
Fighting Squad Perspective - Part 16

The Giant was looking at that sword Roger is wielding astonished, but not the fact that this sword has started to develop a gree glowing that not even Roger is capable of finding the source of it because he got this sword literally a few minutes ago and he has most likely used to teleport it. That's why he arrived so has, he was throwing the sword at literally every kilometre. And that is thanks to his throwing rocks and bombs back in the Academy and Royal Squire training.

"A mere human who posses a sword with amazing powers. Is this some kind of a joke?" asks the Giant who is feeling curious about that character with a sword who can teleport him.

"I have come here to defeat you." says Roger who is holding his sword in a defensive pose.


"You... You criminal."

"Criminal? I haven't murdered someone, warrior." lies the Giant.

"Yes you do. You have killed innocent warriors from Moldovian, and also hurt a few of Turkish. And you called yourself a protector of the Empire."

"Hm?" says the Giant who is coming closer to Roger. "You human dare to talk to me. This is something new. And why I would care about some citizens? It is their fault I am here."

"How come it is their fault?" asks Roger to that Gaint and ignore the fact that the squad is retreating in the Tavern and one of them, which is Josh, is looking at him. "A Giant who protect the Kingdom has to be kind to their people and also help them when they need it."

"I don't know how does your Giant treats your Kingdom, but here I am just crushing everyone who deserves it, which it will be you and your friends for trying to trespass the Empire and killed a Lord, which for me it is not a big deal. In fact, it will be a relief to kill him... You see, some dumb people control the nation and idiot people who think they are the kings and they can do whatever they want. And that brat is much worse than them."

"It may be worse, but we do not have to kill him."

"Huh?" Giant was intrigued by this fact.

"We will capture him and let our King decides what we will have to do to him."

"I see... Well, for me it is not a big deal, but you still have to be punished for entering the Empire and taking a sacred sword."

Roger was astonished by the fact that this Giant knows he got a new sword, and also he recognized it. Roger thought at first it thought this was some kind of coincidence, but the Gaint looked at that sword like he belongs to him, and then he looks furios at Roger and he asked him.

"And you think you know how to use it?"

"Well... I know." says Roger while he is pointing the sword at the Giant. "And I will maybe defeat you with this."

"Are you sure?"

And Roger did not answered at this, instead he throws the sword to the Giant, and he dodge it. But the sword landed on a tree and Roger has instantly teleported there. The Giant was about to turn around to Roger, but Roger has immediately throw the sword in other place, and he instantly disappear when the sword has hitting the ground. And Giant thought he was not there, and he hide it somewhere, but he was close to his legs and our boy Roger, he charged and launched himself to the Gaint legs and stabbed his left leg with the sword which immediately made the Gaint disappear out of nowhere. And this thing has made Roger have no idea what he actually did, because he doesnt know a second ability this sword posses which is teleporting someone in a void.


There are hundred different types of swords for the chosen ones, and the sword Roger has used it against that Giant it is an unique one. This one has been crafted by someone who uses teleportation spells and also gravitational spells. And this kind of sword has two main abilities, one of them consist into teleportation and the other into sending someone in a void.

The first ability it is can be explained quite simply. Throw the sword anywhere else, if it is landed like a spear into an Olympic Round, you can teleport it, but if not, the teleportation cannot be done, and this one will be quite awkward when you are throwing your sword away, in a middle of fight, and it doesnt landed perfectly. But this ability can also work quite different. You throw the word into someone and it is hitting him, you will change places with him. Not changing minds, just places. An ability which can make great strategy in putting an enemy to a trap.

And the second ability it is quite broken. Whoever stabs the sword, he will send that person he stabbed into a void filled with darkness and terror. And he will also come back from that void, if he will come alive, in a matter of twenty hours. And also, this sword doesnt work on everybody, he got a limit, he can send one to the void and hen he will have to wait twenty hours to send another person, a quite big recharge, but it is understandable. If it doesnt had that limit, this sword would have been broken because nothing can stop this ability. And I mean, NOTHING!


On the next day, our fighters, who are now in a great shape thanks to Julius and Louis healing, and also, thanks to Roger who have ended that creature int the void, and Roger, to this day, he has no idea how he did this thing because he doesnt know how this second ability and this will most likely be a fun journey to him to know about it. Anyway, these seven fighters plus roger, are paying the Tavern for the damage they have made it while they were fighting the Giant monster, and the owner of that Tavern, has taken the money, but just a part of them, after all, they have saved from a Giant. Which is the one who was supposed to protect the citizens of Turkish but he got tired of seeing spoiled brats and also people without brain who are leading a country so bad, that it most likely look like three years old child are in charge.

Those eight fighters are saying their goodbyes to the Tavern and they are continuing their road to the Empire, which now to is quite close to them, thanks to Roger who have discovered a shortcut while he was running at the Tavern to help his teamamtes.


A few moments later, the fighters arrived at the Empire and they saw there something they did not know this will happen the entire Empire was in ruins, like they were attacking by someone, but instead in the interior of the Empire, the citizens are revolting, start to fight against Roayal guards which some of them are killing the citiznes, and others are just giving up and join their forces. While this revolt was happening, the Emperor was in his Palace room and consulted the Book of The future and he didn't saw any solution there, because the last page just shows when a portal will be open and this thing, cant help the Emperor who is locked in his own room for his safety.

The warriors from Roamnia are just standing there, looking at the ruin of the palace and started to think to a new strategy.

"How about we go to that place and take the thing the King wanted it?" asks Josh.

"That place does not exist." lies Roger. "I have checked last night, and it wasn't there, in fact, there was nothing."

"What do you mean by nothing?" asks Camille who is looking at Roger.

"... an empty chamber or room, with just an empty table."

"So, you saw it? And where is the room?"

Roger is thinking quick how he could make them believe that the room they are searching it is gone, so he decides to do something unexpected, he pointed at the wall in front of him, which are broke, thanks to the citizines who are acting like some sort of criminals who wanted to destroy the city because they have ruined his life.

"You mean it was there?" asks Josh.

"Yes. Now it is gone." says Roger after he retraced his hand back and he walks away while he is walking with his new sword in a shetah. "My job it is done."

"Not so fast." says Fred who is looking at Roger which has suddenly stoped moving. "Where did you get that sword from, anyway?"