
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

chapter 40

Chapter Forty: Ascension

The demoness instructor, Ms. Lillith, stood at the front of the classroom, her presence commanding the attention of every student. She was a striking figure, her long, obsidian hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of darkness, and her crimson eyes seemed to pierce through the very souls of those who met her gaze.

"Tier 2," she began, her voice a sultry purr that sent shivers down the spines of the male students. "Congratulations to those of you who have made it this far. You have proven yourselves worthy of ascending to the next level of power and knowledge. But do not be mistaken; the path ahead is not an easy one."

Lucien listened intently, his mind eager for any guidance that could help him understand the complexities of the tiers and how to advance further. The encounter with the Watcher had opened his eyes to the vastness of the cosmos, and he knew that he needed every advantage he could get.

"To ascend to Tier 3," Ms. Lillith continued, "one must master the fundamental skills and knowledge of Tier 2. This includes honing your abilities, understanding the intricacies of magic, and delving deeper into the history and culture of our kind."

She paced back and forth at the front of the class, her long, pointed tail swaying seductively behind her. "But Tier 3 is not just about acquiring more power. It is about transcending your limitations, pushing past the boundaries of what you thought possible. It is a spiritual and mental journey as much as a physical one."

Lucien's thoughts drifted to his encounter with the Watcher, who had spoken of choices and destinies. He wondered if ascending to Tier 3 would bring him closer to the answers he sought, or if it would only lead to more questions.

"To achieve Tier 3," Ms. Lillith continued, "one must undergo a trial of the mind and spirit. This trial will vary for each of you, as it is a reflection of your innermost desires, fears, and ambitions. You must confront your own demons, both literal and metaphorical, and emerge from the trial stronger than before."

Lucien couldn't help but think of the literal challenges he had encountered on his journey, from the formidable adversaries he had faced to the cosmic mysteries he had unraveled. But he knew that the metaphorical challenges, the doubts and insecurities that lurked within him, were just as formidable.

"As you progress through Tier 2," Ms. Lillith continued, "you will also be expected to contribute to the knowledge and power of our kind. This means conducting research, uncovering ancient texts and artifacts, and even delving into the realms beyond our own. You will be explorers and scholars as much as warriors."

The idea of uncovering ancient secrets and exploring unknown realms intrigued Lucien. He had always been a seeker of knowledge, and the prospect of contributing to the understanding of the cosmos filled him with a sense of purpose.

"Lastly," Ms. Lillith said, "remember that power without control is a double-edged sword. As you ascend, you must also learn to master your abilities, to channel and direct them with precision. The reckless use of power can lead to disastrous consequences."

Lucien thought back to the battles he had fought, the destructive potential of his newfound abilities, and the importance of restraint and discipline became all too clear.

As Ms. Lillith concluded her lecture, Lucien felt a renewed sense of determination. The path to Tier 3 was not an easy one, but it was a path he was willing to tread. He had glimpsed the mysteries of the cosmos, and he hungered for more knowledge, more power, and more answers.

With newfound resolve, he knew that he would face whatever trials and challenges lay ahead. He would confront his own demons, both literal and metaphorical, and he would emerge stronger than before. The tiers were a reflection of his growth, his evolution, and his journey towards an uncertain destiny.

As the class continued, Lucien took notes diligently, absorbing every word of wisdom that Ms. Lillith imparted. The tiers were not just about power; they were about self-discovery, about pushing past one's limitations, and about embracing the unknown.

And so, with each passing day, Lucien walked further down the path of ascension, ready to face whatever challenges the cosmos had in store for him, and eager to uncover the secrets that awaited in the realms beyond.

Walking back he delved deep into the teachings he learned today, to become teir three he had to transcend all things like emotions having full control and conquering that which we fear but since he has a system it will be different for him and the few others who had to 'I think' not sure the requirements for the other system holders Lucien only thought of his and how to get stronger, to get to Tier 3 he had to maximise his exp levels. 'Maybe everyone has something like an exp, system holder or not and when they kill things of the same tier or higher maybe they get an essence of their enemies soul' he somehow felt like he was right on the mark to this theory, breaking out of his thoughts he looked up to see he had arrived at his destinations, a purple light district that layed on the city close to the school campus he was at a building that had a purple and red glow shining around the letters brightly.