
Last Paladin

Darkness rules the land since the sacred order of the Paladin vanished for to the point their tales are now but legends and none now live who’ve seen a Paladin let alone known someone who has. Maybe they never really existed but if they do the people of Arcadia Nine could really use their help. This is the tale of a young man who chooses that weather they are real or not he was done being pushed around and would from this point forward stand up against the darkness.

ShadowFoxx89 · Kỳ huyễn
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167 Chs

A Heart To Heart Between Friends - Part One

Meanwhile back at the inn Rebekah softly knocked on the door of one of their companions only to realize how pointless it was seeing as the person on the other side of the door couldn't possibly hear the knocking yet to her surprise just as she let out a sigh and was about to give up and leave the door slowly opened revealing a half asleep Lucy in her very seductive undergarments which really made her extra attractive.

"Is something wrong Lady Rebekah?" asked Lucy with a yawn.

"Oh, I'm sorry we can talk later…" started Rebekah only to stop and facepalm herself before adding, "I'm so stupid you can't understand a word I'm saying."

"Except, for the fact that I can read lips and your mate gave me this pendant that casts a continual paw language spell." explained Lucy with a half smile, "Thus how I knew you'd knocked on my door it also has an alarm system. So what is it you need?"