, the true threat may lie within the darkness festering inside Kael, as the prophecy that once condemned him casts a shadow over his destiny. With the fate of magic and the realm in the balance, Kael Voss must rise above his humble origins to become the hero Anduron desperately needs. As he confronts the chilling prophecy that foreshadows his rise and the potential devastation he could unleash, Kael grapples with the sinister force that threatens to consume him from within. Armed with the guidance of the ancient tome and the unique system it bestows upon him, Kael will forge a path to save the world from the darkness that threatens to engulf it. *** WSA Entry 150 Powerstones +1 Chapter 300 Powerstones +2 Chapters 400 Powerstones +3 Chapters

Shinji_Sama · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

Enchanted Armory

The next day, Kael, Luna, and Rorik eagerly made their way to the enchanted armory in town. The shop, known as "Grimoire's Magical Arsenal," was famous for housing an impressive collection of magical weapons and artifacts, catering to the needs of students and experienced mages alike. The three friends entered the cozy shop, its walls lined with rows of gleaming weapons and shelves filled with mysterious trinkets.

Stepping through the door, Kael's eyes widened in awe. The shop was a treasure trove of magical weapons, their surfaces gleaming with runes and symbols. He could feel the energy pulsing through the air, each weapon imbued with its own unique power. Luna and Rorik exchanged excited glances, eager to help their friend find the perfect weapon.

As they walked further into the shop, Kael noticed that the layout seemed to have been thoughtfully arranged. At the center of the room, under an enchantingly illuminated glass dome, were the most exquisite and expensive items. These weapons and artifacts, adorned with precious gems and intricate designs, were clearly beyond the means of the average student. Kael could see that they were reserved for those with deep pockets and a taste for luxury.

Luna gently nudged Kael, gesturing towards the outer edges of the shop where the prices seemed more reasonable. "Come on, let's check out this section. There's bound to be something here that's just right for you, and, more importantly, within our budget."

Kael, Luna, and Rorik made their way through the aisles, browsing the more affordable wares. The weapons here were still impressive, but they lacked the ostentatious display of wealth and power found in the center of the shop. These were practical items, designed to be wielded by mages who valued function over form.

They passed by a display of enchanted daggers, their blades shimmering with a faint magical aura. Further down the aisle, they came across a selection of enchanted bracers and protective amulets, each imbued with spells to shield their wearer from harm. Luna pointed out a row of magically reinforced quivers that could hold an infinite supply of arrows, perfect for an archer like herself.

Rorik led Kael to a display of staffs, their shafts adorned with various gemstones and carvings. "These staffs are excellent for channeling spells, Kael. And the gemstones help focus the energy, making your spells more potent."

Luna pointed to a collection of intricately crafted daggers. "Or you could try a dagger, Kael. They're perfect for precise assassination and can be easily concealed." Kael was taken aback at how Luna can have such a smile on her face while talking about assassination.

Kael studied each weapon they suggested, but nothing felt quite right. He couldn't shake the feeling that something else was calling to him.

Rorik, with a mischievous glint in his eye, suggested a wand made from the rare and flexible dragon heartstring. "This one's perfect for casting quick and precise spells. Just think of the havoc you could wreak with it!"

Kael chuckled at Rorik's enthusiasm but declined the wand as well. "I don't think that's quite what I'm looking for."

As they continued browsing, Kael's gaze fell upon a pair of gauntlets tucked away in a shadowy corner of the shop. They seemed to beckon him, an irresistible pull drawing him closer. The Dark Gauntlets were made of a sleek, obsidian material, etched with runes that shimmered with a sinister glow. Kael could feel the dark energy emanating from them, yet he felt an inexplicable connection.

Luna and Rorik joined him, their eyes wide with curiosity. "Kael, what is it?" Luna asked, sensing his fascination with the item.

"I... I'm not sure," Kael replied, his voice filled with wonder. "But I think this is the weapon I've been searching for."

The shopkeeper, an elderly mage named Grimoire, noticed their interest and approached them. "Ah, I see you've found the Dark Gauntlet. It's a rare and powerful artifact, young man. This pair of gauntlets enhances its wielder's hand-to-hand combat abilities and allow the user to infuse their strikes with dark energy creating devastating attacks. It's not for the faint of heart, but if you feel a connection with it, perhaps it's meant to be yours."

Rorik, noticing Kael's interest, tried to negotiate the price with the shopkeeper. "How much for the Dark Gauntlets?" he asked, hoping to drive a hard bargain while rubbing his hands together preparing for a verbal war.

The shopkeeper, eyeing the gauntlets warily. "They're quite powerful, but they've been here for quite some time. No one's shown interest in them due to their dark energy and ominous aura. I suppose I could let them go for two gold EC."

Kael hesitated for a moment, considering the price and potential consequences of wielding such a powerful and dark weapon. He glanced at Luna and Rorik, seeking their opinions.

Rorik, ever the bargain hunter, attempted to negotiate the price further. "Come on, Boss Grimoire. Can't you cut us a deal? How about one gold EC, you jolly well knows nobody wants this old gauntlet, don't leave it here to collect dust, and just give us a good deal so we can take it out of your hands!"

The shopkeeper's eyebrows shot up, and he scoffed, clearly agitated. "One gold EC? Are you joking, young man? This is a rare and powerful artifact we're talking about! I'm already losing money on this as it is!" Grimoire crossed his arms, shaking his head at Rorik's audacity.

Rorik immediately apologized, his eyes wide and sweat dripping down his face. He waved his hands frantically, trying to smooth things over. "Ah, sorry, sorry Boss! I didn't mean to offend you. It was just a thought!"

Kael, feeling the connection with the Dark Gauntlets growing stronger, finally spoke up. "I'll take them," he said, his voice filled with determination. He handed over the two gold EC and carefully slipped the gauntlets onto his hands. They fit perfectly, as if they had been crafted just for him.

[System Message: Ding! Achievement unlocked: "A Weapon of Your Own" Reward: 500 EXP and 1 Gold EC.

Congratulations! You have found a weapon suited for yourself. Your journey ahead will be accompanied by the power of the Dark Gauntlets.]

[System Message: Ding! 2 Gold EC Spent. Current balance: 0 Gold, 5 Silver, 6 Copper

You have spent 2 Gold EC on the Dark Gauntlets, leaving you with a remaining balance of 0 Gold, 5 Silver, and 6 Copper. Spend wisely and continue your journey to greatness.]

Grimoire nodded, satisfied with the transaction, and wished them luck on their journey. With the Dark Gauntlets now in his possession, Kael hope to improve his combat abilities for the tough journey ahead.