
Lazy life In Dxd

Raylen2222_Hunt · Tranh châm biếm
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{Valery Lucifer pov}

"What was that Albion how come

{Divine Dividing} didn't work on Dividing that guys Magic" she asked her Sacred for answers.

[It work but no matter how much we divide it just comes back everytime] he replied back still baffled since he could tell he felt the power it was to pure.

[Valery no matter don't pick a fight with that guy I can tell his strong I mean strong and I can tell he was a Dragon....but I don't remember any Dragon back at my time] said Albion

"Maybe I'll met him again" replied Valery not really listening.

Albion just sign since his host was a battle maniac and never miss a chance to fight strong opponents.

[Let's go and get Kokabiel we need to tell that old Crow about this] Albion said to his host since they did come to get Kokabiel

"Alright" Valery replied not before looking at the Red Dragon

And not saying her peace

"I thought I would met my rival but to find out that your weak and a perverted boy disappoints me" Valery said while getting Kokabiel in her Magic circle.

She did her him reply

"Who you calling weak" Issie yelled out all she did was just shake her head an disappear not bothering with this Rival of hers


{Sona povs}

"Sona-Sama what will we do with that man?"her Queen asked her Tsubaki Shinra I just looked at my peerage and shake my head.

"Nothing we don't know if his hostile to us, I'll try to get in contact with him or my....sister" said the last part with difficulty since that's the last thing she would do but knowing someone who has more power than the strongest Devil Sirzechs lucifer living in Kouh where her and Rias supervising calls for such occasions.

"Sona-sama we can just go to were he lives and demand answers" her knew pawn said Saji

She looked at him and sigh this pawn of hers is to naive not knowing that man could have killed them in seconds and we wouldn't be able to doing anything

"We can't Saji since the other party is stronger and he could kill us and he wouldn't bat an eye" Tsubaki answer for her.

"Saji we are the weak party demanding something from the strong is suicidal and stupid the strong rule while the weak do everything to survive get that in your skull" Sona said while telling this pawn of hers some cold hard truth he just looks Stupify at her but nods.

"Let's go and help rebuild the school and will talk about this tomorrow morning" Sona commanded.

Sign I hope the other party won't be hostile.....she still couldn't believe Jason Sky was part of the supernatural she Mets him every time and couldn't even tell any sign of such happening I just hope he isn't angry at me for always bugs him to go to school.

After all I have grown to like him.


{Ophis pov} i felt it again someone possess my infinitely concept maybe he will help me defeat Baka-Red when I offer he\she my snakes. People always accept yes ill give this being my snakes and he/she will surely help me fight Baka-Red.


{Serafall pov}

Huh I felt disturbance in the force! Does that mean my So-tan has someone she likes can't let that happened I need to get out this stupid meeting and see my sister to check if she's okay no man shall touch my So-tan.
