
Legend of Sarutobi Hiruzen

A young man dies and finds himself reborn as the third Hokage of Konoha. Read as he navigates his new reality, deals with various schemes all whilst working hard to develop Konoha.

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7 Chs

Third Hokage meets Third Raikage

Hiruzen Sarutobi stood silently by the body of Senju Tobirama, his heart heavy with sorrow and respect.

A generation of heroes will eventually perish, he mused, gazing upon the fallen form of his revered master.

For Konoha, Tobirama had been more than a leader; he was the architect of stability, the true pillar holding their village aloft.

While the legendary Senju Hashirama had laid the foundation, Tobirama had perfected Konoha's structure, solidifying its systems and institutions.

He had formed the Anbu, established the ninja academy, and created mechanisms to foster and protect their way of life.

Even the powerful Uchiha clan, always a potential source of conflict, had been skill fully managed by Tobirama, creating a fragile peace within the village walls.

If not for the chaos brought by the Nine-Tails' rebellion, the Uchiha's dissent might have remained a far-off concern.

But none of that mattered now—Tobirama's time was over. For all his strength and foresight, he, too, was bound by the limits of mortality.

Having taken the Six Paths ninja tools from the bodies of Ginkaku and Kinkaku, Hiruzen carefully sealed them away in a scroll.

As he turned back to retrieve Tobirama's body, his thoughts were interrupted by the sudden appearance of a score of shinobi before him.

Their presence was silent but oppressive, and their uniforms immediately gave away their identity—Cloud shinobi.

Hiruzen's eyes narrowed, his face hardening as a cold fury simmered within him.

These men, from the same village that had harbored the Gold and Silver Brothers, were, to him, unwelcome intruders.

With practiced ease, Hiruzen picked up Tobirama's golden Thunder Sword, gripping it tightly as he positioned himself between his teacher's body and the newcomers.

His gaze was fierce, and a deadly calm settled over him as he readied himself for battle.

Suddenly, a tall figure stepped forward from the Cloud shinobi.

He was powerful, his skin a deep bronze and his expression marked with both humility and resolve.

Hiruzen recognized him instantly.

It was Ai, the man destined to become the future Third Raikage of the Cloud.

Hiruzen took note of the irony—he was face-to-face with a man who would, in time, become both a formidable leader and a potential adversary for Konoha.

"Hold your ground, Konoha ninja!" Ai's voice was strong and clear, carrying both authority and restraint.

"We're subordinates of the Second Raikage. We mean you no harm."

Hiruzen's grip on the Thunder Sword remained firm, his gaze unwavering.

"What's this? Do you expect me to believe Cloud shinobi come with good intentions?"

His words were coated in venom, his anger as sharp as his blade.

"If you're here to finish what the Gold and Silver Brothers started, I'll make sure none of you leave this forest alive."

Ai did not flinch. His gaze moved to Tobirama's body, and he took a step forward, lowering his head respectfully.

"Is the Second Hokage… dead?"

"If you're not blind, then you should already see the truth," Hiruzen replied coldly, though a faint flicker of surprise crossed his face as he watched Ai bow in respect to Tobirama's body.

Ai turned back to his men, who stood uncertainly, tense and alert.

"Your Excellency, we mean no disrespect," he began.

"The Gold and Silver Brothers acted outside of Cloud's orders.

They betrayed their own village as well as the alliance with Konoha. I promise you; Cloud will account for their actions." Ai's voice was strong, unwavering in its conviction.

"Once this matter is settled, I will personally come to Konoha to offer our apologies and reparations."

The sincerity in Ai's words softened Hiruzen's anger, but his stance remained defensive.

His grip on the Thunder Sword did not waver, and his chakra radiated a lethal intent that even the seasoned Cloud shinobi could feel.

"I hope, for your sake, that your words mean something, Raikage-to-be," Hiruzen replied coolly, his tone holding a promise of vengeance should Ai fail to keep his word.

At Ai's command, the Cloud shinobi stepped back, forming a path for Hiruzen.

Ai's gaze remained firm, as though seeking understanding and recognition from his Konoha counterpart.

Without another word, Hiruzen lifted Tobirama's body onto his back, his movements steady and deliberate.

"I hope Cloud is prepared to keep its promises," he murmured icily as he passed Ai, not sparing him another glance.

He knew the future Raikage was not a man to be trifled with, but for Hiruzen, honouring Tobirama's legacy by returning his body to Konoha was of far greater importance than settling scores here in the forest.

This is not the end, he reminded himself. My sensei deserves more than vengeance alone.

As Hiruzen disappeared into the trees, one of Ai's shinobi, a young man with a conflicted look in his eyes, approached.

"Lord Ai… is it truly wise to let him go like this?"

Ai's expression was unreadable as he gazed after the retreating Konoha ninja.

"He's likely to become the Third Hokage," he replied.

"Konoha and Cloud have been at odds for years. If we shed more blood here, we would only ensure an unending conflict between our villages."

The young Cloud shinobi's face grew troubled.

"But… with the Second Hokage gone, wouldn't this be our chance to weaken Konoha?"

Ai's jaw tightened. "Konoha's forces are already overwhelming us. Even if we were to take down this one man, it wouldn't change the tide of this war. The surrounding nations—Mist, Rock—they would not hesitate to strike if Cloud weakened itself further."

He looked at his men, his tone firm.

"And even if we managed to capture the Second Hokage's body, we'd be sparking a fire we cannot extinguish. We need this truce with Konoha to survive. We would only ensure Cloud's destruction if we acted recklessly now."

A wave of murmurs passed through the Cloud shinobi as they considered Ai's words. One of them, casting a glance at the bodies of Ginkaku and Kinkaku, voiced another concern.

"What about the Six Paths ninja tools? Those legendary weapons… They could make a huge difference in battle. But they're… gone."

Ai's face darkened. He strode toward the bodies of the Gold and Silver Brothers, crouching to inspect the scene.

The weapons, once wielded by Ginkaku and Kinkaku, were nowhere to be seen. There was no sign of them amidst the carnage, and it was clear that they had been taken.

"Whoever has these tools now…" Ai muttered, his hands clenching into fists, "has a weapon of unimaginable power." He knew the implications.

With the Six Paths ninja tools in his possession, Hiruzen Sarutobi would be an even more formidable force, his strength amplified in ways that could shift the balance of power in the future.

The realization gnawed at Ai. Cloud had lost two of its mightiest weapons, and though the Gold and Silver Brothers had been treacherous and reckless, they had been powerful allies. Their betrayal had cost Cloud dearly.

"We'll address it when we negotiate with Konoha," Ai declared, his voice steely with determination. "The Six Paths tools are invaluable, and we must retrieve them, no matter the price."

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