
league of legends: wizon

The story of a man in the world of Runeterra who was killed in a strange way, and the last thing he remembers is using a sword to defend himself. Now he has been resurrected again in body of an adult who was killed by bandits, and his goal now is to take revenge with Boro.

zack_205 · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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7 Chs


After few moments wizon picked the boro at his pocket. 

Boro with sleepy eyes asked:" Where we going? "

Wizon replied: "I need to find the closest city"

The boro asked again: "for what?" 

Wizon get little angry and replied: "I told you before, clothes and food" 

The boro miked wizon stop saying: "will let me show you something." 

Boro opened his mouth and puts his right foot in and grabbed a big map for Runeterra and green point at it 

The boro asked: "Mr. Wizon do you see the green point?" 

Wizon replied in surprised face: "Yes, but where did you get this from?" 

The Boro sad: "don't worry about where I got it, when the right time comes I will tell you, for now, the green point is your location in the map and Runeterra at the same time." 

Wizon sad in surprised face: "how that can be happening? All the maps in this world can't do that" 

Boro sad in happy manner: "will, it's an artefact and I'm the only one in all the galaxies have it, sow bee glad for the great Aurelion Sol stupid human." 

Wizon looked at the boro eyes remembering him about his words.

Boro hided his face in fear and said: "sorry sorry, it's habit" 

Wizon didn't do anything to Boro except asking him: "Sow that's means vekaura is the closest place from us?" 

The boro replied: "Yes, do you want to go?" 

Wizon answered the question: "of course" 

Boro in happy voice: "Then let's move" 

After that wizon travelled long distance in the desert, in midway he found a monster fighting some Prospectors with all his powers. 

Wizon asked in surprise: "what is happening there?!!" 

Boro: "it looks like a brackern fighting them" 

wizon asked: "And for what he fighting them" 

Boro replied with: "will do you see that crystals?" 

Then boro answered: "They are very important for that kind because the Memories of the ancients are saved in there, first of all do you know who the brackern are?" 

Wizon respond: "I know that are noble monsters, and they don't like to be in touch with humans." 

Then the boro tell in accent looks like a teacher: "Right that's it, and four the question wai the humans trying to steal there crystals, will because it's stores a huge amount of mana" 

Wizon surprisely replies: "Ooooo, that's wai!!" 

at this moment the brackren finished the fight

The boro in surprised look sad: "Yes, wait second that's skarner I now him, go try talk to him" 

Wizon answered: "But...! "

But boro didn't give him chance to speak and sad: "Just go." 

Then wizon start walking towards him in fear. 


Meanwhile, in black Rome at the city of churima. 

Master of bandits: "This is not the sword" 

Followers: "But master this is the only sword that get matched with specifications you mentioned." 

Master of bandits: "if it was the real one it will react with this jewel, go and find the real one, and don't show me your faces until you get. "

Followers: "Yes, master." 


Boro: "just go to him don't be afraid" 

Wizon: "alright alright I'm going." 

With each step he takes he see how skarner brutally killed Prospectors until one woman stayed alive by his mercy. 

Wizon spooked in low voice: "Boro I think he has some soft side in him" 

Boro yelled: "stop talking and reached him before he goes to the nest" 

Wizon in fear: "Alright" 

Wizon start running towards skarner and yelling to wait 

Boro: "skarner mi friend wait" (yelling) 

After that yell from Boro, skarner stopped moving and turned towards wizon 

Skarner in his mind: "is he stupid coming towards me even he see how I killed his kindns." 

Wizon reached at skarner position and stand farm from him catching his breaths and says: "skarner I need your help in something." 

"How do you know my name soft skin" - Said the enraged Skarner – 

Wizon said: "it wasn't me it was the Boro" 

The Boro showed up from his pocket saying: "hi skarner it was long time mi old friend" 

Skarner replied in happens at the Boro: "little dragon, it wasn't its just 100 year from our last meeting" 

Boro jumped at his claw saying: "100 year is long time for me" 

Skarner looking at Boro: "No, it's not for me" 

Then he asked: "who is this soft skin?" 

Boro answered: "will its long story but I will tell you the Aurelion Sol mike me his guide for his new life" 

Skarner said in accepting: "if Aurelion Sol choose you he did the right thing." 

The boro jumped in happens from his compliment 

Then skarner looked at wizon saying in serious language: "be thankful for Aurelion Sol, he gives you a second chance even he don't do that even for a champion." 

Wizon replied: "I'm really thankful, and in return for his kindness, I will achieve my goal."

Boro interrupted the conversation saying: "skarner I want to ask a favour." 

