
chapter one

Hope, we need to talk about this. Josie shouted as she ran after Hope.

Jo, we dont. Hope replied curtly.

Finch says you have unresolved feelings for me. Tell me thats crazy, right.

Hope grunted and increased her pace; she couldnt deal with this right now. Josie ignored Hope and increased her pace to a swift jog and set off after Hope.

But then I began to think, whenever I am feeling upset or lonely, you are always there for me. You have been protecting me for years, since we were fourteen. So, tell me do you have unresolved feelings for me? Josie asked breathlessly when Hope slowed down again.

Hope stopped walking suddenly and turned to face Josie but before she could say anything a coven of witches burst through the forests in front of them chanting all the while.

Josie was the first to act on this unforeseen threat, throwing up a protective shield surrounding herself and Hope. Only seconds later a bombardment of fire balls struck the hastily erected shield. Hope saw the shield that now protected them begin to buckle under the sheer violence of the assault, so she strengthened it with her own ample supply of magic.

It wont last long, Jo, when it collapses, I want you to run as fast as you can away from here.

No, I am not leaving you. Josie angrily replied, a look of utter horror etched on her face.

I will be alright, love, just leave. Hope said soothingly, her signature Mikaelson smirk playing across her features.

The shield began to fail and all of a sudden failed all together. For a second Josie hesitated, then she turned and ran.

I will get help and return. She promised Hope as she fled.

As Josie ran, she heard Hopes words in the distances.

If you want to try to kill me, then have at it.

Josie immediately redoubled her pace, she had to get help before it was to late.

Salvatore school - one hour later

She wasnt there, even the wolves couldnt find anything. MG told them in exasperation.

The super squad had assembled in Dr Saltzmans office where he was desperately attempting to organize search efforts.

I have never heard of a coven of witches such as these and I dont understand why they would go after Hope like this. Alaric said standing up. I will contact Fraya, she might have more information on what we are facing.

Alaric came back after a few minutes, a perturbed look all to clearly displayed on his face. Fraya is coming as soon as she can, she has some worrying information.

Salvatore school - The next day

Josie yawned loudly, she hadnt slept, she had been up all night looking for ways to find Hope, she had been singularly unsuccessful. Josie glanced apologetically around the crowded room.

Fraya stepped forward and began to speak.

I hear a long time ago of a coven of witches, they were one of the most powerful covens, renowned for their power and brutality. They were feared for their ability to manipulate time they did this through unnatural magics such as black magic and expression. It was thought that they were all whipped out a long time ago but the three dead witches found at the scene of my nieces abduction seem to indicate otherwise.

That still doesnt explain what they want with Hope. Josie interrupted.

I believe that they believe that Hope will be the downfall of the witches, I believe hey want to remove my niece from time.

Matt just sent me the location of a group of squatters at the old quarry. He thinks that they might be the unusual coven of witches that have Hope. This time it was Alaric who butted in.

In no time at all the cars were filled and all Josie or anybody else could hope was that they were going to be in time to save Hope.

The super squad plus Finch, Fraya and Dr Saltzman rushed out of the car at the old quarry. They looked down over the waterfall at the bottom and saw on the near bank the ground was a buzz with one hundred witches assembled in three circles around Hope. They ran as fast as possible down the sheer scree bank.

As they reached the bottom the outer circle of witches stopped chanting and turned to face the super squad. Josie threw the first punch, one of the witches sent fire towards her, Josie redirected it towards the witch.

From then on it was pandemonium as one circle of witches turned fought and fell after another, continuing the spell as long as possible. The chanting only stopped as the last witch was cornered.

Its to late you have lost. She said as she died.

Just then Hope and all those around her disappeared in a flash of light.

The brilliant bright blinding light disorientated Hope and it took her several minutes to come to her senses. Looking around her she was surprised to see her friends lying very much as disorientated as herself crumpled on the ground. Looking still more around her Hope was surprised to see no one else. They were still in the old quarry and from the light of the sun it was still early afternoon but she, Lizzie, Josie and Finch were only people around. There was no sign of the witches or of her aunt and Dr Saltzman.

And what was worse was that the light of the sun was stinging her skin, the insects were infuriatingly loud, and Hope knew she was ravenously hungry.