
lazy royalty showing his true colors

In a world of magic, where the biggest countries are in a constant clash for resources and land because of the threats of dangerous creatures, there are 6 schools which are deemed neutral ground and every country is allowed to send up to 20 students each year to learn and rise in the ranks to ascertain their power. This story starts at one of those schools and deals with a certain royalty who is too lazy to even finish the first semester, or is he?

Grimm_48 · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

bathtime bonding

After ogling the three beautiful girls who have taken over his bathroom James goes over to his workspace, where he has two books lying open and some papers with magic circles on them he drew.

He sits down and takes reads in the books for a few minutes before picking up his pen, about to draw a line on one of the circles. He hears a loud moan from his bathroom and loses focus, messing up the whole design.

In the meantime after entering James bathroom Lily has taken off her underwear immediately after entering, Serena and Yasmina looking at each other before following suit, all three sets landing on a stand to hang towels from.

"What are we doing here?" Yasmina asks the blonde curiously, her and Serena staring at Lily's larger breasts with a bit of jealousy.

"We're gonna take a bath. Seriously I don't know what kind of baths you had back home, but for me this place is a resort." Lily says, looking around the spacious bathroom, having an open shower area where three people could fit easily under the stream of water and a large tub with some kind of special settings from the extravagant looks of it.

The other necessities in the bath, meaning a toilet, two sinks and a large mirror over the sinks being pretty normal though.

"It looks nicer than ours back home." Yasmina says, coming from a middle-class family in Solice.

"I have differing experiences." Serena says, having grown up with such class as part of the royal family, having been the daughter of the Vilance King's brother.

"I thought you were from a farm? We're both from Solice afterall, so I asked about you." Yasmina says, a bit embarrassed at having looked into her friend's life.

"I was adopted by them when I was about 10. Before that... nevermind. It's probably not something I should just share right off the bat." Serena says, her past weighing on her mind.

"OK. But if you need to talk feel free to come to me." Yasmina offers, hugging the girl quickly, before releasing her awkwardly when she remembers they're both naked upon feeling Serena's skin cling to hers and the larger breasts push up against hers.

"Come on you two. No more serious talk. let's just make good use of this place." Lily says, stepping under the shower and turns it on, warm water raining down on her at a comfortable gentle setting while she takes some of James soap, running it over her body, soaping it up with an expression telling her friends she's enjoying herself.

Yasmina and Serena wait for a moment before the redhead joins Lily, Yasmina following quickly after, glaring at Lily's large bust when the three are close together under the relaxing water.

"Did you know James before coming here? You are from his Empire afterall." Yasmina asks Lily, who hands the soap to Serena, the redhead then starting to wash her body, unfurling her braid and enjoying her wet, warm hair falling onto her shoulders and ears, before tucking the red curtain of hair behind them.

"No. I met the first Prince once, which is when I got my crush on him. The prince and his father saved our district from poverty and saved a lot of people from starvation, including my little brother." Lily says smiling to herself.

"I see. What happened anyways? You said you talked to Prince Alfred." Yasmina asks.

"You don't ask such things." Serena says softly.

"I don't mind." Lily says, while going ova to the large bathtub which by now is filled up enough with water and she steps in, sighing in relaxation.

"Alfred, yeah. He told me that he's devoted to his fiancée and I don't have any place in his life. Not even as a concubine, because... well, it doesn't matter why." Lily informs them.

"And you were OK with that?" Yasmina asks concerned, starting to wash her body after receiving the soap from Serena.

"No. Obviously not. I cried and cried even after James came back to the house but he... I don't know for a person who supposedly enjoys solitude he's very kind and consoled me." Lily says smiling to herself, Serena joining her in the bath, sitting down next to her, their blonde and red hair mixing over their connecting shoulders.

"What about you Serena? You and him seem in a weird place. He looks like he cares about you as much as it bothers me to admit, but you seem scared of him or something." Lily asks the girl next to her, feeling her body stiffen nervously.

"I'd rather not tell you everything. We have met before and it's very difficult. But I was unjust towards him. People lied to me and I took my anger out on him the other day." Serena says pulling her knees up to her chest while looking into the water in front if her gloomily.

"I'm sure he won't hold a grudge. You'll work it out. You just have to give it a chance." Yasmina says before hopping into the bath on Lily's other side.

"Don't splash us." Lily says laughing and shoves a small wave at the white haired girl, whose abrupt entrance splashed over hers and Serena's face.

"Hey." Yasmina says pouting after the wave hits her face and she pushes a wave back at Lily, Yasmina's hand landing on Lily's large breasts as a result and making the blonde gasp erotically.

"Ohh, what is this. Aren't big boobs all they are made out to be." Yasmina says grinning evilly and starts to fondle her friend's assets while nodding for Serena to join. The redhead joins Yasmina, turning towards Lily and squeezes the breast facing her while breathing on her blonde friend's ear teasingly and rubs over her knee with her other hand while Yasmina is still fondling the other breasts with both hands, sitting on Lily's other leg facing the blonde.

