
Laws of Nature and their Representatives: Representative of Time

The main character dies and makes an angel question his life, then disappears in the line of time. Warning: Don't get too attached to the main character's abilities. The character will not only get stronger as the story progresses. Sorry for possible typos

Desperat · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Death

Today is the best day of my life, there is no reason for it, I am just so happy.

The sound of birds, the breeze of the wind, the warmth ...

All of these things are exactly what I wanted. It feels like the whole world was created for me. Actually, it's a bit scary, I don't understand that everything is so wonderful.

On the way home, I saw a pickup truck stop at the pedestrian crossing and there's a police car right next to it. I find it difficult to hear their speech because they are far away, but I understand what they are talking about.

Truck driver gets a traffic ticket for parking at the pedestrian crossing. It's actually a bit funny, but it's just annoying. The annoying man is parked at the pedestrian crossing, the funny thing is that he gets a traffic ticket. It feels good that such fools get the punishment they deserve.

In fact, talking about such things is not suitable for me. After all, I usually only protect myself.

I continue on my way by singing inside.

I literally sing until I die because I'm dying from a car accident.

It's a little cliché, but a pickup truck hits me. The most dramatic part is that that pickup truck is the one I just saw at the pedestrian crossing.

Even though I am dead, I continue to hear the voices around me. People say that the sense of hearing is the last lost sense, apparently this is true.

I heard the door of the pickup truck hitting me open, and then a man said something pretty scary.


These were the last words I heard. I also lost my hearing.

I felt like death was coming to get me. Then I opened my eyes, or rather, my soul left my body, so I started to see around again.

The man who killed me was carrying his body behind the pickup truck, I wanted to be angry with him, but I didn't try it because I knew it was already impossible.

I just waited, I watched that man take his body and leave. Strangely, this made me happy.

I heard a beautiful voice. The voice was coming from behind me, it was very calm, but I sensed a little jealousy in the tone of voice.

"Does it feel so good to die?"(?)

When I turned around, I saw a perfect man in front of me, words were insufficient to describe his appearance, but I was sure that he was not human.

The man had golden wings on his back. He had a scythe in his hand. When I saw the scythe in his hand, I thought he was an angel of death, but he was too handsome to be the angel of death.

"Why do you look at me as if questioning the meaning of life?"(?)

"Sir, can you tell me what you are?"

The man smiled sincerely at me.

"I am an angel of death." (Angel of death)

"What?! Seriously?!?"

"Seriously, why do people react like this every time? I'm an angel, it's normal that I look beautiful. Were you waiting for a devil or something to come across you?? If you want so much, I can find one for you. Let him take you to my place." (Angel of Death)

I did not answer this question. Then the angel took my hand and I suddenly found myself somewhere else.

The angel of death told me what was expected. Then another angel came, gave me pen and paper.

"Write the rules on paper."(Angel)

As soon as the angel said this, a table appeared in front of me, I put the paper on the table and started to write.

1-Theft is prohibited.

2-It is forbidden to kill.

3- It is forbidden to harm others.

4-It is forbidden to harm yourself.


Just as I was about to write the fifth item, the angel took the pen from my hand and looked a little angry.

"What the hell are you doing?! Where am I going to find a planet that fits these conditions?! Write sensible things here!!"(Angel)

I didn't understand why he was angry with me. He asked me to write the rules and that's what I was doing.

"Write down the physics rules of the planet you want to reincarnate!!"(Angel)


The angel brought a sad hand to his face.

"Didn't death tell you?" (Angel)

I didn't think I had to write down the physics laws of the world I had to go to.

Then a memory occurred to me. I remember a video I watched before. The video was talking about people hallucinating for a short time after death. That's when I realized that what I'm going through right now is not normal.

"It's not real, is it? It's just a hallucination."

"What?" (Angel)

At that moment, the whole reality began to collapse and I saw the other person trembling with fear. The angel realized that he himself was not real.

Then there was only darkness, not the slightest sight. My 5 senses were completely disabled, there was only one consciousness left and I was about to lose it.

It was impossible to resist, then I felt something, like I was somehow coming back to life, but I knew that feeling wasn't real.

It felt like I had turned into a cloud of dust, but I didn't care as I was already dead.

I continued to wait, my consciousness seemed to be about to shut down, but then it was slowly coming back to normal.

This feeling was repeated about 100 times. Each time it felt as if my body had been split into atoms and reunited.

My body's thinking function should have been shut down by now, but somehow that didn't happen.

I could only give one answer to explain this ridiculous situation. At the moment, I continue my existence with my soul, not my body.

The soul is considered immortal but I can't be sure of that right now because I feel like it's getting smaller with each passing second. I was afraid that if I kept waiting, my soul would be destroyed at the end of this job. I had to survive somehow.

It occurred to me to go to the nether world, and I thought of doing the same thing other spirits do. It was physically impossible for me to move, but I felt like I could move along a line.

The real question was whether to go forward or backward. When there was no point in staying here, I decided to go further.

As soon as I started doing this, I realized where I am right now. I was literally on the timeline right now.