
Learning How to Get a Good Girl's Heart

Elly Mae is a transferee in a known university. The students are from elite families. Elly Mae is kind, responsible and a smart 2nd year business student. She wants to hide her identity in order to lessen those people who take advantage of her and stabs her in the back. But, a man named Hero, the campus' richest student knew her real identity. What will she do when their characteristics differ? Will there still be a chance to fall for him?

A_Gandalf · Thanh xuân
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16 Chs

Chapter 13

Yvonne's POV.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked him while settling on my chair.

He cleared his throat before saying anything. "C-can you..." he's hesitating.

"What is it?" It was Rane.

"Is it about Elly?" This time it's Lane.

Hero nodded. Hero asked to meet us three without telling Elly. Before the two came, Hero keeps on walking and pacing around. He can't control his nervousness.

"So you asked us to meet to help you confess?" Our eyes widened by what Rane asked. We know nothing about this.

"What?!" Both Lane and I raised our voice in shock.

Hero couldn't look in our eyes. I gave him a teasing smile. "So that's why you gave her flowers yesterday nad gave her a hug," I said while nodding.

"So when did it start?" Lane asked.

He cleared his throat again. "Actually, I met her before the school started. I saved her from some gangsters. I was surprised when she appeared in our school. Sad to say, she doesn't remember me so I had to make efforts for her to know my name. That's why I approached her during our supposed to be first meeting. An accident occured as you all know that. "

Our mouth formed a circular shape. "The cafeteria scene." He nodded.

"If you like her back then, why did you have to treat her as your servant for a few days?" Lane asked.

Rane didn't ask anything so I sense that she already know about it. "Do you know about this?" I asked.

She nodded. " Back when he brought her to the hospital when she passed out"

"Then why didn't you tell us about that?" Lane asked and I just nodded while looking at Rane.

"Because I promised not to tell anyone about it" she reason out.

"I need your help" —Hero.

"For what?" I asked and frowned. "You can just confess right away"

"I could've done that if I'm not scared lf getting rejected, besides she's..." He cut off what he was saying and looked away.

"she's your first love?" — Lane.

He sighed and nodded. " So can you advise me something?"

We silenced as we were thinking what to tell him. For some reason I feel jealous. I also want to feel how others feel when they get courted. I want to feel cherished. If only I could tell myself to stop liking Cedrick, maybe my heart would feel better right now.

"For girls, we find it romantic when people gives us chocolates and roses but of course you first need to confess and ask the girl if you could court her." Rane suggested. "You can rent a cafe or maybe do it in a more romantic place. Prepare some flowers and you can't back out before she arrives."

"We'll help you in bringing her to the place you want. Surprise her" —Its me.

"I'll search for romantic places and I'll inform you the date and time" he said agreeing to us. "I'll take you home"

When we arrived to my house, I immediately got out and greeted my dad. Only him and me are living in our mansion. It feels lonely without my mom here. My mom passed away in a fire accident when I was kinder according to my dad. I don't really remember how things were like before I turned six because of an accident. I don't know if it's related to my mom's death but I sometimes feel that way.

Cedrick's mom also died in a fire accident. Coincidentally, my mom and his mom died on the same day. I sometimes think that that's the reason he is cold to me.

"Change your clothes because we're going to meet Cedrick's family." Dad commanded in his calm and soft voice. Hearing Cedrick's name gives me an urge to follow him. I feel excited for no reason.

I changed into a yellow floral dress and cream colored hills. I twirl once while looking in the mirror. I smiled. Earlier I feel excited now I feel nervous. I'm meeting them again. I hope this night ends well.

After a thirty minute drive to the reserved restaurant, we made it. We were greeted by their family's body guard. "Good evening sir, ma'am"

Of course we greeted them back. "Good evening".

When we arrived to the room, I was greeted by a cold atmosphere. I know something is wrong between Cedrick and his dad ever since Day one of our engagement. He didn't want this arrangement that gave me the idea of him, hating me.

"Good evening, uncle" I hugged him for a couple of seconds for formality. He offered me the seat next to Cedrick who was sitting quietly. "Good evening"

He looked at me and I don't know if it's my imagination that I saw a smile that quickly vanished. "You look..." He started. "Beautiful". I could feel my cheeks burning hot.

"T- thank you" I stuttered. Its not the first time I heard compliment but I didn't expect it coming from a cold-blooded monster like him.

Throughout that dinner, we talked about our engagement. After complimenting me, he didn't say anything. He's back to being a cold person.

I sometimes want to confront and ask him why he's giving me that attitude but I don't have the courage to do so.

After coming back home, I went straight to bed. I was so tired from the school activities. I had to meet Hero earlier and Cedrick's family.

'Why do I want this marriage badly?" I asked myself.

I didn't know I fell asleep while thinking an answer to my own question.

' "I told you not to play with candles and matches right?" a woman whom I can't see her face clearly. Its so blurry. I can see her scolding a boy.

When I saw her walking away, I approached the boy. When he faced me, I recognized him as Cedrick. Why is he here?

He kept playing with matches and candles when suddenly the fire spread though the curtains. I can see myself as a child, screaming. Cedrick held my hand and we rushed to the door but I couldn't move due to shock.

"I won't let go of you" he said. But a wood with fire split us. He went outside leaving me. I could see myself crying and calling his name then a woman came back. Her clothes were the same clothes the woman who scolded cedrick. He carried me to go outside but she tripped. She dropped my child self.

"Go on! Save yourself!" She struggled while saying those words'

I was panting when I woke up. I hurriedly went downstairs to drink some water. "What was that dream?" I asked myself.

I heard someone sobbing. I followed that sound and it led me to my dad's room. When I was supposed to enter his room he suddenly called my mom's name. "Venna, what should I do without Yvonne by my side?" He said. I was confused. "Can you not take her please?"

I couldn't hold my tears. My knees trembled as I went to back to my room. Its so much for this single night!