
Last Paladin

Darkness rules the land since the sacred order of the Paladin vanished for to the point their tales are now but legends and none now live who’ve seen a Paladin let alone known someone who has. Maybe they never really existed but if they do the people of Arcadia Nine could really use their help. This is the tale of a young man who chooses that weather they are real or not he was done being pushed around and would from this point forward stand up against the darkness.

ShadowFoxx89 · Kỳ huyễn
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167 Chs

The Dreamwalker - Part One

As the three of them slept they seemed to all find themselves in their own little individual dream worlds. A world crafted for and from each of their deepest of heart filled desires. Some parts of these dream worlds brought them joy and happiness while there were also parts that filled their hearts with sadness and sorrow. Then there was one part of each dream world that was special crafted and held their deepest and greatest fears.