
Legacy of Phoenix

A sequel story to " The Ascendent". For more : Read Epilogue.

Joker_9724 · Kỳ huyễn
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152 Chs

Chapter 29: A Dangerous Path

Jay sat at the table in the cabin, spreading out the map he'd taken from the outpost. Owen and Elena leaned in to study it with him, their faces tense with concern.

"The meeting point is here," Jay said, pointing to the circled location. "A cave system near the edge of the forest. It's remote, but it has enough space for a large gathering. The Mastermind must be planning something big."

Elena nodded, her eyes narrowing as she considered the implications. "If the Mastermind is meeting with his lieutenants, it's not just about the artifact. He could be planning a major attack. We need to stop him before he gains too much power."

Owen rubbed his temples, trying to process the information. "We need to get there first. If we can intercept them, we might have a chance to disrupt their plans. But it's risky. There could be more guards, traps, who knows what else."

Jay looked at his friends, his voice calm but firm. "We don't have a choice. The longer we wait, the stronger the Mastermind's position becomes. We need to act now, while we still have the element of surprise."

Elena nodded in agreement. "Then let's move quickly. We'll need to be stealthy, but also prepared for a fight. We can't let the Mastermind get away this time."

They packed their gear, taking only what they needed for the journey. Jay led the way out of the cabin, his senses on high alert. They moved through the forest, keeping to the shadows and avoiding any signs of patrols.

The journey to the cave was challenging. The terrain was rugged, with steep inclines and dense foliage that made progress slow. As they traveled, they discussed their plan of attack, knowing they had to strike fast and hard.

When they reached the cave's entrance, they could see signs of activity. A few guards stood watch, their weapons at the ready. Jay signaled for everyone to stay low and quiet as they observed the situation.

"Looks like the meeting hasn't started yet," Owen whispered. "We might have a chance to get inside before they gather."

Jay nodded, his eyes scanning the area for a way in. "We need to find a back entrance or a way to distract them. If we can get inside undetected, we might be able to take out the guards before they can raise the alarm."

Elena pointed to a narrow path leading around the side of the cave. "That could be our way in. It's risky, but it might be our best shot."

Jay considered their options, weighing the risks. They couldn't afford to be seen or heard, but they also couldn't waste any time. He made his decision.

"Let's go," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Stay close and keep quiet. We need to move fast."

They followed the narrow path, keeping to the rocks and avoiding any loose gravel that might give away their position. As they moved, they could hear voices from within the cave, suggesting that the Mastermind's lieutenants were arriving.

The path led them to a hidden entrance, partially obscured by vegetation. Jay carefully pushed aside the foliage, revealing a small opening. It was tight, but they could fit through one at a time.

"After you," Owen said, gesturing for Jay to go first. "Just watch your step."

Jay crawled through the opening, followed by Owen and Elena. The cave was dark and damp, with a low ceiling that forced them to crouch as they moved. They could hear echoes from deeper within, suggesting that the cave system extended further than they had anticipated.

As they made their way through the cave, they encountered obstacles and had to be careful not to make noise. The tension was palpable, and each step felt like it could be their last if they were discovered.

Finally, they reached a larger chamber where they could hear the Mastermind's voice. He was speaking with authority, giving orders to his lieutenants. Jay signaled for the others to stay hidden as they listened to the conversation.

"It's all coming together," the Mastermind said, his voice dripping with malice. "Once we have the artifact, we'll have the power to reshape this world. No one will stand in our way."

Jay clenched his fists, his anger boiling beneath the surface. He knew they had to act quickly to stop the Mastermind's plan from becoming a reality.