
The First Quest

Before this chapter kicks off, wanted to do a little something. Regarding the whole addition of maybe sending him to the Advanced Nurturing High School at some point, I want to get your opinions on the matter. Do you want him to go there? I am more than okay with not sending him there as I have other plans just in case as well.

I'm going to have you guys vote on which you will want, and I will be counting them myself. I will only count each comment from each separate person once.

[Comment here if you WANT him to go to the ANHS]

[Comment here if you DON'T WANT him to go to the ANHS]

Also, just before this begins. Do you guys have suggestions to worlds that I can create a mission for? I already have a few in mind that you probably won't be expecting, but I want to have some suggestions just in case. Something out of the norm perhaps.


Two days have passed since Yamato had been invited to the chat group, and nothing too note worthy had happened. Aside from the members talking to one another like a group of friends, the only other thing making note about was the case that Yamato helped his father solve.

There wasn't really much behind the whole case, it was just some bad blood between two parties that lead to the beat down of that unfortunate victim. They had also arrested the attackers since they hadn't managed to get away in time and were hiding off somewhere deeper in the powerplant.

The reason for why they couldn't escape was due to an overload of electricity that had occurred due to them having accidentally damaging some of the sensitive equipment, the electricity having made its way to the fence surrounding the powerplant, preventing them from being able to get out.

Even if they attempted to climb the fence, there was enough voltage in the fence due to the overload that Yamato could tell would have either killed them outright or would have left them unconscious for a good amount of time. More than enough time for the police to have found their unconscious bodies.

Of course, there were a whole lot more details behind the whole thing, but we move.

At the current time, Yamato could be seen walking through the streets with his phone in hand. From the looks of it, he was glancing up and down from his phone every now and then as the map was opened up. It was obvious to see that he was trying to look for some place.

"I swear, he's going to get fat if he eats too much. If he didn't do sports then he'd be damn massive..." Yamato shook his head as he continued looking around. The reason he was looking for a certain shop was because his younger brother had asked him to buy him some sweets after school.

Yamato was the main reason for why his younger brother was playing soccer, he had unintentionally made the kid addicted to the sport while he was just kicking the ball around for fun. His brother would constantly pester him to help him practice.

"Is this the place?" Yamato stopped in front of what looked to be a traditionally-styled Japanese shop, and from the looks of it, it appeared somewhat old. The place probably had quite a bit of history behind it. "Tama-ya... A mochi shop, huh?"

Yamato just shrugged before calmly entering the shop, and upon entering, he wasn't surprised at all by the simplicity of the shop as there were a number of different mochis that were on display. From what he was told by his brother, this was the shop that he visited quite a lot.

"Kure Kure Mochi, what kind of name is that...?" Yamato frowned as he was looking around at the different labelled mochis. The one his brother wanted was called Kure Kure, but he had never in his life heard of such a thing nor could he see it on display. "Maybe I'm not in the right place..."

"Welcome to the Tama-ya Mochi Shop, how can I help you today?"

Yamato turned his attention upwards from the display to see that a girl around his age had just come out from behind the curtains leading towards the back of the shop, she had black hair that was tied into two low ponytails.

"Yeah, greetings. I was just wanting to buy some mochi, though I can't seem to find the specific one here..." Yamato responded as he looked at the different assortment of mochi types. "Do you have a mochi that's called Kure Kure?"

"Eh? You know about that mochi?" The girl seemed to be rather surprised by Yamato's request as the male just blinked a few times in confusion. Was it not well known or something? "Are you perhaps friends with Ren? He's the only one I know of that knows about that mochi."

"Yeah, he's my brother..."

"Oh, that must mean that you're Yamato!" The girl exclaimed in a surprised tone as she pointed her finger dramatically at him, causing him to sweatdrop. "O-Oh, sorry about that... My name is Kitashirakawa Tamako, a pleasure to meet you."

"I see, a pleasure to meet you as well. My name is Kurenai Yamato." Yamato gave a small bow as he introduced himself. "I know that he's quite a regular customer here, I hope that he hasn't caused any trouble at all for you."

"No, not at all! In fact, he goes to the same school as my younger sister. She invites him over quite a lot." Tamako explained as Yamato nodded his head in understanding. "About the mochi. Unfortunately, we don't have made at the moment. Though, if you can wait for a bit, we can have it ready!"

"I suppose I don't mind."

"It won't take long, you can wait in the back. My father and grandfather had been interested in meeting you due to Ren's words."

"I see, thank you. I hope he didn't say anything bad."

"No, it was all admiration towards you really. He's always excited to talk about you." Tamako gave a small giggle as she guided Yamato to the back. Yamato was a bit surprised though, he knew that his brother kind of idolised him, but he didn't think it was that much admiration.

"Who's this, Tamako?"

Yamato looked to see the person that had spoken was a middle-aged man with very short black hair, he seemed to have this somewhat constant grumpy look on his face. Though, Yamato paid that no mind as he just gave the man a polite bow.

"Dad, this is Ren's older brother!"

"A pleasure to meet you, sir. My name is Kurenai Yamato."

"Oh! Ren's brother, huh?" The man seemed pleasantly surprised by this as he ushered them over to take a seat on the tatami mats. They both complied as they went on over before taking a seat. "Ren has told us a lot about you, young man. From what he has told us, you are certainly the incredible individual."