"Go ahead ask anything little dragon"-skarner replied- 

Then start getting nervous:" will...., you know..... , this human needs one of the crystals, can he get one?" 

Skarner get angry and looked at wizon: "this soft skin getting nothing from me especially my tribe crystals, his kind try to stool them and I killed them foe that, now I give him one with mi claws, no this is not happing." 

Boro in sadness replied: "please mi friend please" 

"This is not happening" -skarner yelled- 

At the same time wizon was walking towards a crystal singing a songs that attracted him, after few steps he passed front skarner 

Skarner in angry voice: "Where are you going soft skin?" 

He didn't reply at skarner question, because his ears lessened just for the song at the same time his face was like he's soul left his body. 

Skarner sad to boro in surprised face: "I know that face, how cold a soft skin hear the songs? How could he have interaction to our crystals?" 

The boro answered: "will he was reborn as new soul with many benefits from Aurelion Sol."

"How Aurelion Sol, gives him all that benefits?"-Skarner asked- 

Boro replied: "will this human have respected, Aurelion Sol and the stars he loves, and for that he gave him that many benefits. "

Skarner sad: "if Aurelion Sol gives him respect, how I'm to not doing the same for him."

At this moment wizon reached the crystal, and Bothe of boro and skarner was watching the moment he touched the crystal. 


In shurima before long time ago even before the fall , in front of the Sun disk a person was standing under the disk, and many shurima citizens' was far from it watching and clapping for the brave man, after few seconds the light of sun disk start heating the man and transforming him from human appearance to a new creature. 

After moment in transforming a huge creature was appeared front of them with long teal and heavy sword at his right hand and yelled: "I am offering victory for shurima." 

At that moment all shurima citizens' start clapping and yelling in happens and the soldiers of the kingdom yelled: "shurima will rise." 


In front of the crystal. 

The crystal throwed wizon far from it but the light that was coming from it didn't stop 

Boro yelled in fear: "wizon, wizon are you all ri"Honestly am not" -wizon replied in Paine- 

Skanar asked wizon in respectful voice: "what did you see in that crystal?" 

Wizon replied in pain voice: "wia you want to know? You hate me no?"

"I'm sorry for the mistake that I made, I judged you before knowing who you are and what you are?"-Skaner replied in sad voice- 

Wizon get happy from hearing what skaner reply and sad: "alright, both of you hear me carefully. " 


After few moments. 

"You saw shurima at her glory? At the moment of reborn a great general?"-Boro sad- 

Wizon replied: "Yes at that moment" 

Boro sad: "Good for you" 

Skanar was silence and sad. 

Wizon asking: "what's the matter?" 

Skanar ticked long breath and sad: "that crystal it was for brackern left the nest and go in adventure. To discover Runeterra, after he finished his adventure he get back to the nest and after few months he died and from that moment that crystal didn't shine or singed once until now." 

The silence was loud after what he said, both of boro and wizon didn't find what to say. 

Skanar in low voice: "boro for the favour that you asked before, he can take that crystal." 

At the same time in happy voice both of wizon and boro says: "for real? 

Skanar in smiling face replied: "yes, take it, it will help wizon in his adventure" 

"Thanks skaner, I will take care of it" -in serious voice wizon told skaner- 

Skanar said: "I hope that" 

Boro: "if he didn't take car of it I will delete him from this world." 

At that moment boro start tearing and feel that is a dangerous look looking at him, at the moment he turned towards the look he get caught by wizon telling him : "am getting huangry you know?" 

Boro: "sorry sorry Mr. Wizon am really sorry" 

Skanar start laughing at that, for that both of the boro and wizon looked at him in surprised face and start laughing to. 

Skanar in tears : "thanks for making me laughing like this, I have job to do so I'm going right now I wish see you Bothe in the future" 

Wizon replied: "if the great Creator allowed that we will meet again." 

Boro: "I will see you again mi best friend, good bay "

Skanar left the place waiving to them, and the bro grabs a backpack from his moth and gives it to wizon.

Wizon in surprise: "is your moth a closet or what?"

boro laughing: "you can say that"

boro opened the backpack and tells wizon to put the crystal in it 

"it will not fit in there"-wizon sad to boro-

the boro sight and yelled: "just put it in there, pleas mr.wizon"

wizon putted the crystal in it and surprisely get in like nothing.

"Wow this thing I heard about it before"-wizon speaker to boro-

The boro Start yawning and speaking heavily:" amazing, when I get up I will tells you more about it"

then the boro fell in deep sleep at wizon shoulder.


After few days from walking with a sleep boro a huge monster appeared from the sands making both of wizon and boro covered with sand 

Boro: it's...