
Last Child of Eden: Blood Angel

Leon had always been nothing but trash in the eyes of others. That is, until the man he would end up calling 'master' came into his life. After a terrible turn of events, Leon is forced to become the man his master always knew lived inside him. Along his journey, he will learn to control a powerful system, to gain confidence in himself, make unlikely friends, protect a beautiful vampire and untangle an insidious plot of blood corruption. The stakes are high, and failure means the end of the world. Will Leon be able to live up to the legacy his master left behind?

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28 Chs

Ch 16: Post-Op R&R

Being under Victoria's knife was both an interesting and excruciating experience. While I am used to pain, there is nothing like being mutilated into someone knew. Cain Wolfe, also known as Ghostfang, was a prolific and deadly assassin. His body reflected his trade.

By the time Victoria made the last cut, I looked like I had been through decades of knife fights, shootouts and bar room brawls.

I now have scars all over my body. And yes, the bullet wounds were made with actual bullets. Victoria shot me a total of 15 times with three different firearms to get my scars to match the original as close as possible.

I'm just grateful, as well as amazed, that Cain still had his eyes when he died. He also retained each finger and toe. Basically, this man suffered every wound possible except for anything that would permanently cripple him. Simply incredible!

It is also amazing how similar he looks like me. With a few minor changes to my facial structure and hair color, I look quite similar. Not a spitting image but close enough that I can play my part convincingly.

Grace solidifies my scars and ages me appropriately. I look like a dead man walking. I have to wear eye contacts to change my eye color too. I am not used to all the extra accessories. I realize then just how much I have been taking Grace for granted.

Speaking of Grace, bless her heart. She stayed by my side the entire time. She held my hand in hers, even though my constant spasms of pain often made us pass through one another. She even wept for me, and Grace almost never weeps.

The tears of the Eldar are not like other mortals. Since they are beings who most emulated light itself, their tears are like streaking comets. They sparkle and shine, then fade like dying stars. As with everything about the Eldar people, even their tears are a gift to behold.

I pant on the metal table, my sweat glistening in a pool beneath me. It was mixed with blood moments ago, but Grace restored that much at least.

Victoria is also panting. She worked like a mad woman, of which I am pretty sure is one anyway. Yet she impressed me by performing nonstop for hours and hours. Her stamina is impressive!

She sets the two knives she is holding onto the tables beside her. She is covered in sweat, her once perfectly fixed hair now a mess. She gives me a pleased grin as she sways on her feet, obviously exhausted.

Ulyssa, as hard-core as she is, spent the whole time sitting facing away from me and with her ears plugged. She could still hear my muffled screams and every time she did, I could see her visibly flinch. Now that it is finally over, she turns back to face me.

Imagine my surprise when I see the wetness on her cheeks. I did not think that a woman of her stern nature would prone to tears.

"I'm sorry, Leon. I-I couldn't watch. A-anyone else, but n-not you." She says, sobbing and wiping the tears from her face.

She gets up from her chair and approaches the table, then collapses on the ground, prostrating herself before me. "Please forgive my weakness. Please don't think less of me."

I swing my legs and then hop off the table, standing in front of her. It's a little awkward since I am still naked but since she doesn't seem to mind, I don't bring it up.

I kneel before her and lift her chin. Her eyes are wide with desperation. Her fear of my disappointment frightens me. To reassure her, I pull her into a firm embrace. I want her to feel that I hold nothing against her.

"You have nothing to apologize for. I am happy to know that you care about me so much." Then I put her at arm's length, looking into her eyes. "I am curious why I am so important, but I guess you are not ready to tell that tale quite yet. Just don't worry and know that I care for you too."

She nods, her breath hitching as she tries to stop crying. We both look up when we hear a loud snort of derision come from Victoria.

"Well, ain't that just plain rude!" she says, still swaying on her feet. "Here I am, bone tired from cutting bones for God knows how long. Yet I get no appreciation around here. It ain't easy, ya know. I did the best anyone ever gonna do and what thanks do I get? None! That's what and what! You two can go fiddle off and leave little ol' me to just die from lack of appreciation. Ain't no respect or justice in this world, I tell ya!"

Her swaying goes from small circles to larger and larger rotations. Finally, she loses her balance.

"Well, here I go!" she says as she falls straight backwards. "This floor is sure to crack my head open. Oh, well, no one cares!"

