Miamoto entered the house and placed water on the fire, then knelt to his pillow waiting for the water to boil, the door still stood open, it was up to her now but deeply in him he wanted that girl to leave and disappear, even if that will be disrespectful towards Brandon, who had to cut his pride and bow to him... A human.
The footsteps in the doorway made him look, there stood the blue eyed girl with a rather angry look on her face, she stepped in and wiped her feet, then closed the door.
"Have a seat, young Okami"
She slowly came over and knelt "What possibilities are you talking about?"
He took a deep sigh and closed his eyes "Have you seen yourself in a mirror recently?"
"Yes, so?"
"You're a beautiful young girl, now blooming into a woman..." He said opening his eyes.
"I should probably grow up eventually, I understand that, but that doesn't give you the right to eye me human"