
Legend of the Cursed Mage

"Had I known what was to come, I never would have laid hands on that tome." Kael Voss, an ordinary man with no prospects, finds himself inexplicably transported to the magical realm of Anduron after touching an ancient tome. Unbeknownst to him, Kael was a legendary dark mage in his previous life, his death and the exile of his soul to a parallel dimension were the result of an ancient prophecy foretelling a dark mage who would bring chaos and destruction to the realm. Upon arriving in Anduron, Kael meets Luna Faraday, who introduces him to a prestigious magic academy. As he learns about his past and regains his lost powers, Kael embarks on a journey to reclaim his full potential, uncover the secrets of his past, and confront the treacherous path ahead. In addition to his magical training, Kael discovers that the ancient tome he found has granted him access to a unique system, which guides and aids him in unlocking his potential and mastering his powers. This system, exclusive to Kael, serves as a catalyst for his growth, helping him navigate the challenges that lie ahead and harnessing the abilities that once made him a force to be reckoned with. As Kael's power grows, he faces an impending showdown with the malevolent Lord Magalar, who seeks to eliminate magic and conquer Anduron. However, the true threat may lie within the darkness festering inside Kael, as the prophecy that once condemned him casts a shadow over his destiny. With the fate of magic and the realm in the balance, Kael Voss must rise above his humble origins to become the hero Anduron desperately needs. As he confronts the chilling prophecy that foreshadows his rise and the potential devastation he could unleash, Kael grapples with the sinister force that threatens to consume him from within. Armed with the guidance of the ancient tome and the unique system it bestows upon him, Kael will forge a path to save the world from the darkness that threatens to engulf it. *** WSA Entry 150 Powerstones +1 Chapter 300 Powerstones +2 Chapters 400 Powerstones +3 Chapters

Shinji_Sama · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

A Pathetic, Weakling Fraud

Upon realizing that he had absolutely no prior knowledge or experience with magic, despite his dark element affinity, the academy decided to enroll him in the Mana Meditation class with the General Class students. The purpose of this was to help Kael build a strong foundation in mana control.

Although disappointed with his F-tier result, Kael understood the importance of mastering the basics. He knew that his dark element affinity would be useless without proper mana control.

With the trio separating to attend their respective classes, Kael felt a mix of anticipation and anxiety. He knew that this would be the first step in his magical journey, and he was determined to make the most of it.

Kael nervously stepped into the classroom, his eyes darting around the room as he took in the unfamiliar surroundings. The walls were lined with shelves filled with various books and scrolls on magic, and there was a serene atmosphere that seemed to envelop the entire space.

As Kael took his seat, he couldn't help but feel out of place. His knowledge of magic and mana was practically nonexistent, and he worried about how he would fare in this new environment. He didn't have much time to dwell on his concerns, the instructor entered the room with a warm smile on her face.

"Good morning, students! My name is Professor Amara, and I'll be your Mana Meditation instructor. Today, we have a new student joining us," she announced, pointing at Kael. "Please give him a warm welcome!"

The students in the class exchanged glances, curiosity piqued by the boy who had an affinity for the dark element yet had scored an F-tier in the Magical Aptitude Test. A few students whispered and giggled, but the majority of the class seemed intrigued by Kael's unique situation.

"Today I'll be guiding you through the basics of magic. We'll be focusing on mana meditation, which is a fundamental practice for all aspiring mages."

Kael nodded, trying to hide his anxiety. "I'm ready to learn, Professor."

Amara began to explain the concept of mana to Kael. "Mana is the life energy that flows through all living beings, and it's the source of our magical power. By meditating and focusing on your mana, you can learn to control and harness it, which is the basis of all spellcasting."

Kael listened intently as Amara continued, "To start, find a comfortable seated position and close your eyes. Take slow, deep breaths, and try to clear your mind of any distractions."

Following her instructions, Kael closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. He struggled to keep his thoughts from wandering, his mind filled with doubts and fears about his ability to learn magic.