I leap right over the table in a back spin, land beside Victoria and catch her just before she hits the hard tile. She smiles at me, not seeming concerned at all that could have died right then and there!

"Well, if it my precious victim. Er, I mean, my guardian angel! Give me some sugar!" she says, grabbing the back of my head and pressing her lips to mine.

"Hey!" Ulyssa says. A moment later, she is dragging Victoria out from under me. "I will teach you to steal my prey!"

I face palm. Why do these women all insist on using such strange language?

Victoria isn't perturbed. She manages to smile and wave at me as Ulyssa drags her towards the exit. "Apollyon, my dearest! We will be together again soon! Wait for your sweet sugar muffin!"

"He'll wait for you over my dead body!" Ulyssa says, opening the door. "Now get out of my sight, you southern trollop! I will punish you later!" then she throws Victoria out on face. The last thing I see of Victoria is her but up in the air, her dress folded up and her black panties exposed.

I gasp, my heart plummeting into my stomach as I see it full on. Because these are the types of panties that ladies wear when they are ready to play. The lips stare out at me for just a moment, glistening and oh so inviting. Then Ulyssa slams the door shut with a boom!

Ulyssa stands there, her shoulders heaving as she huffs and puffs. "These troublesome women! Why did I bring them here! Honestly, I should toss them out on their ears! He's mine, all mine!"

"Who belongs to you?" I say, having snuck directly behind her.

She stiffens. "Oh, Leon. You heard all that?"

"I would have to be deaf not to." I say, grabbing her and turning her around. I grin at her. "If sharing me was going to be a problem, then why did you set all this up?"

She sighs, shoulders slumping slightly. "I honestly did not imagine I would feel this way. I mean, so protective of you. I have always been in control of my emotions. I have always taken pride in my logical and practical personality. I just can't control myself around you." Her eyes bore into mine. "My idol."

Oof. This woman sure has it bad. Worse, I don't even know why! It's starting to drive me a little crazy, so I change the subject.

"Ulyssa, you're the only person who can tell me about who Ghostfang was in person. I have his file, personality profile and background information, but even with all that, it isn't enough." I say.

Ulyssa looks away. She is silent for some time before she breaks the silence. "I can tell you what I know, though I must warn you. Our personal interaction was not long. When we did come face to face, there were little in the way of words. We spoke mostly with our blades until one of us was dead. I hope it is enough."

She turns back to me, looking me up and down. "Also, not here. Besides, I need a shower. Come and join me."

"A shower?" I say, not sure I heard her quite right. "Wait, did you mean, like, with each other? At the same time?"

She is already walking away, and I can't help but imagine her well-formed derriere completely exposed to me. As well as other parts of her. Suddenly it's a little hard to breathe.

She gives me a sultry look over her shoulder. "Yes, and I'm not asking. Come on. Unlike you, us mere mortals need our rest and relaxation."

I quickly catch up to her as she leads me to the main passage. "That's true, but I imagine more laying down and such when I think of rest and relaxation." I say.

She gives me a smirk. "Of course, but I always clean my scales before getting into bed. It's just good manners." Then she adds. "Especially if I'm going to have company."

"Y-you don't mean-?" I say, not even daring to finish that sentence.

She grabs a hold of me my arm, then slides her hand into mine. I try not to be as awkward as I feel about it.

"You know exactly what I mean." She says as she leads me down a new passageway. "I am finally taking a man to my bed. I have been waiting so long for this moment." Her tone and eyes grow timid. "Does that please you?"

I find it hard to speak, but words eventually come out. "Ulyssa, no man would be displeased to be invited to your bed."

She looks at me, her countenance happy. "I am honored by your high opinion of me, Leon."

She nuzzles into my side as we walk, and I find that I grow somewhat comfortable with her there. Grace appears on my other side. She gives the head sister a disapproving side glance.

<Ulyssa is a conundrum that needs some serious therapy.> Grace says. <Not that I'm not cheering you on, but for some reason, your harem is also crazy town.>

<You don't need to remind me.> I say. <I haven't even got to second base and already I have escalated from teasing kissing full blown sadism. I'm honestly terrified!>

Grace snorts. <I can't say that this doesn't give me a satisfying sense of pleasure to see you are still hard-core failure with women.> she says. She copies Ulyssa by also nuzzling into my side. <Perhaps that's because, when I get my body back, kind of want you to still be a sad, pathetic virgin.>

<Oh, Grace.> I say, rolling my eyes. <You enjoy torturing me, don't you?>

<Just a little.> Grace says.

