

"Oh bambi don't put pressure there, we can pass", I calmed Derick. Alas he was all reviewed, he really preapare himself for the the Board Exam so he could get the great "RN". Yes same "Nursing", we took the course.

"I know tantan but this is really the hardest exam and when I fail ...", I immediately hugged him, "Shhh bambi relax, don't overthink. Whether we pass or not, mom still wants us to work in her hospital ".

"You should review as well because you are just playing with Franco".

Franco suddenly came in and hugged us, "Oh now? I reviewed all morning, you know?", Then he closed the book on the table, "you also need to rest, you are always here in the room, books in front of you, take a break dude, for tomorrow we will meet again baby books ", he joked. "Then Franco and I ranked earlier and we beat your rank", I added and I was obviously sulking bambi HAHAHA THE CUTE. He really didn't want to lose, "You beat my rank?! Then better get ready and I'll crash your ranks" , then he walked out and we immediately followed him.

We saw that he was already holding the controllers, "Hey bambi just a joke, we can't beat your rank", I would have hugged him but he avoided, yup he is a moody one -, -

"Yes, Derick, it's hard for us to reach you"

"Then, I will torture you even more", those words scared me and Franco, "let's rank, who is the lowest, he will spare this dinner with Spencer", he added.

"Treat? Who will treat us, Uncle Derick? ", He said and he left our room, Spencer is the son of Derick's sister, Yes they got along and sometimes Spencer visits here.

"Later Spencer, we'll find out", and we started playing. Honestly, I'm really against Franco because bambi automatically wins here and I was the one who was free then.

"HEY! TITO DERICK WINS AGAIN! Tito Ethan you can do it", Spencer cheered on me and I really could because ... "WAAHHHH! BOOOMMM !!! ETHAANNN! YOU AGAIN", because I lose, haysss my bank account is miserable I can spend on its buraots.

I tossed the controller and sluggishly grabbed my wallet, "Oh what did you order?", I asked and handed over my credit card. After maybe five minutes, their orders arrived, I expected it to be a lot but when I saw it it was only 2 paper bags Derick approached me and handed me my card, "We used my card", I frowned so I had little money left, "Because you're suppose to treat us but of course so that you do not feel sorry, let's eat" , I smiled and went to the dining table and we ate together.

After we ate, our driver took Spencer to their house and sent food for Derick's sister and we even left for mom. Then we went to our room to get ready for bed because it was early in the morning. I waited for Derick to lie down next to me, how come he still has skin care routine when I'm here to tae care of him, pft -, -. And finally after 123456789 years, SHAROT! "Finally bambi, let's go to sleep", and he hugged me. 'You forgot something' "What's that?"

"We will sleep and you know that sleep is like a temporary death so ..", I put my index finger on his lip, "Shh, don't say that, no one will die with us, we have so many Dream to reach" , I kissed his forehead and uttered the phrase, "I love you Maximus Frederick Carson-Carter, my bambi" "I love you too Ethan Timothy Carter, my tantan", and we try to get ourselves to sleep. It seems routine for us to say that because like what he said sleep is like a temporary death so we say and feel each other our love until our last breath.