After a short time, Lily can't keep her voice in and releases the loud moan James hears.

"That's not fair you two." She says erotically, mewling and panting at her friends' teasing.

"What are you doing in there?" James asks, knocking on the door.

"Nothing. Just deepening our friendship." Yasmina says, pinching Lily's nipple and making her moan loudly again.

"Help me, James." The blonde gasps sexily and Lily's two assailants turn towards the door for a moment but James' replies "You dragged them in there. I'm not getting mixed up in whatever you girls are doing in there."

"Noo. James." Lily squeals dramatically before moaning again.

The erotic noises continue to escape the bathroom for a while, James trying to focus on working on his research of magic, but gives up once he hears Lily begging for release, which if he heard correctly she got soon after. Two other voices then to start a duet of erotic sounds, Lily obviously getting payback, James overhearing some dirty talk from the blonde bombshell and Lily complaining about them embarrassing her in front of him.

While his three classmates are busy in the bath James decides to busy himself by cooking something.

"No fair using magic Lily." Yasmina gasps once Lily had her payback, having used a spell to increase the two girls' senses and thereby the stimulus.

"Don't mess with this busty supporter." Lily says confidently, Serena just breathing erotically next to Yasmina, the two girls' hands intertwined.

"How are we going to face James now?" Yasmina asks embarrassed.

"Oh I bet he enjoyed himself as much as we did." Lily says licking her lips and gets out of the bathtub, drying herself off and puts on James's bathrobe again.

Yasmina and Serena climb out of the tub as well and dry themselves off, before putting on their underwear and wrapping a towel around their midsection since James only has the one bathrobe, which Lily is wearing along with her panties, leaving the bra behind.

The three step out of the bathroom and Lily struts over to the table James is eating at, three other plates set on it.

She sits down across from him with a cute smile while he just seems to focus on his plate, Yasmina and Serena sitting down on the other sides of the table and saying a mumbled "Thank you." while James gets up and pours everyone a glass of water.

"Aren't you curious?" Lily asks, tugging on the collar of her robe, her breasts bouncing in the confinement and more cleavage gets revealed.

"This is one of the times where I'm sure I'm better off not knowing. Plausible deniability and all." James tells her.

"Spoil sport." Lily says before digging into her food as well.

"You weren't kidding. You're a decent cook." Lily praises him.

"When did he talk about cooking?" Yasmina asks Serena in a whisper, receiving a shrug in response.

"Anyways. As far as the training was concerned, I have to admit I'm impressed. For first year students without real former training, you are all pretty good." James praises them, all of the girls smiling either openly like Yasmina and Lily or to themselves like Serena.

"How much were you holding back?" Yasmina asks curiously.

"Ahem, that's not important." He says nervously, not wanting to diminish their confidence since he barely used 10% of his ability.

"A lot." Lily interprets.

"Then again we're on our second week and he's on his 5th year." Lily adds teasingly.

"Like I said for what you should be able to do you're doing very well."

"I'm curious though. I know you can use some spells, is it only enough for faints and misleads?" James asks Serena, the girl looking back at him nervously.

"With my current state, yes." She says, James getting the message and nods.

"I have something that would help you then, I'm just not sure how to teach you this. Maybe Miranda can help." James tells her.

"You want to teach me?" Serena asks shakily, James nodding positive and she says "thank you", while looking at her plate, only James noticing the small occasional drops of tears falling onto the plate.

"No fair. We want to get taught by you too. So do the others." Yasmina tells him, grabbing one of his hands.

"I know, I just meant that Serena and Kai will profit the most since I can teach them spells I use myself or well used... " He says, squeezing Yasmina's hand in response, making the girl smile.

"Hey, don't just flirt with those two while I'm sitting right here. I expect your help as well." Lily says pouting, crossing her arms under her chest, which loosens the tied closed robe and frees even more of her cleavage.

"I will, I plan to be in this class until graduation afterall and having capable comrades makes things much easier." James says, walking up behind Lily, who leans back, looking up at him, only for James to pull on the knot on her hip, pulling the robe further closed and making her frown.

"Am I going to have to expect you two using my bath as well?" James asks Serena and Yasmina.

The redhead shrugs nervously while Yasmina nods excitedly.

"I better get some fitting robes then." James says teasingly, leaning next to Lily's ear.

"Don't be shy to pick something naughty for everyone. I don't mind showing some skin to my friends." Lily teases back, caressing his jaw while he's leaning next to her.

"Unbelievable." He chuckles while Serena and Lily blush heavily, shaking their head in disagreement.

"I'm not that easy to outwit or out tease. Just ask them." Lily says, looking at the two blushing girls sitting to either side of her.

"Yeah, I picked up on that. Maybe I should put a noise-cancelling spell on the room the next time you visit." James chuckles softly.