Judah Gremory it is not like every kid. He is really special... He is a member of Gremory Family, a family which is cursed for generations. And one of those curse it is dying at a young age or young adult. Most of the members of that family have decided to convert their Gremory blood into another family blood. Some have changed their whole life by becoming slaves, nobles workers and other disgusting things in Kingdom of Rodnia, or known as Kingdom of Romania. Jump on this story to discover the adventures of a ten-year-old squire and his good friends, Ron, Gregonson, Lu, Fiona, Diana and Brother's Flint.
Meanwhile, on the east side of the village, Camille and Josh are continuing to search for their teammates, while not knowing that they are already on their way to the exit of this dammed and abandoned village which is possessed by a ghost who wanted blood. These two have passed by many houses, and many destroyed ones, but they did not saw or hear about their teammates while they were searching together.
"Where the hell they could be?" asks Josh while and Camille are starting to run around to find their teammates because the night is about to come and it has started to snow because close to Winter which is about to come.
"I don't know! But we have to find a way to search for them." says Camille after she and Josh have taken a right turn. "this village it is not that big where the hell they could be?!"
Then, in a few mere seconds later, a big and loud crash has happened. Josh and Camille are stopping for a moment and they are running in that direction while they are preparing their weapons. Camille is preparing her sword she has used to fight in that operation and Josh is also preparing his spear who can transform into a sword. Josh thinks that a spear might be useful in a situation they will encounter.
Meanwhile, on the Tavern, these five warriors heard that loud crash too and they are running from there because the crash was not happening at the Tavern, but most likely outside the village. Brothers Flint are preparing their weapons, Julius he is also preparing a big sphere which contains gravitational magic, Fred is burning his entire hands and Gabriel is running together with his teammates in the direction where the crash has been heard.
While they were running, the crash has started to hear again, but also some others scream, but no screams of terror, more like the ones you heard on a battlefield. And when those five knights are running into that direction, Camille saw them and she runs to them, and also Josh follows Camille.
"Hey! Did you provoke that crash?" asks Camille while she is running at the same peace with other knights, and also looking at Fred because he may be the one who caused that crash.
"No I didn't." says Fred to Camille. "But I wanted to."
"Then who caused?" asked Camille again.
"Whoever caused must be someone who has started a battlefield." responds Julius.
All of these seven knights, they arrive later in the area where those noises are heard, but to their surprise, there was only a battle, but not one of the Kingdoms, but the skeletons. There are dozens of skeletons fighting each other using normal swords, shields to defend themselves from arrows which are launching by other skeletons, or even the limbs of some of his comrades. One of them even took a femur from his fallen comrade to break the head of an enemy skeleton and stole from him the head which he is throwing to one of the enemy archers, but he misses and eight archers are soothing him until all of his bones are laying into the ground in different places and being broke which enemy and his allies are stepping o them because they wear some hard steel boots.
Those five knights are looking at that battlefield skeletons without saying a word and feeling kinda weird because nobody from there has any idea what does they are doing.
"Can we... Go there?" asks Fred the other knights like a cat who wanted food from the one who has taken her from the shelter.
"No." says Camille and Gabriel.
"So. You seven have discovered the secret." says the unknown person who is coming at them while he is having on his back the crossbow he has used to save Camille and Josh from that bear.
Everyone is turning around and they got surprised by seeing an unknown man who is living in this village who could fall anytime soon, but Camille with Josh was not that surprised because they have encountered him earlier.
"What do you mean by secret?" asks Gabriel the unknown person.
"A few years ago. A plague has been infiltrating in this city. A deadly plague who has killed anyone, but in my case, the plague has not killed me. This plague affects while you are or smelling inhaling, but as you can see..." the unknown person takes out the hoodie he was using cover his face and he shows to those seven survivors that he doesn't have a nose which he can use to smell or inhale the plague, and they also saw that the person is having some scars on his white and completely bald face.
"But, this plague does not affect us, right?" asks Josh who is starting to feel nervous.
"No. This plague is happening only night and whoever is coming here and he inhales that gas he is travelling around the village, he will die immediately. That's why you seven have to leave this village immediately."
These seven knights did not even question anything, they just said their goodbyes and leaves immediately because this is not the first time when they have encountered some plagues or curse who can destroy lives. After all, they are living a medieval fantasy world with human-animals, dark magic, huge monsters who are living among them. These seven warriors are running on the exit of the village, while that bald was looking at them and he waves at them, but Fred was the only one who waves back because the others were occupying to run away.
In a few minutes, these knights have left the village and they are walking straight to the City where the Empire is located. While they were walking, Lucian asks his brother.
"Could we fight the plague by using healing powers?"
"The plague could be inhaled, brother. Even if we were holding our breath or nose, we could inhale the plague. And also, we didn't have masks at us." respond Louis to his big brother and massive brother.
"I see. But why do these skeletons are fighting though?"
"They were most likely possessed." says Camille. "A few minutes earlier we have encountered the mysterious man, and he told us that this village is possessed by ghost and spirit, but most ghosts."
"What is even the difference between them?" asks Lucian.
"One is possessing the others and other just walks around and he is annoying." says Fred. "I had several as them while I work on that pirate ship."
"I see." says Lucian. "Hey, can you do some heat? It is cold here."
"Do I look like a campfire to you?" asks Fred feeling annoyed by that somehow racist question. "Just because I am a human-fire does not mean I can become a torch."
"He can but he will not do it for free!" says Gabriel to Lucian.
"Gabriel!" yelled Fred at his comrade. "I was close to getting their money."
"I would rather go into a Tavern and sleep there instead of walking with you while you are lighting yourself and charging us gold."
"Yeah, well where are you going to find a Tavern?"
"There is one there." says Josh pointing at a Tavern who is at a few meters from them and also it looks like it is opened for them to stay one night.
"You lucky bastards." says Fred to them.
These six warriors, and also Josh are going to the Tavern to book a room for tonight. Right now, they have ten kilometres until they will arrive at the Empire City. They are walking across the path which is leading to the Tavern, while Fred is upset that he didn't get any gold coins from them to light up.
Camille is knocking on the door and the owner of this Tavern, which is a fine lady he is asking all of them with her smile on the face.
"New travellers. How can I help you?"
"We want to take seven rooms, if they are available, of course." says Camille.
"Oh, I'm sorry." says the owner of this Tavern. "We have six rooms who are available."
"Well... I could share a room with my brother if it is alright?" asks Lucian looking at his little brother which is looking at his request and then he is looking at Camille.
"We will take it." says Camille to the owner.
"Fantastic." says the owner who is inviting those warriors, they let them enter and she is closing the door after them.
The rooms they are taking are located on the second floor of this building. Fred took the room one, Gabriel took the room two, Camille takes the room three, Josh is taking the room four, Julius is taking room five, and Brothers Flint is taking the sixth room which is the last one. After they have finished the registration and paid twenty gold coins to take the rooms, they put their things there and a few of them are going on the seating areas to eat something nutritious because they have been into a long journey and they haven't eaten much since they have left the village area, and I mean the first one not the abandoned one.