
Last Rune Bearer

Last Rune Bearer is a fantasy story that follows the story of Arin, a 14-year-old boy living in the country of Aurora. Born into a family of magic users, Arin has always felt like he was the black sheep as he never exhibited any signs of magic. However, one day while playing near ancient ruins, he stumbles upon an ancient magic rune book that contains the secrets of Rune Magic, a rare and powerful form of magic. When Arin activates the magic rune, he discovers that he has the ability to use a type of Magic that no one else can use Rune Magic. It allows him to use many different types of magic through runes. This comes as a shock to his family, especially his family and the magic community, as people usually can only use one type of magic. He then gets accepted to the Arcanum school of magic as well as getting himself mixed up in political schemes.

Vonscott_Bair · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

Chapter 4: "A Day of Learning at Dragon Hall"

Arin looked at the schools itinerary

He classes during this year are the following classes.

Magical Beasts, Taught by Professor Sylas.

In this class, students learn about the different types of magical creatures and how to interact with them. Topics include identifying, handling, and caring for different magical creatures, as well as how to defend against them if necessary.

Magical Combat and Theory, Taught by Professor Adalyn.

This class focuses on the theory and practice of using magic in combat, including casting spells, summoning creatures, and using magical items. Students learn different techniques for offense, defense, and support, as well as the proper use of different types of magic.

History of Magic, Taught by Professor Alistair

Students learn about the history of magic and its development over time, including the different schools of magic and their unique approaches to practicing magic. Topics also include important figures in the history of magic and their contributions to the field.

Magic Items and Creation, Taught by Professor Celeste

In this class, students learn about the creation and use of magical items, including wands, staffs, and enchanted objects. Topics include the different materials used in making magical items, how to enchant an object, and the various uses of enchanted items.

Adventuring, Taught by Professor Althea

Students learn about the various aspects of going on adventures, including planning, preparation, and execution. Topics include identifying dangers and assessing risks, as well as learning how to navigate through different terrains and environments.

Ethics and the Responsibility of Magic, Taught by Professor Ronan

This class focuses on the ethical considerations involved in practicing magic and the responsibilities that come with it. Topics include the proper use of magic, avoiding abuse, and maintaining magical balance in the world.

Magic and the Natural World, Taught by Professor Elara

In this class, students learn about the relationship between magic and the natural world, including how magic affects the environment and how to maintain balance between magic and nature. Topics also include the different ways magic can be used to protect and preserve the environment.

Potion Making, Taught by Professor Fizz

In this class, students learn about the creation and use of potions, including ingredients, brewing techniques, and proper storage methods. Topics also include the different effects of different potions, as well as the ethical considerations involved in using potions.

Arin woke up early, eager to start his first day of classes at the magic school. He quickly got dressed and headed down to the grand hall for breakfast. After a filling meal, he made his way to the classrooms, checking his schedule for the day.

His first class was Magic Combat and Theory with Professor Adalyn.

As Arin walked into the spacious, circular room, he felt a rush of excitement wash over him. He had always been fascinated by the art of combat, and the idea of incorporating magic into it was beyond thrilling.

The room was filled with students from all different halls, eagerly waiting for the lesson to start. As soon as the teacher, Professor Adalyn, entered the room, the students all quieted down. He was a tall, muscular man, with a calm expression and a commanding presence.

He carried a large, wooden staff that was carved with intricate magical crystals, and his armor glinted in the light of the enchanted crystals that hung from the ceiling.

"Good morning, class," Professor Adalyn began. "Today, we will be delving into the art of magical combat. As you all know, magic can be a powerful tool in combat, and it is our responsibility to use it wisely and effectively."

He gestured towards a large training dummy in the center of the room, and Arin's heart began to race. He had been waiting for this moment all day, and he was eager to show off his abilities.

"Now, for our first demonstration, I would like to call up Arin from Dragon Hall," Professor Adalyn said, pointing towards Arin.

Arin stepped forward, feeling the eyes of the entire class upon him. His hands deep in his pockets pulled them both out and looked at the runes he had wrote on each hand.

He focused his magic into his palms, channeling the power of the runes into them.

With a flick of his wrist, Arin sent the first stone flying towards the training dummy. It hit the dummy with a loud crack, and the dummy's wooden body was shattered into a million pieces.

The students gasped in amazement. "Impressive," Professor Adalyn said, nodding in approval. "Now, let's see what you can do with your Wind Blade." Arin nodded, focusing his magic into the other hand.

With a flourish of his hand, he sent a blade of wind hurtling towards the dummy, slicing it in half with ease. The students erupted into applause, and Arin felt a surge of pride.

