
Ch.34 Let's have a chat now shall we.

As I was sleeping I was again pulled into a dream like before, I was in my old home. I went downstairs and found that my mother was not there, instead there was a man. He was sitting on the couch and was drinking my *ahem my mother's bourbon and I was confused as to who this man was.

He had curly brown hair with a clear complexion, he was wearing a grey t-shirt and jeans and had a ring on his right hand.

He saw me and that man looked at me and smiled but the smile was not welcoming. I could tell that he wasn't too happy to see me. I looked at him and asked "Ah, why am I here again and who are you?"

He then looked at me and said "Lucas, it looks like you are forgetting your manners."

I sighed and said "hello, I am Lucas Clarke, it is nice to meet you"

He had a very condescending smile on his face and said "Thank you, now I know who you are but I assume you want to know who I am?" I thought he was a bit of a douche. He then said "I am Klaus Mikaelson, Hope's father."

I then remembered the infamous Klaus Mikaelson, the library has fables of this man's cruelty, I had always wondered as to how he was Hope's father. I put on a stiff smile and said "It is a pleasure to meet you."

I then sat down and was a bit perplexed as to why he came to meet me, I asked "I don't mean to be rude but what is the purpose of your visit?"

He smiled and poured me a glass of bourbon and said "I am here to discuss your relationship with my daughter."

I was still confused "I am your daughter's friend. That is it."

He then looked at me and said "Clearly you realise that Hope has feelings for you right?"

I was shocked to hear that revelation and it showed on my face when he revealed that Hope liked me. I asked "Wait what? Hope likes me?"

He looked at me and said "I know it is very shocking that my daughter likes you, I still don't know as to how can someone like my daughter like someone so dishonourable as you."

I had enough of his bullshit and said "Listen here, just because you are my friend's father doesn't mean that I will allow you to disrespect me."

He looked at me and chuckled and said "You say I am disrespecting you, you say you are not dishonourable, yet you like my daughter when you are already committed to someone else are you not?"

I wanted to say something but he ignored me and continued "It's a shame really, that I can't kill you, otherwise I wouldn't waste my breath talking to you." He then sighed and said "If my daughter sheds tears because of you, I will do everything in my power to come back and I will rip your heart out."

I finally managed to utter some words "I will never do that to Hope or Josie, I care about them more than that."

He looked at me and raised his glass and said "I hope both of them kill you."

I chuckled and said "Let's hope that's the worst they do."

He looked at me and chuckled as well. He then raised his glass and said "To your death then"

I drinked to that, but soon after I was pulled away from the dream. I woke up and it was already morning, I saw that Josie was still asleep, I got up and went for my morning jog. I needed to get my mind straight after that shocking news.

(At the school Hall)

We were gathered again and this time the Headmaster had other news to give, I was sitting with Josie and I was a bit conscious about all of the things that were happening. I mean Hope likes me and she is still in Malivoire, I really need to get a handle on how to use this sword.

The headmaster said "It's time for the annual American football match with Mystic Falls high." And everybody kind of Groaned, because it sucked to lose knowingly. Josie also looked a bit down and I was just amused how they cared about this.

But then the Headmaster started to spew nonsense "Today, you will not be forced to lose a game so that humans can feel superior." and I looked at him and I was getting a bad feeling that he will tell us to use our powers or something and that is exactly what he did. And Josie asked "How?"

He said "By using your powers in moderation, Ms. Saltzman. The goal is not exposure, merely to win.Think of it as an exercise in control"

Josie sat down and I said to her, "So then why even play?"

Josie just looked at me and grabbed my arm and said "sometimes it's not just about winning, sometimes it's just about having fun."

Kaleb rallied others into joining this fool's endeavour and people were eager to join it as well, I don't understand what was so important about winning. Nonetheless, Josie was excited so I decided to support her.

Then Headmaster said something even more ridiculous "And who better to lead us in this endeavour than our very own Landon Kirby." He then threw the ball to him and I was now excited to see this game, this is going to be fun.

