
Chapter 59

"The love of justice is, in most men, nothing more than the fear of suffering injustice."

Francois de la Rochefoucauld.


After the unfortunate incident at the city park, Lisa was rushed into STAND hospital. It was the closest hospital to the city park. Mary and kemisola followed the ambulance to the hospital while Kendra and Paul drove behind the Ambulance. Lisa was rushed into the operating theatre as soon as they got to the hospital.

"Wait here," one of the doctors instructed Mary and Kemisola to wait outside the operating room.

"Okay," Mary answered back and took the waiting chairs outside the room.

Kemisola paced around the hallways with her arms folded together. "This shouldn't have happened." She voiced out.

Soon, Kendra and Paul arrived at the hospital and saw them in the hallways. Kendra rushed to Kemisola and called her name. "Kemi," she called.