"Very good, Arin," Professor Adalyn said, smiling. "You show great potential in magical combat. Keep up the good work." Arin smiled, feeling grateful for the praise.

As the class continued, he learned about the various ways magic could be used in combat, and he was amazed by the complexity and intricacy of how others use their magic.

By the end of the lesson, he felt more confident in his abilities, and he was eager to continue learning and improving.

After leaving class he began to head towards his next class for the day he ran into Lily talking with his sister Sam while they are in-between classes. He said hello to both and gave Sam a hug.

Arin walked into the large, airy classroom, filled with rows of desks and surrounded by bookshelves that reached up to the high ceiling.

The room was buzzing with excitement as students chattered and greeted each other, all eager to start their classes. Arin found a seat near the back and took a deep breath, looking around the room at all the new faces. He was excited to be here and eager to learn.

As the room settled down, the professor, a tall, thin man with a long beard and twinkling eyes, walked in. "Good morning, students," he said with a smile.

"Welcome to the History of Magic class. I am Professor Alistair and I will be your instructor for the semester.

Today, we will be starting at the very beginning and looking at the earliest forms of magic, how it evolved and how it has shaped the world we live in today."

Professor Alistair walked over to a large map that was hanging on the wall, pointing to different locations and talking about the different forms of magic that had emerged in those places.

He spoke about the magic of the ancient Eldred's, the druids of Britain, the shamans of the Ys and the mystics of the Ignisia.

As the class went on, Arin was fascinated by the stories and information that Professor Alistair shared. He learned about the different types of magic, their origins and how they were used in different cultures.

He also heard about the major events in magical history, such as the rise of the wizarding wars, the formation of the first magical schools, and the creation of the International Confederation of Wizards.

By the end of the class, Arin felt like he had a better understanding of the rich history of magic and the role it had played in shaping the world. He left the class feeling inspired and eager to learn more.

Arins next class was not for another hour so he decided to go outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. He was out in the huge courtyard relaxing in the grass watching the large fountain shooting water which was enchanted to make intricate designs before falling back down into the base.

At the far end of the courtyard is the entrance the Spell Dueling area.

The large, circular arena surrounded by tall stone walls and bleachers that can seat thousands of spectators. The arena floor is made of smooth, polished stone that glistens in the sunlight.

The center of the arena is a large octagonal platform is made of a special magic-resistant material that allows for spell duels to take place safely and without causing any damage to the surrounding area.

The octagonal shape is divided into eight equal sections, each of which is decorated with the emblem of one of the halls, symbolizing the diversity and unity of the school's student body.

The spell duel area is designed to accommodate duels between two individuals or teams of six, with designated spots for each participant marked by their respective hall emblem.

The platform is surrounded by a tiered seating area for spectators, and is equipped with magical barriers that protect the audience from any stray spells.

At the center of the platform, there is a large magic circle that is used to activate the magical barriers and regulate the flow of magic during the duel.

The circle is made up of intricate designs and symbols, each of which is imbued with powerful magic to help control the spell duels and ensure that they are safe and fair.

The spell duel area is supervised by a team of magic professors and enchanted creatures who are tasked with enforcing the rules and ensuring the safety of the competitors.

The spell duel area is a testament to the school's commitment to providing students with a safe and challenging environment to hone their magical skills and engage in friendly competition.

Arin was sitting in the lush courtyard of the magic school, surrounded by blooming flowers and the gentle chirping of birds. He was lost in thought, thinking about his recent class on the History of Magic.

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't notice the approach of Marcus until he was standing right in front of him.

Marcus was a student from Centaur Hall and had a reputation for being aggressive and confrontational. He always thinks he is better then everyone else because of who his family is.

"Hey there, lowborn scum," Marcus sneered.

Arin looked up, taken aback by the insult. "What do you want?" he asked, trying to keep his voice calm.

"What do I want? I want you to know your place, trash. You think just because you're in Dragon Hall you're better than the rest of us?" Marcus spat.

"We all know you cheated in the entrance exams and that's how you got into Dragon Hall." He sneered

Arin sighed. He knew this was going to be a difficult conversation. "I never said that. I just want to learn and better myself."

Marcus wasn't having any of it. "You and your kind always think you're entitled to the same as us of the higher class. Well, let's see what you've got, dragon. I challenge you to a Spell Duel."

Arin's heart raced. Spell Duels were a serious matter, and he knew that they were not to be taken lightly. But he also knew that he couldn't back down from this challenge, not if he wanted to maintain his dignity and respect.

"Fine," Arin said, standing up to face Marcus. "I accept your challenge."