
Learning To Live As A Cultivator

Leon died very peacefully and quietly in his home world, in fact he hadn’t even been aware of his death. When he awoke, he wished he had died. Now he is in a world where the strong are merciless to the weak and the weak strive to be strong. But he doesn’t care about all that, he’s too busy looking for his glasses. (Boys love novel. There are intimate scenes, however there will be warnings leading up to this x.) Author’s Note (updated Dec 2019); Short chapter’s, not fast paced. Updated on Tuesdays and Fridays and Sundays. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do writing it.

Ebonsolaris · Huyền huyễn
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322 Chs

Chapter Twenty Three - We deal with a bit of nuisance at the front gates

A few days later, Leon and Jin Li prepared luggage to take with them to Leon's village. Or rather, Leon folded and packed clothing and checked over the gifts that they had purchased and had prepared to take with them, while Jin Li drank tea and waited for his small alchemist to finish. Following that, the pair made their way to the stables as it was planned that they would take Wu Ye and Li Ming with them.

Li Ming leapt about Leon excitedly, rubbing his whiskered face against Leon's thighs, while Jin Li and Wu Ye looked on with sneers of disdain etched upon their respective faces. Just look at this pair of Master and Pet with their public displays of affection! However, the beast and Martial Artist opinions differed on just who should be the Master and who should be the Pet in the human and coeurl pairing.

Leon scratched beneath Li Ming's chin once more, before the 'family of four' headed towards the front gate of the Ramas Palace to meet with Sun. Older brother Mond was with the round faced youth, but he was not the only one.

"Please do forgive me, third brother, sixth brother," the girl, whose personal maid had been arguing that the sky was green with the personal servant of her sixth brother over some nonsense or other, suddenly spoke aloud as she noticed them appear in her peripheral vision.  The two brothers looked momentarily confused, until they happened to notice Jin Li's approach and eye rolled inwardly.  So that was the reason she was dilly-dallying around the front gate instead of instructing her maids to fix the problem that she had mentioned. 

"I honestly assumed that the carriage was the one arranged for me by Grandmother!" Carmen added as she continued to glance through shuttered lashes at the dashing man walking her way.  His servant was ever present, although of very low birth from what she had discovered, not even born within Jin Li family walls, at least he was attentive.  Should he continue to serve her future husband well, she might even find him a good wife so that his sons could take good care of her sons...

Sun's words drew her from her happy thoughts.  "Well, now you know otherwise, eleventh sister," he told her, referring to her address rather than her name.  Their ages might not be so different, but there were far more sisters within the Ramas Palace than brothers. Sun could clearly see that Carmen was not looking at him at all, nor likely paying him any attention, but as his best friend and other friend had reached them, he couldn't not acknowledge their presence and keep closed the opening the girl was obviously waiting for. "Good morning, Jin Li, Leon!" He looked less enthusiastic than he sounded with his greeting.

Jin Li returned Sun's greeting with a small nod and acknowledged Mond with a slightly more respectful bow. Mond turned to the side as if he was not worthy of such a respectful bow and simply gave the youths warm smiles suggesting that they need not be so formal. "You are my little brother's good friends," he reminded them, "therefore, you can refer to me as older brother as well."

Both youths then bowed greetings towards Sun's cousin; she was still his family and this place was her home. She curtseyed in return and batted her long lashes towards Jin Li. Her grandmother had always complimented her for them that framed her beautiful eyes, making them stand out that much more.

She glanced over the two Coeurl beasts walking either side of the pair. "Are these your Coeurl?" Carmen offered a smile of appreciation. "They are young and this maiden's knowledge is poor, but even I can tell that they will become mighty and fine creatures in the future!"

Little Li Ming proudly glanced up at its human and nudged the youth's legs. Hee hee, I will be grow up to be awesome!

Fool. Wu Ye's eyes might have softened over Li Ming's antics, but it was not so easily tricked by pretty words. It was absolutely obvious that it was a mighty and fine creature and would be more so in the future. Did not need this little two-legged creature to throw meaningless compliments!

Wu Ye's instincts told it that the girl did not like them at all, despite her words.  Indeed he was correct.  In Carmen's eyes, the two Coeurl were not furry, small and cute, like her own pet, did long have delicate feathers and sing pretty like her Grandmother's caged birds, nor were as noble and useful as her daddy's equines.  They were aggressive looking, ugly and vicious with unpleasant scaled skin.  These wild things were better off dead and were definitely not suitable for her future husband to keep!

"You over compliment them, there is no need."  Jin Li's words earned him a bitten arm, but the skin was not pierced so the black beast was ignored.

Carmen smiled covering her uncertainty on how to carry on the conversation, being cut short so neatly.  Her maid tugged her sleeve discreetly and indicated the carriage waiting outside of the gates and she was enlightened.  "Third brother arranged a carriage for yourselves and sixth brother?  Would it not be alright for me to share it with you?  I was planning to go into town to purchase embroidery threads that I might sew a new handkerchief...oops..." as she had been speaking, she had withdrawn a handkerchief from her sleeve, one embroidered cleverly with daffodils and butterflies.  It was not actually sewn by herself, her own embroidery was not good as just with cultivation, she disliked spending time and patience upon it.  The handkerchief slipped from her grasp only to float a little to Jin Li's feet.

She placed fingers upon her lips in feigned worry, her large eyes glancing from the silk to the man shadowing it.  But Jin Li was unmoved.  Those aware of her scheme narrowed their eyes, though hid their irritation well, those not aware... Leon would have moved to pick up the cloth, politely, had he not be held firmly back by an overbearing Martial Artist, so it was up to the cute and mighty Li Ming to save the day it seemed!

Wu Ye shook its head, flinging it's long whiskers like whips as it did so, even causing a minor injury to the human standing beside it.  It ignored the sudden glare it received as if it were nothing to do with it.  Unknowing of the play behind it, Li Ming innocently dropped the picked up handkerchief at its owner's feet then looked up smugly, seeking praise.  Smirks and chuckles were hidden poorly behind fists and flowing sleeves, while the girl who failed to scheme could only stare at her drool marked handkerchief before her.  Her maid quickly removed it from her sight.  "Thanks..." Carmen muttered between clenched teeth.  She would definitely have the beasts killed once she married over...

"Eleventh sister," Mond spoke first, having the most control of his emotions, "I won't mention the inappropriateness of an unmarried maiden sitting in the same carriage as outside men, just that this carriage is not intending to head to the north town.  So even if there was no other carriage for you to use, it is useless to consider sharing this one."

"Not going to town?" She tilted her head as if this had never occurred to her.


Carmen waited for one person to enlighten her, but no one felt like playing to her whims any longer.

"Shall we go?" asked Sun, brightly, having renewed cheer thanks to a silly Coeurl adolescent and a handkerchief.

"En," Jin Li agreed and ushered his small alchemist towards the gate and subsequent carriage.

"See you in a few days, big brother!" Sun waved purposefully as he hopped on the carriage and amused himself with Carmen's unhappy expression.  Mond offered him a nod in acknowledgement then watched as the carriage rumbled away.  He turned to renter the palace, heading towards his family's section of it, but not before giving his female cousin a knowing look.  He wanted her to know that she was aware of her intentions and he did not approve.  However, as both were aware, he was not her elders and while she had to be respectful to him, he had no say in her marital arrangements, thus she ignored his leaving look and turned to her maid instead.

"Do what you must," she whispered, "but find out just where they have headed to."

"Yes, young mistress."