
Four: Isabella

It was an ordinary morning, with the weather mild and the air still, Marcus was standing outside the penitentiary, a free man once more, barely a week following his meeting with the lawyer had passed. For any inmate serving a life sentence, the joy of release would be boundless, and a debt of gratitude to the one who had greased the wheels of justice would be forever felt. Yet, for Marcus, prison had been a refuge from sorrow.

A vehicle drew near, slowed, and came to a halt before the prison gates. A man emerged, stepped out, and approached Marcus, a familiar face.

"We meet once again"Paul declared, a smile on his face.

Marcus paid no attention to the offered handshake, his gaze instead fixed on the car.

"What do you want" he asked. He had no idea that Luciano was his benefactor and it was him that had acquired his release.

He had only been informed that a ride would be provided.

"my boss heard about your misfortunes, and was most displeased. He promptly engaged the services of the city's finest lawyer for your release."Paul said.

Marcus knew that this Luciano, or whoever his name was, wasn't a charitable man. He arched an eyebrow as he sized up Paul. He had seen his kind before - the type who hid behind a facade of generosity, all while pulling the strings from the shadows.

Marcus said nothing else, choosing instead to stride towards the sleek black car. He opened the passenger door and slid inside, leaving Paul to follow him. Paul had attempted to offer a handshake, but Marcus had ignored the gesture.

All he wondered Was if Luciano was responsible for his family's death. It was possible - after all, Marcus had learned long ago never to underestimate the reach of those who wielded power and influence.

The car ride was tense, with Paul attempting to make small talk that fell on deaf ears. Marcus stared out the window, his thoughts consumed by his plans . After what felt like an eternity, the car finally pulled up to a towering building, its glass reflecting the fading sunlight.

Within this building, Luciano's illicit enterprises thrived; a den that housed a brothel, a disco, and most significantly, an underground fighting pit, where the wealthy elite would come to wager their fortunes, and Luciano would reap the rewards of their losses.

Luciano's stable of fighters was handpicked, the creme de la creme of combatants, each one controlled with an iron fist. In this arena, there was only one way out of the ring, and that was through death. This was but a mere glimpse into the vast expanse of this man's power and influence.

" follow me"Paul said.

Marcus nodded and fell into step behind him. They made their way towards the entrance, his eyes scanning the countless CCTV cameras. Marcus took note of their locations, mentally marking each one.

They descended into the dimly lit underground parking lot, the only illumination coming from the occasional flickering of cars headlights. The air was thick with tension.

As they ventured further, Marcus realized that they had entered the brothel, a narrow hallway that reeked of sin and debauchery. Paul came to a halt, turning to face Marcus.

"Wait here" he said before leaving.

Marcus leaned against the cold stone wall, his mind racing as he waited. After what felt like an eternity, Paul returned, accompanied by a woman. A petite brunette, her eyes downcast, her body language betraying a quiet resignation.

"Diana will keep you company tonight, before you meet Isabelle tomorrow" Paul said, as he guided the brunette towards Marcus.

He gave her a slight push, and Marcus couldn't help but notice the way Paul's eyes lingered on Diana, as if appraising a piece of meat.

Paul led them to a dimly lit room, with single bed and bathroom. Marcus couldn't help but wonder who Isabelle was, but he kept his questions to himself. He had a feeling he knew what Diana was there for, and he didn't much care.

As soon as they entered the room, Diana took charge. She knelt before Marcus, her eyes locked onto his as she unbuckled his belt. Marcus didn't move. He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, but he pushed it aside.

Diana stood up, her bra the only thing covering her chest. Marcus wanted to push her away, to tell her to leave, but something held him back. He knew she could be useful, could give him information about this strange place. So he let her continue, grabbing her waist and pulling her closer.

Diana seemed surprised by his forwardness, most of her clients preferred to let her take the lead. But Marcus couldn't help himself. He needed to feel in control, to push away the feeling of unease that had settled in his chest. And so he let himself get lost in the moment, pushing away any thoughts of Sofia.

His lips explored Diana's taut stomach, eliciting shivers of delight down her spine. His hands gripped her curves, kneading her flesh as he journeyed towards the swell of her breast.

In one swift motion, he lifted and turned her, laying her gently on the bed. His lips found her cleavage, teasing her with tender kisses that left her breathless.

The rhythm of his touch ignited a fire within her, her body responding with a slickness of desire. His lips traced the curve of her neck, his teeth grazing her skin, sending waves of pleasure cascading through her.

His hand ventured lower, finding its way between her legs. He urged her to part them, and she obliged, surrendering to the sensation of his fingers exploring her most intimate places. His index finger slid inside her, and she gasped at the intrusion, her body trembling with need.

His head dipped lower, and she felt his breath against her most sensitive flesh. She tensed, surprised by the turn of events. Never before had a man dared to venture there, not even Jason, her boyfriend.

Despite the countless blowjobs she had done to Jason, he had denied her the same pleasure in return. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but she had convinced herself that it didn't matter. But when she found herself questioning Jason's love for her, with what Marcus was doing, a mere stranger. And in that moment, she pulled away from Marcus's advances.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do this" she said as she gathered her clothes, preparing to leave. But Marcus wasn't ready to let her go yet.

"Wait" he said " We don't have to do anything. But stay"

She hesitated, and finally, she relented, sitting down on the bed beside him. An awkward silence hung in the air, but Diana couldn't ignore the fact that Marcus was a skilled lover, unlike any other client she had ever had. She knew he wanted something from her, something other than just her body.

As they sat in silence, Marcus finally spoke up.

" Who is Isabella?"