
Legend of Enchantment

"Fate is the chapter written on the paper of time, and we are the authors of our own."

xYUrxx · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Chapter 11: Night Hunt

After a month of relentless physical training, the students of Class F had significantly improved their strength and endurance. They had become accustomed to the high-intensity exercises, and while they were still tired, they were no longer as exhausted as they had been at the beginning.

Yet, they still felt disheartened because a whole month had passed, and they hadn't had the chance to begin actual magic studies. Every day, they watched students from Class A participate in advanced magic courses, mastering enviable magical skills, while they were stuck running laps, lifting weights, and training.

Eric Stone's heart was filled with frustration. Despite the increasing strength of his body, his heart yearned for more. He longed to learn real magic and become an outstanding magician. He often found himself gazing at the stars in the night sky, pondering his future.

The emotions of the students in Class F were complex and contradictory. They were eager to break free from their current situation, yet they also felt helpless. The Ice Palace was filled with mysteries and challenges, and they knew that only through constant effort could they access the deeper secrets of magic. The frustrations and helplessness during this period would be a part of their growth, precious experiences to draw upon in their future adventures.

On this day, their trainer, Christopher, announced a new task. "Children, the school needs some materials for use by other students studying magic. Therefore, Class F students are required to provide the school with these materials. To acquire them, you must venture out of the Ice Palace on nightly expeditions. This activity is known as the Night Hunt."

Christopher's words stirred up a commotion among the Class F students. They hadn't expected to participate in such an activity.

The students of Class F had mixed emotions. They were tasked with traversing the icy valleys in the dark, embarking on an adventure to collect various rare materials required by the school. It was a dangerous and unknown mission.

Christopher continued, "The Night Hunt is going to be a perilous task. You will be venturing into the Snow White Forest, where you'll find a rare plant known as 'Moonlight Grass.' This plant emits a faint glow at night and is an essential material for the school's magical research. You need to be cautious while navigating the forest, find this grass, and bring back a sufficient amount. I will lead you on the first Night Hunt, but all subsequent ones will be your responsibility. Remember, the forest at night is not only filled with dangers but also possibly inhabited by other creatures, so you must be careful."

"But..." Eric spoke up, "Why us? Why the Class F students? Why not others who are more capable? Does academic disparity truly render the lives of struggling students so insignificant?"

Eric's question resonated with the Class F students. They had long felt that they were treated unfairly due to their academic performance, deprived of the opportunity to access advanced magic and higher knowledge. They understood that in this world, power and knowledge were the most precious assets, but why couldn't they have more?

Christopher sighed, "I'm sorry, children, but these are the rules within the Ice Palace. The top students have more privileges and resources, while the struggling students often don't get to access advanced magic and are frequently assigned to menial tasks. So you must strive hard to break free from the 'struggling' label and become better individuals."

Christopher's response left Eric and the other students feeling somewhat despondent. The rules in the Ice Palace seemed to continually emphasize the inequality of knowledge and power distribution. They realized this wasn't a fair competition but a challenge for survival. Christopher's words made them realize that they had to work even harder to overcome their shortcomings and strive for more opportunities.

Eric nodded, "I understand. We'll do our best to complete the Night Hunt mission and prove ourselves." The determination in the students' eyes was evident. They were ready to face the challenge of the Night Hunt head-on.

Eric and the other Class F students donned their Night Hunt gear and picked up their equipment. They carefully made their way through the depths of the Ice Palace, preparing to embark on their Night Hunt mission. As the moon hung high in the night sky, casting its silvery light, the scenery around the Ice Palace became even more mysterious and grand.

The ice-carved buildings glistened in the moonlight, resembling a city of ice and snow. The students moved silently, their hearts filled with both curiosity and a hint of nervousness, for they would be facing the unknown beyond the walls of the Ice Palace. On this chilly night, the moonlight filtered through the icy walls, illuminating the ground like silver silk. The ice and snow reflected a faint light, creating a serene and breathtaking landscape outside the grand hall, quiet and still, with only the sound of footsteps echoing in the night air. The cold wind howled against the ice, adding an extra touch of mystery to this frozen world. It was a place of icy beauty, yet it exuded an aura of coldness and solitude.

Everything was unknown, and the only thing they were sure of was that completing the mission would provide them with more opportunities to grow stronger.

In the moonlight, Christopher and the students quietly made their way through the outskirts of the Ice Palace, and the moonlight illuminated the white snow, draping the earth in a silvery veil. The chill hung in the air, making the atmosphere of ice and snow all the more real, and they beheld the beauty and tranquility of the night. Tiny ice crystals sparkled like pearls scattered across the ground, like nature's treasures.

They trekked across endless snowy plains, where the snowflakes shimmered in the moonlight, gently covering the earth. In the distance, a group of snow creatures with a bluish shimmer leaped and danced on the snowy plain. These creatures seemed to be the guardians of the night, protecting this mysterious land.

As time passed, Christopher and the students neared their destination, a place rumored to be rich in magical resources. Eric's emotions were somewhat anxious as he didn't know what challenges awaited them on this Night Hunt.

"That's the Moonlight Grass," Christopher pointed to a cluster of grass shimmering with a faint blue light.

Moonlight Grass was a rare plant that bloomed only at night, emitting a faint magical glow, and it was used by magicians in various spells and potions.

Christopher took out his equipment and, with practiced ease, began instructing the students on how to collect the Moonlight Grass. He also explained the crucial role the grass played in magic preparations.

In the moonlight, Christopher's movements seemed agile and skillful, akin to a seasoned hunter. The students watched silently, striving to emulate his actions. Though a bit unsteady at first, they

gradually grew more adept.

Soon, clumps of Moonlight Grass were harvested, still shimmering in their hands.

The delicate and radiant glow of the Moonlight Grass seemed to infuse a sense of mystery and a unique power that emanated from these plants. It further fueled Eric's desire to learn more about magic, to harness these abilities.

Everyone collected the Moonlight Grass diligently, and in the process, Eric noticed something unusual. Hidden among the plants, he discovered a strange ring. It was definitely out of place, and for some reason, he recalled the man he had brushed shoulders with in the hallway.

Eric carefully bent down and picked up the curious ring. Its material was exceptionally unique, resembling an ice crystal, transparent and pristine. The ring's surface was adorned with intricate patterns and runes, which shimmered with a faint blue glow in the dim moonlight.

As Eric gently touched the surface of the ring, an immediate coldness penetrated his fingertips, as if he had suddenly been transported to a world of icy and snow. The chill gradually spread through his arm.

The ring was entirely translucent, radiating a pale blue light, and it was covered in ancient and mysterious runes. He held it in his hand, filled with curiosity, as it was clearly no ordinary magical item.

However, Eric also felt that the ring exuded an eerie aura, as if it possessed some supernatural power. He couldn't help but think of the mysterious man from before. Could this ring be related to him? Why had it appeared outside the Ice Palace?

Eric decided to keep the strange ring in his bag, determined to investigate its secrets upon their return.