

"I will employ the Mercenary Hall's assistance," Kyran told them, then looked at Stella before adding, "The payment will be the amount the item I gave you will fetch."

Stella's eyes widened, "T-That's a lot of money!"

Knowing the item Kyran spoke of, Vaness also agreed, "We already released an updated brochure of the auction, which included that item as one of the highlights. So far, the feedback from our usual patrons is huge."

"Yes," Emery second the notion. "Many sent their intentions of buying the item before the auction, and the offer had gone up to fifty million spirit stones."

Kyran raised his brows at the amount. He did not realize the Array Calculation he prepared to counter the new magic detectors could fetch that sum. Although the amount might have gone up because the Conclave made a prototype, he was positive fifty million spirit stones were a huge amount.