
Acquisition (10)

Kyran knew that going after the Armakea King directly was suicide, especially when he was surrounded by his aides, knights, and other subjects consisting of his family members. For this reason, he thought of drawing out the king's forces one after another before confronting the latter directly.

At least, this had been Kyran's thoughts while he was out venturing around the Armakea. He had yet to come up with a concrete plan on how he could draw out the king's forces when he was attacked.

When Kyran woke up, he admitted feeling stressed at the precious time he wasted lying unconscious. But after hearing the current situation from Cyneah, his Servants unknowingly did him a huge favor.

Others felt that Gael's sudden disappearance brought a huge problem to them since the King discovered Achim and Kesiah's movements. To Kyran, however, it was a godsent opportunity.

In any case, after analyzing the situation, Kyran guessed what the Armakea King would do next.