Amara noticed Kael's difficulty and gently encouraged him. "It's natural to feel overwhelmed at first, Kael. Just remember that this is a learning process, and it takes time and patience to master."

Kael took a deep breath, attempting to relax and focus his mind. He tried to envision his mana flowing within him, but no matter how hard he concentrated, he couldn't seem to grasp the concept.

Amara observed Kael's frustration and decided to offer some guidance. "Kael, it might help if you imagine your mana as a glowing light within your body. Visualize it growing brighter and stronger with each breath you take."

Kael followed her advice, but still, he found it difficult to sense any mana within him. His frustration mounted as he continued to fail, feeling increasingly discouraged and helpless.

Seeing Kael's disappointment, Amara offered a comforting smile. "Don't be too hard on yourself, Kael. Mana meditation is a skill that takes time to develop. It's normal to struggle in the beginning."

Kael sighed, trying to accept his failure as a learning experience. "I just thought that if I put in enough effort, I'd be able to do this," he admitted, feeling disheartened.

Amara reassured him, "Kael, it's important to remember that everyone learns at their own pace. With persistence and practice, I have no doubt that you'll master mana meditation and unlock your true potential."

Kael nodded, feeling somewhat reassured by Amara's words. He knew he couldn't give up, and he was determined to keep trying until he could successfully control his mana.

"Thank you, Professor Amara," Kael said, a newfound determination shining in his eyes. "I won't give up. I'll keep practicing until I can master mana meditation."

Amara smiled warmly at Kael's resolve, confident that he would indeed become a skilled mage in due time. "That's the spirit, Kael. I believe in you."

As Professor Amara left the classroom, Kael suddenly found himself surrounded by Corvin and his gang. They wore sinister smirks on their faces, clearly enjoying Kael's struggles.

"Look at our new F-tier clown struggling with mana meditation!" Corvin sneered loudly, drawing the attention of nearby students. "What a turnoff," he added, as Rafe delivered a swift kick to Kael's leg.

Kael winced in pain, but before he could react, Drystan grabbed him by the collar and hoisted him to his feet. Kael tried to break free, but the combined strength of Drystan and Rafe was too much for him to handle.

"Let go of me!" Kael demanded, his voice strained from the effort.

Drystan snickered, "Not a chance, loser."

Together, they dragged Kael through the academy's hallways and up to the rooftop, ignoring his protests and attempts to break free.

As they made their way through the corridors, Kael's classmates saw what was happening, but they didn't dare to interfere. They knew the ferocity of Corvin and his gang, and they feared the consequences of getting involved.

One classmate whispered to another, "Poor Kael... What do you think they'll do to him?"

The other classmate responded nervously, "I don't know, but we shouldn't get involved. Corvin's gang is dangerous."

They could only watch helplessly as Kael was dragged away, their eyes filled with concern and fear for their new friend.

As they reached the rooftop, Corvin's gang released their grip on Kael, shoving him roughly onto the ground. Kael's heart raced as he tried to think of a way to escape the situation.

Corvin began kicking Kael mercilessly, laughing cruelly as Kael desperately tried to defend himself. His physical body was too weak, and there was no way he could fight back against the relentless assault. Pain coursed through Kael's body with each blow, and he couldn't help but feel hopeless and overwhelmed.

"You think you're some hotshot with your F-tier potential and dark element affinity?" Corvin taunted, punctuating each word with another vicious kick. "You're nothing! Just a pathetic, weakling fraud!"

Rafe and Drystan joined in, their jeers and laughter echoing across the rooftop, further fueling Kael's humiliation and despair. Rafe sneered, "Look at him, can't even stand up for himself! Some monster hunter you are!"

Drystan, grinning maliciously, added, "You don't belong at this academy, freak. You should just crawl back to whatever hole you came from."

Kael clenched his fists, gritting his teeth against the pain and humiliation. Despite his sudden teleportation to a world of magic, he was still powerless against these bullies. He wondered if he would ever be strong enough to stand up for himself and protect those he cared about. The weight of his helplessness crushed him, and he couldn't hold back a sob as the pain continued to mount.