
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

Chapter 29

Chapter Twenty-eight: Lowest realm

'Those eyes, they look so...so...so...' losing himself in what he was saying Lucien kept staring at the god Zeus, a hand suddenly touches his shoulder, turning round he saw a young, tanned black haired teenager who had green tips a sharp nose and pink lips on his face was plastered a big smile, his smile was so big it put scammers to shame and the glimmer of mischief hidden in his aqua green eyes spoke of boundless trickery and lies, "The names Loki I'm the god of mischief,trickery and deceit " stretching out his hand to Lucien he was about to shake his hand when Lucien was suddenly grabbed by another man, one who was fat yet muscular with a beard and a fierce look in his eyes, he was a harrowing giant with tattoes on his skin and a large hammer strapped to his waist one embedded with a symbol that seemed so profound yet simple that looking at him gave him a headache as power radiated from it" Don't mind him Lucien he is not part of us, Loki what business do you have here " Just came to see the man of the hour brother" although he retained a sweet smile that would put tooth models to shame he had a deep fire of anger within his eyes, it seemed he had ulterior motives to just shaking Lucien hand.

" Well I just came for a visit goodbye brother and nice meeting Lucien I sure do hope we become friends" after an eerie long silence Loki left their and seemingly disappeared. Looking at the burly man in front of him Lucien wondered who he was, as if hearing his thoughts the man turned to him and gave him a bright toothy smile completely contrasting to the grim dark one he had before. " My name is thor and that there was my brother Loki he did some things id rather not get into, well welcome anywa..." before thor could finish his sentence of greetings a figure wearing an eyepatch cleared their throat and thor kept quiet instantly almost freezing on the spot, saying his goodbyes he left to go stand by the man who cleared his throat and seeing as how the sequence went he was sure the mysterious yet oddly bright tanned man at the far end of the three seats was one powerful figure like the other two and beside him was a gree- skinned deity with a beard, partially mummy-wrapped at the legs wearing a distinctive atef crown holding a symbolic crook and flail , he radiated an aura of death ,despare and darkness.

" Ok we brought you here because you wish to enter the second tier, well We will help you but at a price of course. You see we are trapped in this realm and planet because some gods in the 6th realm was afraid of our powers so we created pantheon to find someone to bring us out of here" Zeus said in a somewhat friendly yet demanding tone and asked Lucien "Any questions ?" standing there dumbfounded about all the information dumped on him Lucien looked absentminded absorbing all the information before asking one single questions " You said something about realms what is that" instead of Zeus answering the man at the end who had been quiet throughout smiled brightly making the room a bit brighter and spoke " I am Ra and let me answer that for you mortal Lucien. You see as there are galaxies, universes, dimension and multiverses there are also realms. You see realms are that which exist on another plane of existence, like the realm of heaven although there's different heavens in each ones it can be considered a realm. The gods you have here are still part of the mortal realm and are bound by time albeit they age slowly, one year for them is like 20,000 for you. But that changes in the 2nd realm as they are now outside of time but can still die and we call those places the Lower heavens while the higher we call it the supreme heaven and there are seven heavenly realms. The seventh is the supreme realm where almighty yahweh's heaven resides, unlike the other realms which host other heavens the seventh only has one, , he is the creator of the heavenly realms and he is known by many names but we will get on that later. You see we were kicked out of our realm because it is everyone's dream to enter the seventh heavenly realm as that is where the pinnacle of all races reside like the Angel race which dates back, we know about the archangel Michael in your realm but he is mearly a avatar the weakest he has and he is considered the strongest in your realm that shows the the level at which you stand . But with us free and you bearing our powers what can stop us. we came from the 6th realm but we can't escape our prison as our power are sealed but we were able to put enough in the system to make you strong enough to free us and rule the realms " Realising the intentions of the pantheon and the possibility and realization of there being higher realms Lucien collapsed as his mind couldn't take the pressure.

The gods didn't heal him but allowed him to rest because that information was only meant for gods not mortal men.