
Lani's Royale

She was haunted. Scarily haunted. After that incident, Leilani is trapped in that trench of endless nightmare with no knowledge of what was going on. "You're crazy. No one would believe you. One day you'll fail", the voice said to her. It kept coming. "Don't listen to it Lani. I'm here. You can lean on me", the man said to her, grasping her out of that endless torture and leading her into a new light.

Crystalella · Thành thị
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22 Chs

Chapter 9. To sought you

Chapter 9. To sought you

She was sweating profusely. The grey chiffon blouse she was wearing was all soaked. Her body was shaking but her mind was trying to make out he environment. The place wasn't familiar at all to her. She had never been to this place.

Where was she?

"Finally up?", a deep icy voice said, making her aware that sr wasn't alone in the place. Her head whipped to the direction of the voice in fright. However,her jaw dropped the moment she saw the person seated on the couch in the room. He was holding a tablet in his hand, not bothering to look at her.

Leilani gave a start. Clutching the bedsheets close to her chest, she glared at him.

"Who're you? Why did you bring me here?"

"That wasn't the question I was expecting though. Can't you say it the way it's like on the movies?"

Leilani was getting pissed at his laid back attitude. She wanted to rip that mouth of his apart.

"I will ask again. Who're you and why did you bring me here?"

"I should also ask you, why would a CEO be found unconscious in front of the elevator at the underground park?"

Leilani gasped. She hurriedly looked at his wrist to check if he was wearing a wrist watch. And he was...but it wasn't a Chanel brand. A sigh of relief seeped through her lips as she buried her face in her hands. She couldn't believe that someone had seen her in the miserable state.

"What happened?", the guy asked her.

"Nothing. It's just part of the stress".

"I know. But no stress leaves you panting and screaming as you sleep".

She sighed again. "My phone ", she asked looking around an then at the guy. He was cladded in a grey colored sweater and black loose pants.

"Sorry about my reaction earlier. I was..."

"No need to explain. That's also part of the stress right?"

Leilani gave a nervous smile and looked away from him. The guy found her bag and handed it to her.

"Thanks", she said and took the bag from him. She began checking through it.

"Don't worry. I'm too wealthy to take your items".

"Can't say that if you are a kleptomaniac".

Stephan chuckled deeply which caused a wave in Leilani's belly. She whipped out her phone and booted it. While it was booting, she felt the large room become too small for them.

"But, how did you find me at Royale?"

"I wanted to sought you".

Leilani's eyes nearly popped out. "S... sought me? Why'd you do that?"

Stephan looked at her, and finally kept the tablets on the side table next to the couch. "I stayed with you till you got off work. After what seemed like thirty minutes, you were still not out".

Leilani looked at him, as if trying to fathom the authenticity of his words. She looked at him. "You followed me?"


Leilani was taken aback by his honesty.

"Why would you follow me?" She was trying to understand him but he wasn't making things easy for him. She didn't want to suspect him as the man from the elevator.

"That's because...they want me to bring you home".