
Lazy's Journey.

It's the adventure of a protagonist that just wants to live freely and just sleep all day with no problems but in this world,that is something hard to do. Also I stole my cover from An artist called @atinydreamer from Pinterest so I can take it down if that person doesn't like it.

SomeSome_Dude · Võ hiệp
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34 Chs

6.Mai vs Yamamoto Yuuki

"Let's do this" said Sakura.


As soon as the announcer said that Sakura quickly flashed towards her opponent.

Yuuki despite Sakura's speed saw her clearly and as Sakura was about to punch her,Yuuki quickly dodged her punch much but to the surprise of Yuuki,Sakura quickly lifted her knee which although didn't hit Yuuki as she blocked it but it clearly staggered her since Sakura added a lot of mana in it.

But the battle didn't stop as they started trading blows but much like the fight between Cedric and Sasuke Sakura only had the power but Yuuki either dodged or blocked every attack of her's.

'tch i can't deliver a clean hit on her,what do I do' thought Sakura as she didn't know what to do and she feels like even using everything in her arsenal she won't be able to do anything.

"HEY DUMMY CONCENTRATE,YOU WILL NEVER WIN IF YOU START PANICKING AS SOON AS THE BATTLES STARTS" shouted Akihiko so loudly that Everyone from the arena and was able to hear him.

Sakura hearing this smiled and quickly concentrated and quickly jumped back in hope of a better opening in her opening.

"Quite a friend you got there,but those friends won't make you strong,they serve no purpose and will only make you weak"

Said Yuuki while looking at Sakura.

"Man the edgyness is already about to kill me"

 Said Sakura not liking her comment about friends.

"You/She say that Friends will only make you weak but your/her brother has been friends with us and he's stronger than you" said Sakura the same time as Akihiko in the back.

*Meanwhile in the back*

"Hm I'm surprised you two haven't started dating seeing how you two are basically twins when it comes to your personality"said Sasuke amused by his two friends.

"Yeah yeah" retorted Aki and thought

'this idiot clearly has feelings for her but he's trying to be such a wing man that he forgot about his own feelings and the fact that the other side likes him too is killing me,man fuck this love triangle'

*Back to the fight*

"Say whatever you want,you will still lose" said Yuuki ignoring her previous comment about her brother.

"Soooo are we gonna ignore my comparison between you and your brother" said Sakura finding it kinda funny that her opponent just ignored her comment clearly showing that she doesn't like it.

"Ooooh are you mad that your brother has a friend but you don't,well don't worry my friend Akihiko really need a bitch to motivate him" said Sakura clearly liking the conversation she's having with her opponent.


*Everyone including the teachers sweatdrops*

"Enough of this nonsense,let me show you what I can do and you won't be laughing when I'm finished with you" said Yuuki angry and she unleashed a huge ammount of light blue lightning energy.

Seeing this Sakura got serious and she unleashed yellow flames as well.

Yuuki this time was the initiator as she appeared right in front of Sakura in the blink of an eye and side kicked Sakura right in the sending her flying.

Sakura tumbled through the arena and regained balance and instead of staying still to ease the pain she quickly shot towards her opponent ignoring the pain and started trading blows but every hit she sends towards her it misses as Yuuki's too fast for her despite her being the 7th most strongest.

'i know she's the 2nd most strongest but I didn't know it was this huge of a gap.....who am I kidding?I knew the gap all too well but,i won't give up this easily' thought Sakura and then began pushing herself.

'hmm she's getting stronger?' thought Yuuki 'well it's useless anyway' as she thought that she went to finish her off with with a lightning encased fish but was caught off guard by a rock suddenly popping out in front of her which gave Sakura enough time to punch her right in the jaw which sent her flying but quickly landed.

"Holy shit Sakura just used an Earth element"

As the people talked about the sudden Usage of a second element we cut to the Teachers.


 "Another double elemental and it seems the crowd is amazed as well"Said Yang yuhuan little surprised by the sudden use of a second element.

"But knowing how to use 2 element at once won't make her win a second since it's already hard to learn just one element and using 2 at once is extremely taxing to the mind,body and mana and a person that mastered one element can defeat someone that has mastered neither" said the mother of Sasuke and Yuuki.

"You're right" said the Principal as he payed attention to the fight.


Sakura and Yuuki are trading blows but unlike before Sakura was able to hit Yuuki as well.

'Despite me using Earth i still can't seem to see ways for me to win this,every one hit I give i recieved three' thought Sakura.

Sakura sent a punch which her opponent dodged but she quickly propelled towards her opponent by using Earth to quickly launch herself and delivered a flame covered knee to her nose which finally bled her opponent making her stagger and using the opportunity she quickly used almost all her mana to power up a punch but suddenly.

*Flashes of dark blue light**BOOOM*

 Sakura was sent flying as Yuuki slowly approached her with the former light blue coloured lightning turning to dark blue and more ferocious and loud.

"I underestimated you but now I've had enough" said Yuuki as Sakura slowly stood up wobbling.

"Before you knock me out will you hear something out" said Sakura knowing what was about to happen which she admit she can't do anything about.


"I'll still say it....You really need some friends" as soon as she said that Yuuki sent a huge dragon shaped dark Lightning to her opponent marking her win.


As Sakura was carried to the infirmary Akihiko went to her unconscious self and said

"You did amazing,way better than i thought you could so rest well"


The elements except for earth will change color depends on the mastery I'll post it after this
