

There was an orphaned little boy who was helping his grandfather who was starving. Unexpectedly he received a gift in the form of a small knife from his grandfather which turned out to be a legendary heirloom. And that little boy turned out to have the legendary Dragon Spirit

Ariezs11 · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter 9 Last Tragedy

"Master, are you ready to break this seal?" asked the Hydra of his master. Whose body is now being borrowed by him.


"Of course, Hydra. Come on, let's do it now," said Rieza so that Hydra immediately used its full power to destroy the seal that Rolland's uncle had made.


"Hey, earth level seal quickly show your true face or I..." Hydra said hanging before she could actually act.


Not long after that the seal's power disappeared and was replaced by a puff of white smoke that surrounded Rieza's body.


"What is that puff of smoke? Why is it only surrounding Rieza's body? Why isn't all this room surrounded by white smoke," asked Alex to himself full of astonishment.


"Huh...? Rieza has joined Hydra? How could this happen so quickly?" thought Guan Yu who was also confused by this incident.


Unusually, a Hydra could easily admit an ordinary human as its friend. Or rather as his combat partner.


"That means Rieza is indeed the chosen child, according to a prophecy that happened hundreds of years ago, before the dragon clan disappeared from the face of this earth," said Guan Yu speaking to himself.


Suddenly the puff of white smoke turned into a beautiful woman with a dominant pink dress, the coral clothes that she wore slightly stood out her valuables.


She has a sweet face and fair skin. The ears are slightly pointed and have a sharp nose.


"My respects to the Dark Dragon, I'm sorry sir. I don't mean to make things difficult for the master in this room, but this is an order from my previous master," said the sweet woman.


"So that I can guard this place for him and I have to wait until a small child comes who can summon the power of the Dark Dragon within him. By the time I have met him, I was ordered to serve him," continued the sweet woman to Hydra who was none other than Rieza.


"That's what Mr. Rolland said before his death when he was fighting with the forces of darkness," he said as he held back the tears that were about to flow from his beautiful eyes.


"What happened to Uncle Rolland, sweet woman. Please explain in more detail about Uncle Rolland's death," said Rieza to the woman in front of her now.


Yes he is Rieza, he has controlled his body again after he heard Rolland's name called by the sweet woman.


"Sorry gentlemen everyone. I forgot to introduce myself first. Introduce my name is Felysha, I come from the eastern elf clan on Mount Lost Drago," said Felysha introducing herself.


"I was saved by Mr. Rolland during the great battle on Mount Lost Drago that time. At that time a fierce battle was taking place between Mr. Rolland and a beautiful young magician," explained Felysha to her two masters.


"He's talking to me. Hi, you who are dressed in pink take cover behind me, I will protect you," said Felysha, who was remembering the events during the war.


Back to several hundred years ago


"Hey, arrogant woman. Don't you have a very great power, you just want to destroy other people's places and enslave them," said the young Rolland warning the young wizard.


"Is this really your business, stupid human? Your strength with me will never be comparable, understand that. O stupid human," challenged the woman to Rolland by pointing her wand in front of Rolland's face.


"Tch, what can't compare to you evil wizard," Rolland teased at the wizard as he prepared to take the sword from its scabbard.


"Sret… Strive… Struck…" Lightning flashed straight at Rolland's body. Rolland nimbly dodged all the magic that the young woman cast on him.


"Haha... That's all you're capable of, you ugly mage. Not a single move has been able to hit me at all since then," Rolland sneered by sticking his tongue in front of the young wizard.


"Damn it, this human, he's quite agile too. Can dodge all attacks from me," muttered the mage, annoyed that all of his attacks could be avoided so easily.


"Unlike humans in general, Rolland is different, he easily dodged all the attacks I launched earlier, he must be a talented cultivator," thought the mage with all the possibilities.


Rolland who saw the lack of focus in fighting appear on this woman, he attacked with all his strength, because if this woman was really focused on her opponent.


Rolland would never have another chance to attack him. It was due to the vast difference in their strength but here, Rolland was still benefiting from the sword he had carried all along.


Since the sword was one of the five legendary treasures that fell to earth, it was a gift from heaven for the earth was once very peaceful and serene.


In the end what happened was the struggle for legendary heirlooms by humans greedy for power and position, causing a lot of bloodshed.


So in the end God said otherwise. Finally the day has come when the forces of darkness and light will fight each other for their dominion over this earth.


This is what Rolland and the sweet young woman are dealing with.


The one behind Rolland's sturdy body. He was indeed told to hide by Rolland because he didn't want to, the eastern elf clan from Mount Lost Drago was completely annihilated by this evil wizard.


"You go into the cave that is right in front of you now. Let me face this evil witch alone here," Rolland clever so that the sweet woman immediately hide in the cave.


"B-but... T-master won't be able to beat him with just your current master's strength, he's at the celestial level while the lord is at the mid-earth level, so it will be very difficult to overcome a celestial level power like him," he said worried for Rolland's safety. who fought for him.


"What you need to pay attention to now is the safety of this generation of eastern elf clan from Mount Lost Drago, because you are the only one who fits the child in the prophecy, sweet girl," said Rolland who was trying to make himself trusted by this female elf.


"I'm Rolland, nice to meet you," said Rolland.


"I'm Felysha, nice to meet you too," said Felysha with a beautiful smile that never left her sweet face.


"Okay Felysha, I'll leave this sword with you, please bring this sword back to my room in a house with a classic European feel in the west of Stoneroll city," said Rieza as she threw her sword at Felysha who would guard the house.