
Chapter One Hundred And Thirty Eight - Does Jin Li really desire me?

Actually, contrary to Leon's beliefs, Jin Li was not so much oblivious as distracted.

At first the youth had simply been amused by Leon's flustered appearance and behaviour and though originally had no thoughts of watching him bathe, his feet had developed a mind of their own and he had entered the small shed after his alchemist. And as Leon began to undress, he found that he could no longer will his feet to move. Instead, his eyes had drifted over the back of the other, taking in the milk white skin, the curve of the spine and small, round bottom until a certain part of himself could no longer be suppressed.

Growing up in the main branch of the family where the focus was upon excellent martial arts and strength, each brother had been taught to hone their bodies and skills that they might symbolise this and be an example to branch families. Amongst the three brothers, Jin Li had shown the most promise, thus the expectation upon him was higher. This did not hinder him (except in perhaps in the ways of communicating with others) and he enjoyed tempering himself until he could control each limb, each finger, each muscle into shaping perfect forms and motions. This, in turn, made his father's expectations of him higher. He did not disappoint and broke through the secondary stage at the tender age of ten, unlike his older brothers who were twelve and thirteen respectively.

But however strict he was with himself, there are somethings that a teenage body must go through that defies a mind that thrives on control. He was absolutely horrified when that part of him not only developed suddenly, but gained a mind of its own. It brought him discomfort and awareness and who knew how difficult it was to perform certain moves when it is saluting for no reason! He sulked in his bedroom for an entire week, beneath the covers of his room.

His brothers annoyed and teased him, his Uncle disgusted him by suggesting he send over a couple of pretty girls to deal help him deal with it and his father broke into his room to tell him to get over it and back to training. In the end, it had been his Shifu who had taught him a technique to suppress it. Practicing that technique until it became second nature, he had not worried over the loss of control since.

Until now.

Washing Leon's long hair was an excuse, he thought such an arduous task would help him regain his control and ability to suppress it, but who knew that once his long, slender fingers began to work through the lengths of hair, to touch the scalp of his small alchemist, that things went from bad to worse?

At some point, while he was drying the hair with a cloth, his body finally began to settle and he calmly began to utilise that technique of suppression once more. It was then that he also recalled that gift...

Later, as he messed up Leon's hair while devouring his mouth and tongue, he realised he had lost control once more, but couldn't be bothered to deal with it, to focused on eating tofu.

He pulled away from the small alchemist, eager to witness that flushed and breathless dazed expression Leon always wore once he had kissed him. Pressing the youth into the bed as he claimed his mouth, excited Jin Li more as the other could not escape his clutches. Since he had honoured Leon by expressing his feelings, it was as if his desire to dominate had increased exponentially, but he did not dislike this type of loss of control, perhaps as he was in control of the body beneath him.

Leon's frame was limb and without energy thanks in part to lack of air, only his fingers retained some tension as they gripped Jin Li's sleeves as he breathed heavily. His lips and tongue felt numb, but should Jin Li insist on kissing him further, he would not resist. His body tingled in anticipation, especially in that place located on in lower body, if he had the strength or ability to move, he'd likely try and relieve it a little with friction and he could feel that Jin Li was in a similar condition, though he kept Leon perfectly caged beneath him and did not move at all. It made Leon feel all the more needy.

A pity, therefore, that Jin Li simply licked his lips, before pressing them once more upon the youth beneath him before rolling over and bidding him goodnight....!

Author’s note; It’s a bit short today, but nevertheless voila;

Ebonsolariscreators' thoughts