
The Day A Kind Heart Died

On a beautiful sunny day, a young man could be seen rushing through a crowd of people. This young man had messy black hair and deep blue eyes. His name was Percy Jackson.

Today was extremely important to the young hero as today was the birthday of his significant other, Annabeth.

Percy knew how much the demigoddess loved sweets, even though she would always act like she didn't.

For a whole night, Percy waited outside of a famous store just so he could get the sweets early. Now that he had finished buying an assortment of different sweets, Percy quickly ran down town.

After the final battle against Gaia, Percy and Annabeth started living together. A year had seemingly passed by in a flash.

Reaching the lobby of his building, Percy panted as he quickly walked towards the elevator.

"Whatcha rushing around for Percy?"

Turning towards the voice, Percy saw his friend and protector, Grover Underwood. To the world, he looked like a cripple but to Percy, he was his best friend.

Percy quickly shuffled over and pulled him into a hug as he said, "It's good to see you Grover."

Grover hugged him back as he smiled, "Yeah man. It's good to see you too."

"Let me guess, your here for Annabeth's birthday?" Said Percy.

A grinned appear on Grover face as he said, "You know me Percy. When there's a party, I'm definitely gonna be there."

Percy gave him a strained smile as he knew all too well what Grover was talking about. Back at camp, Grover was always partying when he wasn't hanging with Percy.

He remembers more than one time when a bunch of sea nymphs had come over to his cabin with an unconscious Grover in tow. The things he had to promise those girls just so their anger against Grover diminished…

Shaking his head, Percy gave Grover a wide smile as he said, "Well, I hope your ready Grover. I have tonight all planned out."

Getting in to the elevator, Percy rest his arm around Grover as he started telling him everything he prepared.

By the end of his story, the elevator opened, reaching his floor. Percy quickly stepped out with a wide smile but stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Turning back, he saw Grover with a concerned look on his face.

"Are you okay Percy?" Asked Grover.

Percy tilted his head in confusion as he said, "Uh… yeah, I'm fine dude."

"That's not what I meant. Do you have the money to pay for all that? I mean, you even bought a…"

"A ring, I know."

Pulling the small black box from his pocket, Percy smiled warmly as he said, "I'm fine Grover. Don't think I've been idle since I defeated Gaia. I've been working non-stop, not just on my job but my combat skills as well."

Grover raised an eyebrow at this statement as he said, "Your combat skills? Percy, the world is safe. You literally already saved the world. Why would you be working on your combat skills?"

A sheepish grin appeared on Percy's face as he rubbed the back of his head, "Annabeth says that I should keep on top of my combat skills so I don't become rusty."

Grover released a long sigh as he said, "As long as your happy dude."

Percy gave him a pat on the shoulder as he smiled, "I am, Grover. I most definitely am. Now come on! We should go surprise the birthday girl."

To walk to his apartment was short. Just as Percy's hand landed on the doorknob, Grover's eyes suddenly widened as he yanked Percy's arm away from the door.

"What the hell man!?!" Angrily yelled Percy as he rubbed his arm.

Sweat dripped down Grover's face as he quickly said, "Hey! I have an idea! What if we go grab some lunch? Just you and me! For old time sakes."

Percy ignored him as he reached for the door once again. Obviously, Grover tried to stop him yet Percy was ready this time.

As soon as Grover grabbed his wrist, Percy pulled him back and tripped him. With Grover on the floor and struggling to get up, Percy put some weight on his back as he growled, "Dude, tell me the truth. Why the hell are you trying to stop me from going into my own apartment."

Grover continued to struggle for a few more seconds before coming to a stop. He gave Percy a sad smile as he hoarsely muttered, "I just don't want you getting hurt…"

Percy just gave him a weird look before hopping off him and walking towards the door. Pushing the door open, Percy was about to make his presence known when a soft whimper came from the bedroom.

His heart seized up in his chest yet he refused to believe the thoughts swirling in his head. Quietly, Percy snuck closer and closer to the door, his heart beating madly in his chest.

Now standing just outside the door, Percy shakily twisted the doorknob and softly pushed. The first thing that welcomed him was the raw smell of sweat.

It was like a punch to the face as Percy's face paled. Next, he looked to the bed and froze. For a single second, Percy's heart stopped.

On HIS bed was HIS girlfriend, having sex with some blonde stranger! Percy hasn't even touched Annabeth yet, and he's her boyfriend! She told him she wanted to wait for marriage, and he was fine with that.

The man pushed her into the bed face first as he pumped her from behind. A twisting pain along side a burning rage began to boil in Percy's chest as he stood at the door in shock.

Suddenly, the man came to a stand still as he said, "You still dating that loser? When are you gonna dump that water boy and get with a real adonis?"

Annabeth panted heavily from the bed as she sighed, "I was thinking of dumping him today. He's outlived his purpose anyway."

The blonde man seemed to fall into thought for a couple seconds before snapping his fingers as he said, "That's right! You said you were only dating him til he fulfilled his purpose. Now that he's finished it, he's outlived his usefulness to you."

Percy could feel the smile on Annabeth's face as she said, "I love how your smart AND handsome. Who would've thought that a son of Apollo could be smart?"

"Hey! I take offense to that, babe."

Annabeth suddenly leaned into the bed as she spread her legs wide and sensual whispered, "I guess I'll just have to show you how sorry I am~."

Before the pair could restart their love making, Percy had already left. He stomped pass Grover without even looking at the satyr.

Once he made it outside, Percy felt a flood of emotions wash over him. The anger melded with the sadness within him, giving Percy the feeling of seasickness even though he was on land.

Unknown to him, natural disasters were occuring around the world at an astonishing rate. Flash floods, torrential storms, heavy rain, tornados, as long as it had to do with water, it was happening some place around the world.

However, even if he did know, would he care? The answer would be no. He was honestly done.

Why did this have to happen to him? What did he do wrong? He did everything fate wanted!

He used to be an average american teen with dyslexia. When he learned he was part God what did he do? He accepted it and attended the camp for demigods.

What happened when he was blamed for being the lightning thief? He travelled across america to clear his name, retrieved the lightning bolt back from the actually thief and returned it to Zeus at Olympus, all before the deadline ran out.

He did everything that fate wanted of him, yet this is how he's rewarded? His 'girlfriend' cheats on him and breaks his heart and he fines out he was nothing more than a tool to her.

Is this the 'thank you' he deserves?

"You know what? This world could burn for all I care..." Percy muttered viciously as his eyes flickered a variety of colours, completely unaware of the single nymph watching him in sadness.