

"Do you want... WHAT?"

Ethan let out a monumental scream even though they were in the middle of the mall, he looked shocked at Reven who was in front of him smiling with satisfaction

"That you choose me as your bodyguard," Reven said again looking at the opposite


Ok, let's rewind this.

"Are you free today?"

"For that?"

"To have a date, of course"


"I'll see you in thirty minutes in front of the Bellamy theater, don't be late"

Ethan froze in his place when he heard the beep after the other hung up, he didn't understand what the other was planning by inviting him on a date?, although he did feel guilty for ruining his suit, HE DIDN'T WANT TO SEE HIM AGAIN!... Rather, he shouldn't see him again even if he kissed like the damned gods...

After moving around in his study Ethan decided to take a shower, he relaxed with the hot water and remember his actions the previous night due to alcohol, it's not like they had sex but he knew that what he did with Reven was wrong, unfortunately …his mind was still filled with the images of the opposite, those intense eyes looking at him, the touch of his hands, the sweet of his lips…everything felt so fucking perfect.

Ethan wanted to slam his head into a wall but he knew he would only break it and that couldn't bring him back to reality. He got out of the shower and ended up wearing a new red suit, even though his family's representative color was blue, his favorite color had always been red... Just like his eyes...

«Aaah get him out of your mind!!! FUCK!"»

He scolded himself before he looked in the mirror while he was applying that red lipstick that he loved, he wasn't getting ready to see him, OF COURSE NOT, he had only dressed in case he had to go out at some point, he also had some afternoon appointments and some work at his desk…

"Are you going out, boss?"

"Yes, please prepare the car" Ethan demanded in a soft voice.

"Yes boss"

A burly man ran out to fetch the car as Ethan walked calmly down the stairs.

"Wow, where are you going so handsome?"

"Richard?… FUCK... YOU ARE BACK!"

Ethan jumped into the arms of his right hand, that damn six-foot giant who was his best friend since childhood, clinging to him like a koala stroking his black hair which seemed to be a little longer than usual, he stared for a few moments looking at those icy eyes that always made him feel butterflies.

Richard was always his crush but Ethan never wanted to cross the line of friendship with him because he knew that his life, personality, and mind were a real mess and he couldn't bear everything in his life without him by his side.

"Looks like someone missed me" Richard joked with him for his friend’s cute reaction, without losing any time he hugged him back tightly showing that bad habit of smelling him.

"Yes.. Very much"

Ethan pouted and acted like a cute and defenseless child around him only for the other to protect him even though the taller one knew very well that the other was stronger than him but it gave him tenderness that he could still act weak in front of him.

"How was the ceremony?"

Ethan tensed a bit at the mention of that event remembering that damn unpleasant boy.

"It was... good"

"I'm so sorry for you lost Eri…but remember not to keep it all to yourself, okay?" Richard looks at that troubled expression the other has and thought it was thanks to the death of the last leader.

"I know that... I have you here...”

His phone cut him off at that beautiful moment but when Ethan picked it up to answer, he saw what time was it and got a little nervous.

“Richard I must go out now but later I will listen to your report"

Ethan released him and hurried to the door as he was saying goodbye to his friend.

He got in the car and answered the call even though it was from an unknown number.


"I told you don't to be late, you're not going to leave me here alone, right?"

Ethan was surprised to hear Reven's voice, how the hell did he know his private number?

"First of all, what makes YOU think... I'm GOING TO GO?"

"Firstly because of my suit and second because I have something very interesting on my phone that will surely interest you"

"What is?"

"Come here and you will know"

Ethan heard that damn Beep again and feel like he really wanted to rip someone's head off, he didn't understand what all this mystery was about.

Ethan asked his driver to hurry up and in less than ten minutes he arrived in front of the theater, he waited seated until his driver opened the door and placed a blue umbrella over his body. He got out of the car wearing sunglasses because the light bothered him, and although the sun was not fatal for vampires like many stories say, it generated a small irritation on their skin as if it were an allergy.

He looked around until he saw him walk out of the theater with that amused smile plastered on his face.

"Welcome, your highness"

"I'm already here so tell me what is that interesting thing”

"Not yet, let's go inside"

Reven extended a hand to the opposite and Ethan angrily took it waiting to be guided although he was shocked when he felt a kiss on his hand.

Annoyed he withdrew his hand and began to walk to the theater, he couldn't believe that Reven was treating him like a woman or a damn bottom guy, although he likes to wear feminine clothes sometimes Ethan never... NEVER had been at the bottom with his sexual partners and being treated like one was definitely not one of his favorite things.

“Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Reven holds back a laugh as he followed Ethan.

"That's my natural state"

After he entered the theater, Ethan asked his driver to park while he talked to the other, the man removed took the umbrella and returned to the car, Reven only took off the dark red hat he was wearing, accommodating that fluffy hair with one of his hands.

"Come on, it's about to start"

"What's it's a… ahh"

Reven didn't let him finish his question when he was already dragging him into a room, he handed out two tickets to the man at the doors and led Ethan down the hall of the theater to a balcony next to the stage.

"What are we doing here?"

