
Ch.18 The dance.

As Lizzie announced Hope as her replacement, everyone was surprised because we all thought that she would have made Josie her replacement but then came another shock "And Lucas you will be her partner."

Josie was again shocked and I said "Wait, but I don't know anything about the pageant." I then looked at Lizzie pointing at Josie.

And she ignored me and said, "Don't worry you will mostly be used as a prop you do as I say and you will help Hope will the Miss Mystic Falls."

I sighed and was about to say something but Josie said "We'll do anything possible to help Hope win, right Lucas?" she looked at me.

And I looked at her and said "Yes, we will."

We then left the room Lizzie took Hope to her room to prepare and I was with Josie and I asked: "Why did you do that?"

She said, "Please don't act like Penelope."

I said "I am not but you wanted to participate in the Pageant. Why didn't you say anything to Lizzie."

She looked at me and she was angry and asked "Did you read my mind?"

I said "No, I looked at you when Lizzie said Hope Mikelson and not Josie Saltzman. You were upset."

She said, "I don't want to participate I just want to help Lizzie win."

I asked, "Why? You can win this Josie, I believe that you can."

She said, "I don't want to win I just want my sister to be happy." She then left.

I was standing there just thinking about what to do and Penelope came and said "She is always like this."

I asked, "What do you want Penelope?"

She said "Same thing as you."

I said "Well, she does want to partici... Why can't she just admit that she wants to participate? I mean she can win this."

She said, "I know... but it's all because of bitch Lizzie Saltzman."

I said, "I know that Lizzie is her sister and all that but it just doesn't feel good that she does things like this."

She said "Hmm... Josie will at least has someone like you to protect her interest."

I sighed and said "Yeah but she doesn't want to and I don't want to force. She needs to realise that she is co-dependent on Lizzie all on her own."

She said, "Well, do you want Josie to win?"

I said, "Of course I do."

She then smiled and hatched a plan. We went to Mg and convinced him to not be Josie's escort. He happily complied, then after an hour was the rehearsals.

We went to the Hall and I went to Hope and said "Hey Hope, how are you?"

She smiled and said, "I'm fine. How are you?"

I smiled and said, "I am okay, soo have you danced before?"

She smiled and said, "Believe it or not I have." She teasingly asked, "Have you danced before?"

I smiled and said, "Oh... you'll find out soon enough."

Then Dana's Mother said, "Time for rehearsal, Honour your partner."

Hope bowed and I bowed as well, "Right hand around. Flirt with your eyes. Left hand around. Both hands."

We were doing the dance and Hope looked very impressed and asked "It looks like you can dance very well."

I smiled and said, "Well, it's because my partner is very good as well."

She looked at me and asked, "I thought you were from the boonies, soo how do you dance soo well."

I teasingly said, "Ouch, that really hurt." She laughed and said, "Really though tell me."

I smiled and said, "My mother taught me how to dance." I then looked at her eyes they changed colours from emerald green to a calm, mellow blue. I looked into those eyes and they were beautiful.

She looked at me and asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

I was fascinated by her and smiled and said "Your eyes... they are beautiful."

She blushed and looked away and saw Josie and then she asked, "Is Josie okay with you being my partner?"

I looked at her and said, "She says she is fine but I know she isn't."

She then looked down and asked, "Do you want me to..."

I smiled and said, "No, Josie wants you to win and for you to win, Lizzie needs me to be your partner soo no."

We then danced silently but it wasn't an awkward silence it was like we were comfortable in the silence of one another and I asked: "Hey is it true that your ex is here?"

She then teasingly asked, "Why are you jealous?~"

I looked at her and said, "No, I am just curious."

She smiled and said, "Well, he was my boyfriend and is a vampire."

I looked excited and said, "Ohh, a vamp, huh let me guess he has some family drama as well?"

She smiled and said, "Who doesn't?"

I said "True, literally everyone here has some issues."

She was then dancing slowly and then came a Landon and Hope were startled but I still didn't let go and I asked: "Landon, what is it?" I didn't want to let go of her.

He looked at us and said "A new monster."

I said in a frustrated tone, "Bloody hell, again?"


(In the school grounds)

We saw a statue of a woman and I asked Landon "Hey Landon did you take anything by mistake again?"

He said, "No this time I swear I didn't."

Prof. Saltzman then said, "There is no reason to point fingers."

Landon then said, "Well, if we are throwing random theories out there how about this, what if the person who did this showed up today, out of nowhere, acting all buddy-buddy, manipulating romantic feelings to get someone's guard down?"

Hope was pissed and said, "Landon you seriously think it's Roman?"

Landon said "Yeah, we all should. The timing is too convenient."

Hope said, "Screw you!..."

She was about to say something but I intervened and said: "look there is some merit to his theories but I don't think Roman did it."

