
Legend of Perseus Jackson

When we finally got peace and humanity was doing 100 times better, some idiot decided to start the 3rd World War. The entire world became a battlefield and it was everyone against everyone. I went from a college kid to a science project of the government. I was made into the perfect soldier, and yet after all I did for them they killed me.. though that was not were my story ended, it was more like it began the moment that bullet killed me. Three Gods, Three Wishes, a new life and some crazy abilities. This is my Legend, the Legend of Perseus. This story is an inspiration from several different shows, books, manwha's and anime so Credit goes to were it is deserved.

PureBlood_King · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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62 Chs

Chapter 33

In social studies, as we busied ourselves with drawing latitude and longitude maps, I couldn't help but sneak out my phone. Turning on my phone it showed a family photo of everyone standing near the Statue of Liberty. I swipped over to my gallary where I clicked on a picture that featured Annabeth, it was taken during her vacation in Washington, D.C. She stood proudly, wearing denim shorts and a cropped white camp sweater. Her hair was up in a ponytail as she stood confidently in front of the Lincoln Memorial, arms crossed as if she'd personally designed the place herself. Annabeth had texted me this picture right after spring break.

Ah, let me explain. So the Hephestus cabin had figured out how to allow us to use phones, by replacing the metals with divine metals. Turns out it changed the electric current and the signals allowing demigods to saftly use phones withought being found.

I seriously wondered why they didn't try it in the books. Anyways, it was all Beckendorf's idea actually. He had took Nubia Red Magic 3 smartphones and transformed them into the first of many Odyssey-Tec

From what I heard the guy was building a giant dragon next or something. He really couldn't stop creating.

Anyways Just as I was about to shut off my phone, an unwelcome interruption arrived in the form of Matt Sloan, the resident school bully. He leaned over and snatched the phone right out of my hands. As his eyes widened upon seeing Annabeth's image, he couldn't resist making a snide remark.

"No way, Jackson. Who is that? She is not your—"

I clenched my fists and warned him through gritted teeth, "Give it back, Sloan."

Sloan, unfazed by my warning, passed the phone to his unsavory companions, who snickered maliciously. They were on the verge of about to break the phone, as if they could, when a heavy science book came crashing down, knocking one of Sloan's accomplices out cold. Seizing the opportunity, I retrieved the phone from their hand and slipped it in my pocket.

"I told you to give it back," I spat, anger simmering beneath the surface.

"You're such a loser, Jackson. Good thing I'm going to—" Sloan's taunting words were abruptly cut short as a well-aimed punch to his face rendered him unconscious.

"Gods, I hate bullies," I muttered to myself as the school bell rang, signaling the end of the class. I cleaned my fist with my shirt as if it was contaminated.

I grab my things and follow Taylor out, she opened her mouth to say something when I heard a girls voice call out. And I couldn't help but grin.


I motioned for Taylor to go ahead, assuring her I'd catch up with her in gym class. Once I was alone, I turned grabbed where I assumed there hand was and pulled the person into an empty classroom. I closed the door behind us before turning to the invisable person.

"Didn't know I had a stalker," I quipped, my voice filled with playful humor. "Though, knowing it is you, I really don't mind."

In response, the air seemed to shimmer and distort before revealing Annabeth in all her glory. She appeared somewhat exasperated but still managed to greet me with a warm hug.

"I'm not stalking you, Ghost-Fish," Annabeth retorted, rolling her eyes good-naturedly despite her earlier annoyance. "Percy, what's going on?" she asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

I took a deep breath, knowing I could trust Annabeth with my worries. "Grover and camp are both in trouble" I began, the weight of the situation pressing down on me. "I suggest we get back to camp soon, and if possiable sent a rescue team to get Grover."

Annabeth's eyes widened at the mention of Grover, her expression mirroring my concern. "What happened?"

"I do not now, not to mention I have to deal with the Laestrygonian giants," I explained, keeping my voice low. "They're hanging out with that annoying brat."

