
Chapter 6

One day, after a particularly intense sparring session, Golden and Debbie approach Jaery, rubbing their arms and shoulders.

"Jaery, your blocks are too strong!" Golden complains. "We're trying to improve our skills, not get hurt!"

Debbie chimes in, "Yeah, can you please go easy on us? We're not Esimorp, you know!"

Jaery chuckles and apologizes, "Sorry, guys! I got carried away. Let's work on some lighter drills, okay?"

And so, the three friends continue their training, pushing each other to be their best, but also looking out for each other's well-being.

Jaery's blocks are actually a weakness in his Taekwon Do skills. Despite his determination and strong kicks, his blocks are inconsistent and often leave him open to counterattacks.

Golden and Debbie, being the supportive friends they are, notice this weakness and decide to help Jaery improve his blocking techniques. They start working with him on drills and exercises to strengthen his defenses.

Pilgrim, who has been observing from the sidelines, offers some valuable insights and tips, drawing from his own experiences. "Remember, Jaery, a good block is not just about physical strength, but also timing and positioning. You need to anticipate your opponent's attacks and move accordingly."