"I already told you, it's a date"

Ethan grumbled as he sat down, they had arrived just in time because they were already closing all the doors and the lights suddenly were turned down, after a few minutes he heard a voice announcing the starting of the play.

A female voice filled the place with a beautiful and delicate song, Ethan was surprised to hear that music, it was his grandfather's favorite song because his husband Zest sang it, it was a strange coincidence...

The story was a love story between two people destined to hate each other, what a boring cliché... or so he thought because the plot caught him too much, he couldn't take his eyes off the actors, and when it ended he could feel a slight blush on his face.

He had liked it… it was strange because he rarely enjoyed things but he had really enjoyed that show.

After talking with the actors about his wonderful interpretation, Ethan looked for the director and the owner of that theater to donate some money. If they managed to excite him with another play, he promise to help them grow.

Even though he had gone to that place for his date with Reven he had found a good business.

Ethan was going to call his driver to pick him up but Reven was carrying an umbrella…. Too big, and again he didn't tell him where they were going he just dragged him to a huge building that turned out to be the mall.

"Now what are you planning?"

"I have to order a new suit since mine was damaged, did you remember?

Reven reminded him of that accident and Ethan felt guilt pummeling his conscience.

They arrived at an Armani shop but Reven went directly to an office to request a suit as if it was an exclusive outfit for his family.

"How much would it be?"

Reven kept his smile while he placed the order but as soon as the store clerk told him the price Ethan got shocked, had he really ruined something so EXPENSIVE?

He also wears pricey clothes from designers and so on but not that quite expensive…

Before Reven could pay, Ethan stopped him and paid for him.

"You didn't have to pay for the suit, I have some money too"

"It's ridiculously expensive but I won't go broke for just one suit."

"Hahahahaha are you showing me off your money or your grandfather's?"

"Both of them"

Reven watched him with some amusement and soon led him around the mall to make him buy many things for him as compensation for last night.

When they finished the little adventure they sat on a bench, Ethan had never done that kind of thing, his grandfather always had everything brought to his home and from there he chose what he wanted, but going from one place to another was exhausting.

"You look tired, your highness, have you never go to shopping before?"

"Why the hell would I have to do it when I can do it from home?"

"Pff hahahahaha you really sound like a prince"

"What nonsense is that? You are also a prince"

"Well yes, only by blood but we don't live in a castle, or are surrounded by so many servants like you, your highness"

"What?" Ethan looks at him a little surprised.

"Didn't you know that? When the clan split into different families, only the Rumsfeld family who were naturally recognized as royal blood were able to live in a castle, and despite the other antediluvians that tried to match the strength and power of the Rumsfelds, they could never change it"

"I think I missed that part of the story"

"Hahahaha, many wanted to expand, but when they were no longer a union many began to kill for fun, they converted humans exposing our secret as if they rule the world, your ancestor Seth put the order, he re-united the clans but he suppressed them with power and made them obey him. He became the first vampire king in history"

"I know, but he also named successors to the throne by families to remind them that at some point they could take the place"

"Well, that could only happen if the entire Rumsfeld family disappeared."

"Wait … what did you say?...”

Ethan opened his eyes widened when he heard him, with those words he knew why they had killed his grandfather, without him everyone thought that the entire Rumsfeld family had disappeared and someone could take his place in the line of succession.

The most suspicious could only be the Beckets but it was… too obvious.

"What's going on?"

“It seems that my head is going to have a great price now…"

"Why are you saying that?"

"My grandfather was murdered... for the same reason as my parents"

"What are you talking about? Wasn't it an accident?”

"No, someone kills him, and I suspect that someone wants the throne, and what could be a better way to do it than murdering his obstacles?"

Ethan looked at him with annoyance in his eye, Reven understood what he was referring to and opened his eyes a little surprised.

"That means you're in big danger, your highness”

Reven whispered that very softly tone just so they could hear it.

“Well, maybe...”

"Your Highness…" Reven says that looking angry at the prince's relaxed attitude

"What is it now?"

"I know how you can reward me for ruining my suit"

"Have I not already compensated you enough? I paid for a new suit and I put up with your crazy shopping outing, what more do you want?" Ethan complain angrily at the other words

"I want to be your bodyguard…"

"What do you want?"

Ethan let out a monumental scream even though they were in the middle of the mall, he looked surprised at Reven who was in front of him smiling with satisfaction

"That you choose me as your bodyguard" Reven looked at him with that smile.


"Because I'm worried someone will hurt you"

"We just met YESTERDAY!" Ethan shouted hysterically

"I know… but I can't explain it… being near to you made everything better"

Ethan was embarrassed at the other's words because he didn't know if it was a confession or a deception. He was going to refuse until Reven pulled his phone in front of him.

"Also I have these cute pictures on my phone…what will the world think upon seeing this side of the famous new leader of Rumsfeld?"

Reven showed him several photos of him in the shower, now he understood why despite having vomited he was clean and changed the next day


"It's your decision, your highness… please be wise"


Ethan cursed him on his mind because he knew that date was a mistake and now he had to deal with that blackmail...

To be continue