
Special Ops (1)


Before anyone from both sides could react to the sudden pressure, a guttural roar came from the enemies' rear.


"M-Move! Defend the rear!"


"Who the hell lured them?"

Panic-stricken shouts from the rear echoed and reached the frontline.

The Lumley Patriarch and the rest who heard the roar and the following shouts did not know whether they should be relieved or not.

With the forest beasts attacking the enemies from the rear, they would be forced to split their attention. While some focused on defending the rear, the Lumley Patriarch and the other leaders could focus fire from the front.

However, those forest beasts did not come to help. If some of them broke through the enemy lines, they would attack indiscriminately.

Or would they?

The Lumley Patriarch was suddenly reminded that Kyran could control a few legendary beasts.