

  Katarina Pov

  I can't believe for days, I haven't been able to come up with a good plan that will ruin Amelia or end her, this is so annoying.

  I will be resuming work tomorrow finally and I feel like she is going to process with her welcoming party this coming Friday, I need to do something.

  I sat on the bed again thinking so deeply and my phone started ringing, a strange number, who could be the person?

  I picked saying, "Hello."

  "Hello Katarina, been a while."

  He sounded like Erick.


  "Yes that's me, I returned and decided to pay the pack a visit, going to your home I was told Amelia and you are living with the Almighty Alpha Lorde."

  "Yes, we are."

  "That's great, so hope you were good to her when u left, God it has been 13years already."