We were then going to our room and Josie asked "Come, play with us, it will be fun."

I chuckled and said "I don't think so. I have no desire to and besides I have some work to catch up on."

She then started to change and said in a very seductive tone "So you are not going to come to see my game?"

She walked up to me and was about to say something but then someone knocked on the door. It was Mg, he came in and Josie hid behind me and he said "Lizzie was right whenever you two are alone, someone is always naked."

I looked at him and said "Mg, get to the point please."

He shook his head "Prof. Dorian is asking for you in the library.."

I was confused "Why?"

He said "I don't know."

I sighed and said "Thank you, Mg." He then left and I turned around and continued "I will make it up to you, okay?" She nodded and kissed me. I was feeling bad but I can't show it or she will know before it is time. So I kissed back and left for the library.

I reached the library and I saw that there was a kid who looked was lying on the sofa, he was wearing a timberwolf jacket. Dorian saw me and said "Lucas, it is good you are here."

I was wondering as to why was there a timberwolf in our school "What is happening?"

He looked at me and was relieved "We found him in the woods. Can you tell us what happened to him?"

I nodded and walked close to him and read his mind and saw that he was running in the woods, he is terrified of this creature, the creature was chasing him but it was like he was playing with him. He was running like hell but it catches up to him and knocks him to the ground he sees a large wolf looking creature, it has large fangs and claws, it ate him but then regurgitated him.

I then looked at Prof. Dorian said "He was attacked by a monster."

He was anxious and asked "What kind of monster?"

I sighed and said "It was like a wolf but was huge in size. It ate him but then just threw him up, for some reason."

He then said "You look for what we are dealing with, I am going to do something about it."

He left and I was reading up on what this creature could be. After 15 minutes Prof. Dorian returned and Prof Saltzman was with him, he looked at me and said "What are you doing here, aren't you going to play?"

I nonchalantly said "Prof. You really think I am going to play, when everyone is going to cheat."

He was confused and said "What?" He then shook his head and said "All that later, what can you tell me about this monster?"

I sighed and said "It is a Shunka, It is a wolf-like creature and it eats werewolves."

He then said "Do you know how to defeat it?"

I said "Same as everything else, rip out it's heart, off with the head, the problem is it's hide is a bit tough but it's not a problem for me."

He sighed and he had a look that translated to of course you know that. He said "Wonderful, you go and do what you do, but do not fly or use any flashy powers and yes, try to find Ralf before he gets eaten."

I nodded and went away but before I went and slay this monster, I decided to take my sword with it. I will be able to test the Flaming sword as well. I went to my room and took my blade of Azriel and the necklace of uncle Amenadiel. I then went on my way to kill this beast.

I was walking in the forest and wasn't really using my flashy powers because Prof.Saltzman said not to, so I was just walking around trying to look for prints.

And after looking for a while I picked up on some prints and they were leading towards the North East direction.

I was following the trails and after some time I could hear someone was behind me. I looked around and it was Bonnie. I was confused to see her here. I walked up to her and asked "What are you doing here?"

She said "Ah, Principal Saltzman sent me to help you with the monster hunting."

I was surprised and said "Okay, so I have picked up his trail, he is somewhere around here, as soon as we find him, I am going to kill it."

She then saw the blade in my hand and was confused and asked "You are a knife guy?"

I chuckled and replied "Oh, this is a special blade, I am kind of experimenting with it, my father said it has the power to help me in saving my friend."

She looked at me and was confused and I said "My friend who stupidly sacrificed herself by jumping in a pit and now no one remembers her except me and Prof. Saltzman." She had a weird look on her face but I ignored it.

We then started to walk and she asked "You really care about her huh?"

I said in a serious tone, "I do, and recently more so."

She was surprised and asked "Why?"

I turned to her and said "Well, her dad told me to take care of her."


Hello, I hope you all liked the chapter and I have decided not to do a reboot because of a few reasons, there was not that much of a need to do so, secondly you guys didn't seem to mind the hole face changing thing that I did and lastly my story will still work without the reboot so I am not doing a reboot.

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