
LAST Hope Of Arkadia

LAST HOPE OF ARKADIA is a story about a girl who is the only one with the power to save her clan . However, she cannot control her power making it difficult to harness it to save her people. The story is set in a post apocalyptic world where the clan is struggling to survive . The girl's power is the last hope for the clan and they are relying on her to save them . As the story progresses, the girl discovered that her power is not the only one that can save the clan . She meets other survivors who have unique skills and abilities that can help her fight against the dangers of the apocalyptic world. Together they form a team and embark on a journey to save the clan . However, the journey is not easy and they face many challenges along the way . They encounter hostile survivors who sees them as threat . The girl's power also become a liability, attracting unwanted attention from those who seek to exploit it . As the story reaches it climax , the girl discovered a shocking twist that changes everything. She learns that her power is not what it seems and there's more to it than she thought . With this new knowledge she must make a choice that will determine the fate of her clan. "Last hope of Arkadia " is a thrilling adventure story that combines elements of science fiction and fantasy. It is a story of survival, friendship, and self discovery that will keep the readers on the edge of their seat till the very end .

Ayodeji_Kehinde_ · Khoa huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
22 Chs

The visit

The visit

(As the scene played , you can hear the voice of a female over an older man .

They seems to be arguing about something , the older man seems to not to be convinced by her .


"Father! This can't be helped , this people are deadly people, it like you endangering the lives of the Arkadians .

"Princess! The other clan were ones Arkadians , they need our help .

"It doesn't matter if they are our enemies or not , their people are dying and we are the only hope they have left " The other man said gently covering his hand with his daughter who seems more enraged.

She can't help but wonder what sort of a chief her father his , endangering his people lives for others! . Clearly the other clans are deadly people and who cares if they have more than population?.

She can't help but feel this might be the ways of the other clans to get rid of Arkadia.

The other clans knowns that the greatest power of the Orb lies within Arkadia, no one except from her father knows she is the chosen one .

She has always been kept in the dark , her father had restricted her moves , she dare not go out in case her power got exposed and she's yet to figure out how to use her power fully and also when the orb is not in her possession yet .

She has the power yes! But without the orb she can't do much and she hates this .

She has tried many times to go back in time in-other to figure out where the orb could be buried .

According to history the orb was kept far away in other to protect it from getting into the wrong hand. She has tried to find answers on how to get the power to no avail.

She needs to hurry in other to save her people.

(Amidst their arguments you can hear the sound of footsteps approaching).

The chief most trusted and personal guard entered).

She stare at him in disgust, she has never been a fan, she has this gut that he his not what he seems .

She can feel there's more to him .