
Last Ruler Of The Empty Throne

Earth has been visited by the Embryiniel records, so the world and its habitants is been pushed toward the path of evolution. Strange monsters only made up by imagination are appearing everywhere and the world changed to a situation of either survival or death. Jon is a normal student in Palflic university, all he thought about was finishing his school and how his parents might have abandoned him but little did he know about himself and what the world had in-store for him. Other worlds and universes, clans and sects, people and monsters stand in his way, will he prevail or succumb to the desires of others. . . . . .

pricklebells · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Looking for a place 2

He slung his bag over his shoulder, ignoring the curious glances that followed him, and turned to Jenny, Tunde, and Cynthia.

"Aren't we going?" he asked, puzzled.

After a brief pause, they all nodded and began following Cynthia toward the last standing hostel out of the five. It was the one in the center, most likely where the remaining female survivors were taking refuge.

The other hostels had collapsed in strange circumstances. When that blinding light flashed, some people exploded, shaking the buildings they were in. Then, as if to finalize the destruction, cars crashed into the structures, toppling them completely.

As they slowly made their way toward the intact building, everyone remained cautious, anticipating that zombies might emerge from the dormitory at any moment.

Then, as though on cue, the hostel doors creaked open. The group froze, expecting to see zombies shambling out. Instead, a group of people in purple tops, black trousers, and caps emerged, some carrying walkie-talkies, others with pistols hanging from their belts.

It was the university's contracted security team—the very people they had been looking for. But these guards didn't look as polished as usual; some bore cuts and burns, evidence of recent battles.

The unspoken question hung in the air: Where had they been all this time, while the students were fighting for their lives? Yet no one voiced it. The relief of seeing the security team overshadowed any resentment.

About twenty-five security personnel stepped out, followed by forty hostel staff members. Among them was a middle-aged woman standing at the back, her body slightly trembling as she tried to remain composed.

She was Martha Port, the head of the surviving hostel, and it was no wonder she was shaken—her friends had perished in the burned dormitories. She knew she was lucky to be alive but wouldn't let it be for granted.

The security team immediately began checking the students for any injuries or zombie bites, offering comfort to the frightened and guiding everyone into the hostel. Two guards approached Cynthia, exchanging a few words with her before sticking close by. She nodded to them but glanced at Jon, her gaze lingering, curious.

No one approached Jon. It wasn't as though they hadn't seen him fight; rather, they all seemed unsure of how to approach him. He didn't mind.

Slowly but surely he was getting used to the strange stares by now.

Tunde and Cynthia moved to speak with Mrs. Port and the head of security, while Jon lagged behind, talking quietly with Jenny.

"So, what's your plan now?" Jenny asked, her tone probing.

Jon considered. "I'm going to check out the orbs I collected, sort through a few things. After that, I think I'll head out again to level up."

"You're planning to level up too? I don't know if it's the traits I've got, but I'm not feeling the fear like others do," she admitted.

Jon raised an eyebrow, thoughtful. So I was right something was helping her, he mused.

"Yeah, I feel like this situation isn't going to change anytime soon," Jon replied. "Might as well adapt to this new reality now so it doesn't catch us off guard later."

"Alright, let's meet at the entrance in one—no, make it two hours," Jenny decided, and Jon nodded in agreement.

She hesitated for a moment. "Are you going to join the meeting when we get inside?"

Jon shook his head. "I can guess what the outcome will be. Besides, I've got things to do. Maybe I'll join when we reach the cafeteria tomorrow, but for now, this is just one night."

"Fair enough. See you then."

They had reached the hostel entrance by this point. The lobby, normally used for welcoming guests and handling student check-ins and check-outs during the semester, had been rendered pointless in the chaos of the day.


Around the world, people were scrambling to understand the phenomenon that had upended their lives. Scientists were dispatched in droves to investigate the strange force, but all they could confirm was that the energy signatures they were detecting had the potential to revolutionize technology—if only the right equipment existed to harness it.

With little concrete information, theories began to swirl. Some claimed it was the apocalypse, others saw it as divine judgment, while a few were already plotting how to use the chaos to their advantage, thinking of seizing power, forming new governments, or simply exploiting the situation for personal gain.

But one thing was clear: the world had been reset. Everyone now stood at the same starting line. Some would rise to the top, using others as stepping stones. Some would fall, trampled in the race.

But no one wanted to be at the bottom, except perhaps those who refused to accept the new reality. Even so, the majority were already adapting—and quickly.

It was a testament to the resilience of humanity: within five hours of the system windows appearing, the world had turned upside down.

Everyone was scrambling to find their place in this new order. For those who could seize the opportunity, the future held the promise of unimaginable power. This generation would determine who would rise to the top and who would be left behind. The survivors of this ordeal would become the legends of a new era.


Jon's instincts were correct. There were still many survivors in the hostel—far more than one might expect. It seemed the security team had timed their emergence well, saving a significant number of students from the other burned dormitories while simultaneously managing the zombie threat within the building.

Over a thousand female students had survived in the dorm, a surprisingly large number considering the circumstances.

Palflic University was known for its talented student body across various fields, and that talent extended to handling mana. It seemed that many of the survivors had either natural bravery or sharp intellects—or both.

However, among the survivors, few were male—just eleven, including Jon, who had come from the stadium. Jon couldn't help but wonder how the men and boys in other areas were coping. His thoughts drifted to his roommates, Alex and Joe. I hope they're safe.

He sighed as the staff directed him to his room. He found it odd that he'd be staying alone, but he didn't dwell on it. In fact, he preferred it. He had things to take care of on his own. He suspected he knew who might have arranged the room for him and decided he would thank them later.

For now, it was time to focus on one thing: getting stronger to survive this whole ordeal. With that resolve, Jon entered his room, ready to tackle the next challenge.