
Three Rewards

Amidst the pain that Kyran felt, he could not help but gape stupidly after hearing what the overlapping voices had said.


"Training Results varies from C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, and Z. C and B will allow participants to choose one reward. However, the available chest participants can choose from will only be a bronze chest for C-results, while B-results grant silver chest.

"A and S results will allow participants to choose two rewards. A-results will grant silver chests, while S-results grant gold chests. SS and SSS results will allow participants to choose three rewards. The available chest for SS-results is gold, while SSS-results grant platinum chests.

"Last, participants who acquired Z-results will be allowed to choose five rewards. Wherein, three of the chests are of platinum chests, and two are of diamond chests."

The overlapping voices explained.