"I wouldn't say incredible, that's a bit much." Yamato gave a small chuckle as he waved off the words. "I do apologise if Ren has ever caused any trouble for you, he can be rather energetic when he wants to be. He eats a lot of mochi, so I hope he hasn't run you dry."

"No, of course not. He's always been more than welcome here."

"Speaking of mochi, dad. Yamato was here to order some Kure Kure Mochi."

"Ah~, of course. I'm assuming that it's for your brother?" Tamako's dad asked as Yamato nodded his head in response, earning a small laugh from the man. "It is a special mochi we made just for him, after all. I must say, I'm quite proud of it myself!"

'Made just for Ren? I guess the Kure is from our last name...' Yamato couldn't help but deadpan slightly as he heard this. He probably should have guessed that considering their last name was Kurenai, and that Kure was the first part of that name. Also adding to that fact that he didn't see it at all at the front nor had he ever heard of it.

"I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name Kitashirakawa Mamedai, nice to meet you, young man." Mamedai introduced himself as he stood up after shaking hands with Yamato. "It won't take long to make, I'll get started now. Just make yourself comfortable."

"I see, thank you, sir." Yamato gave a nod of appreciation as the man stood up before leaving out of the tatami room. Though, another person seemed to walk in right after Mamedai left, and the person looked to be an old man wearing a blue jinbei, along with a pair of spectacles.

"I overheard the conversation. So, you're the brother that young Ren had been telling us about." The elderly man smiled as he walked over and sat down beside them. "He told us a lot about you, and I must say, he was right when saying that you were quite the handsome young man."

"Grandpa..." Tamako seemed rather embarrassed to hear her grandfather say this as Yamato could only give a small nervous laugh as he heard this. It was kind of embarrassing to hear that your own brother was boasting about him looking good. Though, just what else did Ren end up telling them? Jeez...

"Haha~, my name is Kitashirakawa Fuku. It's nice to finally meet you face to face, young man." Tamako's grandfather introduced himself as he extended a hand towards Yamato. Yamato quickly accepted the gesture and shook Fuku's hand. "I must say, you have been making quite the name for yourself."

"Hm? What do you mean?" Yamato seemed confused as he rose an eyebrow in confusion. Tamako also seemed confused as she looked at her grandfather as he head was tilted in confusion. Fuku chuckled before taking out a newspaper and placing it on the ground in front of the three of them.

'Bruh...' Yamato frowned slightly as he looked to see that he was present on the newspaper, and it was talking about the recent case he helped solve. It was definitely the work of his dad that he ended up in the news. 'I'm definitely gonna kick dad's butt later...'

"Having helped in solving a number of crimes, and some that even most experienced detectives haven't been able to solve for a long time. You are truly as remarkable as young Ren had made you out to be."

"Eh? Is that true, Yamato?!"



It took around twenty or so minutes for Tamako's dad to finish preparing the mochi, and the man had been generous enough to make quite a large number of them that he was kind enough to just give to Yamato as a gift. Yamato felt kind of bad taking it, but the man insisted.

Yamato had left the place not too long ago and was almost home. He hadn't met that Anko girl that apparently went to the same school as his brother, but he might visit again some time to buy more. He had eaten one while walking back, and he had to say, it tasted incredible.

"I'm home!"

"Welcome back. Where have you been? I was getting worried."

The voice that responded to him was none other than his mother, who went by the name Kurenai Kinako. She was a rather beautiful woman with a curvaceous build, along with having long black hair that was tied into a side ponytail, along with having a pair of round blue eyes.

Kinako was someone that worked as a fashion designer, and it was due to this that she always made sure he and Ren always looked their best and had the most comfortable and best clothes possible. She would generally be the one who designed the clothing they wore.

Despite her friendly and warm expression, she could get pretty scary sometimes. Especially when his father were to do anything that she didn't like, an example being how he tended to bring Yamato to crime scenes for some help. She doesn't take that too lightly...

Well, not his problem.

"Ren asked me to buy him some mochi from the shop he always visits. They gave me quite a lot, so there's more than enough for all four of us." Yamato spoke as he placed the mochi package onto the kitchen counter. "I assume that Ren is still out playing soccer?"

"Yes, he messaged me not too long ago that he was going to be back a bit later." Yamato nodded his head in understanding before turning to walk up the stairs towards his room. "Make sure to take a shower, I'm almost finished preparing dinner!"

"I know, mum!"

Quickly walking into his room, he placed his school bag down onto the floor next to his desk before he took off his school jacket before stretching his arms. He was going to take a shower and then get straight to playing his guitar, it was something he liked to do to entertain himself.

Due to the lack of music that this world had compared to his old world, he needed some way to get some good music in his ears. So, why not just compile the songs himself? While he wouldn't say he was the best singer out there, he was fairly talented according to things people have said in the past.

Just as he started taking off his shirt, the chat group suddenly opened as a prompt appeared to him.


『Chat Group Mission』

Number of Participants: All Chat Group Members

Preparation Time: 1 Day


● Earn the respect of a legendary Pokémon [⚫]

● Destroy the Megalith [⚫]

● Invite one member to the Chat Group [Optional] [⚫]

Issued Supplies:

● 5,000,000 Pokedollars


● Reward Box

● World Travel Ticket