Prof asked, "What do you think it could be?"

I said "My guesses are Basilisk, Cockatrice and Gorgon. But since no one has seen a giant chicken and a snake, it must be Gorgon."

Prof said "Alright, Girls keep an eye on contestants. Mg, Lucas, you both are with me we are searching the campus. Landon..."

Landon said, "I am going to ask some questions to Roman." and took off

Hope said "Yeah, super helpful. Ask a vampire how he turned a woman to stone."

Prof said, "Alright, everyone stays alert and be careful out there."

We then split up and went to look for our Gorgon. We were in the woods near the peer and Mg asked "What if she was doing it on instincts? You know, Gorgons, gonna Gorgon. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe she is super smart and...."

I cut him off and said, "If that were the case there would have been more victims Mg..." I then looked at him and he looked anxious and I asked him "Is there something you want to tell us?"

Prof Saltsman was about to turn and say something and I said "Don't turn around! the Gorgon's here."

She had snakes for hair and everything that I expected she was confused as to why I didn't turn to stone and she was about to ask something but I went behind her and knocked her out.

I then said, "It's all good now."

They turned around and Prof said, "Good job, Lucas, now let's get her to the cell."

I carried her and we then put her in the cell and I told Mg "Stand guard and do not let her out."

He nodded and I was left to get changed. I wore a Black three-piece suit with gold and emerald cufflinks and a black tie. I then styled my hair to be at my shoulder. I then walked up to the Hall and found Josie she was wearing a black dress and looked soo beautiful.

I walked up to her and said "You look ravishing, Josie."

She smiled and said, "You look handsome as well."

I took her hand and said, "How about after this charade is over we go somewhere quiet and enjoy the rest of the evening properly." I then came close to her and said it in her ears "I am thinking like the old mill?~"

She bushed and said, "I'd love that." I then kissed her on the cheek and went to Hope.

They then started to say the names of the contestants Penelope came to escort Josie but then Josie fell on purpose Penelope said something about the letter and left and Josie left as well.

I then went to hope and she looked stunning in that dress and I said "It looks like you are trying to kill me."

She said "What?"

I said, "Well, You must be trying to kill because that dress is taking my breath away."

She smiled and said, "Ohh, that is such a cheesy line."

I teasingly said, "That may be but every word I said was true.~"

She said "You look handsome. That suit looks like it cost you about what 5000?"

I was offended and said, "This suit cost me 15000 and my cheapest suits cost me 10000 on average, I am not a savage Hope."

She laughed and said, "You sound just like my uncle now."

Landon came and said, "Have you both been keeping a secret about my mom?"

Hope looked distraught and I said, "Landon, yes we have and I will tell you everything you want to know but after this is over."

Landon looked at us and said, "I thought you guys were my friend how could you do this to me?"

I looked at him and said, "I was told to keep this a secret... Please Landon don't do anything rash..." He left

Hope was panicking and said, "I can't do this, I can't."

I grabbed her and said "Look at me, look at me Hope, just take deep breaths, everything will be fine. We just need to finish this, okay?"

then after some time, they called our name. We walked down and after everyone was down the dance started. We bowed and she asked, "What if he decided to leave?"

I said, "Then it would be his decision Hope, you can't control him."

Hope then looked very distressed and I said "Hope, you are too good for Landon and I don't mean to be insensitive but it is the truth... if he can't see it then it's his loss Hope, you can't fixate on him."

Hope then said, "He is someone who was special to me Lucas I don't know if I will..."

I looked at her and said, "You will Hope, I mean look at you..." She looked at me and I stopped, I couldn't continue.

We were dancing and Hope saw Josie and Lizzie fighting and then Hope asked "What are they talking about?"

I hesitantly said "Sibling rivalry and something about your dress."

She asked, "What about the dress?"

I looked at her and said, "This is a dress your father gave to their mom."

She choked up and said, "My dad chose this dress?"

I nodded and I asked, "Are you okay?"

We then heard "May I have your attention please? Without further ado, it is my honour to announce our very own Miss Mystic Falls winner from the Salvatore School Miss Hope Mikaelson"

It looked like she was about to break or something and suddenly Lizzie came and said "Congratulations Hope. Just let it out the real way." and then I saw Hope cry. And I saw something that was impossible Lizzie trying to help someone else. It was somehow very profound.

Hope then got crowned and then I went to find Josie she was in the Library and she was crying and she said "Lucas, I want to be alone right now, can we take a rain check?"

I then nodded and said, "It's fine." I then went out to get some air. I was in the woods but then something terrible happened.


Hello readers

I am sorry if the chapter feels a bit lacklustre it's because the episode was too but not to worry the night didn't end there in the next chapter I am introducing a whole new side story and a new universe and new villains and all that good stuff.

Thank you to the people who voted.

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