"Here they are." Ulyssa says as we come to a shower room.

Grace disappears as we walk inside. Of course she has to leave with one last word. <Have fun, stud. Then go die.>

<Seriously, why have you started saying that all of a sudden?!> I say, but I don't get a response.

Ulyssa leaves my side and walks over to the wall where some metal cabinets stand. She opens one, where different sizes of white towels sit folded on shelves. She grabs two pairs of each one we will need. One for the floor, one to wash our bodies and faces and one to dry our bodies.

She places them on a bench and then opens another cabinet which has sets of shower products in trays. She grabs a tray and also sets in on the bench.

Finally, she turns back to me, only to find me standing in the room, probably looking as awkward and afraid as I feel. She puts her hands on her hips, her lips pursed.

"Are you just going to stand there? Get the water running!" she says in a commanding tone.

I jump to action and turn the knobs on one of the faucets. The water is cold at first, but then gradually warms until it is a comfortable temperature.

I'm too distracted by the water to notice Ulyssa come up behind me. She doesn't touch me, she just talks.

"Leon, don't turn around yet." She says.

As if I'm going to turn around! I think. I try to think of anything other than Ulyssa's combat capable body fully exposed. She will have washboard abs. A muscle toned body from neck to calves. Her hair flowing free of her veil. Her face looking up at me, leaning closer, closer, until…

No, no! I just told myself I wasn't going to think of those things!

Her voice distracts me from my wandering thoughts.

"I imagined this moment going so much differently." She says. "I guess I'm really just not ready."

"It's okay, Ulyssa. I can confidently tell you that I'm not ready either." I say.

"So, you're still-? You and Sylwia never-?" she says, her voice quivering.

I sigh. "Yeah, I am. I know that's pathetic."

I hear Ulyssa utter a sigh of relief. "No, Leon. It's perfect."

I don't know what to say to that, so I grab some of the shampoo and start washing my hair. "I guess we should start." I say.

"Right." Ulyssa says and we wash ourselves almost back-to-back.

My imagination wants me to turn around, but my conscience won't let me. It seems like forever before we are both done.

"You go first." I say. She thanks me and goes to dry and get a bathrobe on.

Once she's done, I do the same, then she takes my hand and leads me down the passage again. We make several turns until I am completely lost. My sense of direction has never been that great.

Finally, we come to a door at the end of a passageway.

"Welcome to Eden House." Ulyssa says. She does a specific series of knocks on the door and then it is opened from the inside by a sister. It's Sister Nerina.

"Master!" she says but is looking at me the whole time. Her eyes seem to eat me. Welcome, Apollyon!"

I manage to wave before Ulyssa hurriedly tugs me along. We move through several rooms and groups of sisters. It's basically the same as the other dorm, except this one has all the Blood of Eden members.

They all turn their heads to look at us. They bow and whisper and follow until at last, Ulyssa brings me to her residence which of course is on the very top floor.

There she turns around and glares at her charges. When she speaks, it is with menacing authority. "If anyone disturbs us for any reason, the ones responsible will be cleaning the bathrooms with their tongues. Do I make myself clear?"

The sisters all nod. Ulyssa smiles, throws open her doors and pulls me in. Two sisters immediately close the doors behind us. Ulyssa locks the door.

"I'm going to change into something, you wait right here." She says and disappears.

I look around. The space is like a home, even though it is just an entire floor of a building. Pictures of figures in the church line the walls. Honestly, the place reminds me a little of my own cabin. Ulyssa seems to only care about her memorabilia. It's good to know that someone understands, after all.

She returns with a shirt and shorts on. She tosses me a larger shirt and larger shorts. "Wear these." She says.

After I get them on, she leads me to the master bedroom. She crawls on top, gets under the cover and then motions me over.

"Now you." She says.

I join her under the covers, staying as far on my side as possible. She turns away from me, laying on her side. After a while she makes an impatient grunt.

"Are you going to cuddle me or not?" she says.

I slide over to her and the two of us meld into each other, me hugging her from behind. I am scared out of my mind. Can this really be happening?

"Goodnight, Leon." Ulyssa says.

"Goodnight." I say. Before I know it, Ulyssa is snoozing. I guess she really did need to rest.

Hello, all! I am wondering if the chapters are a little too long. Sometimes I feel they are. Let me know in the comments. I hope you liked this one! Give me a vote if you did. See you again soon :)

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