Annabeth's shock was palpable, but she quickly composed herself. "Laestrygonians in school? That's not good."

I nodded grimly. "Yeah, and that's not all. I've got a new stepsister, Taylor. She's a ogre."

Annabeth's eyebrows shot up, and she looked taken aback. "A Ogre? what is she doing her?"

I nodded again. "Exactly. And I'm almost certain she's the daughter of either Hades or Poseidon."

Annabeth's eyes widened even further, a mix of surprise and curiosity dancing in them. "Hades? Percy, that's... unusual. Don't think Hades has any relations to ogres."

I shrugged, feeling a sense of responsibility for Taylor's well-being. "Well, I'm not really sure to be honest. Only a hunch. I already plan to take good care of her, Mom and Paul practically adopted her the day they meet."

Annabeth studied me for a moment before speaking. "So, what's your plan?"

I sighed, feeling the weight of my decisions bearing down on me. "I'm leaving for camp today. I know something is wrong at camp, so I need to get there right after dealing with the monsters."

Annabeth nodded in understanding, her confidence in me unwavering. "I'll wait for you, Percy. We'll figure this out together."

"I will meet you outside the school, than." I responded.

Before she vanished, her invisible Yankees cap in her hand, she couldn't resist teasing me a bit. "By the way, it's cute how you look at my picture, almost looks like you are in love or something."

I felt my face heat up, and I stammered, "I, uh, didn't mean to... it's just... ugh, shut up!"

Annabeth chuckled softly, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Don't worry, Ghost-Fish. your secret is safe with me."

With that, she vanished, leaving me alone in the classroom. "Right, time to kill some annoying giants... and ruin a brat's entire life."

<-------------------------- >

I stepped into the gym, sporting the school's uniform: sky-blue shorts and a tie-dyed T-shirt. The gymnasium, with its echoing sounds of bouncing basketballs and students chattering away, felt like a world away from the strange and dangerous adventures I often found myself embroiled in.

Coach Nunley, a character who appeared to be plucked from a different era, held court at his small desk. His appearance was nothing short of ancient, complete with bifocals, a toothless grin, and a greasy wave of gray hair. If I squinted, he even bore a resemblance to the shriveled-up Oracle back at Camp Half-Blood, minus the green smoke, of course. Well, at least not that I had observed during his time here.

Coach Nunley finally roused himself from his magazine-induced trance. He shuffled some papers on his desk and cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the entire class.

"Listen up, folks!" Coach Nunley's voice was raspy and carried the weight of countless years of yelling at unruly students. "Today, we're playing a good ol' game of dodgeball. Now, for those of you who might be unfamiliar with the rules, pay close attention."

He went on to explain the ins and outs of the game, the objectives, and the basic strategies. Dodgeball was simple enough: eliminate all the members of the opposing team by hitting them with the ball while avoiding being hit yourself. Coach Nunley made it sound like a cross between a war strategy and a chess match.

My competitive nature kicked in, and I couldn't simply let Matt's earlier threat slide. "Earlier, Matt, you told me you would destroy me. Is that correct?"

Matt, wearing a smug expression, casually shrugged in response. "Yeah, so what?"

I could feel a challenge brewing, a desire to prove myself even in the most ordinary of settings. "Here's an idea," I proposed, my voice carrying a hint of determination. "Taylor and I will take on you and your newfound friends over there."

Matt's eyes practically sparkled with confidence. "Ha, this will be easy! Prepare to die, Jackson!"

"Now, before we start," the Coach continued, "we need some team captains. Jackson, since you're so eager to challenge Sloan, you'll be one captain. Sloan, you'll be the other."

"Ready to get murdered, Jackson!?" Sloan called from across the gym. I cracked my knuckled as I stretched my muscles seemed to make the uniform quite tight.

"The only one who is going to die is you, Sloan!" I laughed. "Right after I ruin your life and make you regret ever picking on my sister."