
Lands of Mondren

A man wakes up with little memory of anything, in the lands of Mondren, with only one goal: adventure. thankfully, he has some pretty overpowered gifts from a anonymous source to help him.

Graemage · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Ch 2: Duel And A New Sword

As we were walking towards the village, I had a thought: how was I going to not reveal my past whenever I asked questions? Even if my sponsor, whoever they were, didnt care if I revealed myself or not, I have a feeling that a lot of people, from politicians to mages would probably LOVE to have a look at me, and I don't want that attention. I mean, I do want to be KNOWN, just not for the reasons that get you cut open on a surgeon's table. If I am going to know anything going on, I am going to need to find a library and…

Ada: "Hey, are you listening?"

Garem: "What? Sorry, I was thinking about something."

Ada looks at me with a bit of irritation, then continues,

Ada: "As  was SAYING, vampires are really dangerous. They are strong, fast, and get stronger with age. Thankfully, the vampire we are dealing with is only about 20 years old it seems."

Garem: "Wait, how do you know its age?"

Ada: "There is a special way to analyze a monster's blood using moonlight. Every monster contains a certain amount of moonlight energy in their blood, and the more there is, the more dangerous they are. I simply used a silver coin and a magnifying glass to see how quickly the moonlight was absorbed."

Ok, so silver is still considered a weakness of monsters, good to know. Hold on, wait a minute…

Garem: "Hold on, how did you get the vampire's blood? I thought it was killing people, how did someone injure it?"

Ada: "I would like to say someone got a good shot in, but no, it was pure luck. After fleeing from a previous victim, the vampire apparently burst through a fence and cut themselves on the splintery wood."

After that, I didn't really have many more questions. I kinda just followed Ada towards the village, looking around at the scenery. My memory is a bit fuzzy of my past life, but I still remember that the world wasn't like this. The air smells… clean. Unpolluted. But it isn't just that, it feels like more than that. Almost like the air is actively healing the world around us. It's fascinating to me, it must be the magic in this world. As I was thinking about all the books I guess I was gonna read,

Ada: "we're here"

The first thing I thought of when I heard "village" was what you would usually think of: kinda messy, buildings held together with basically medieval glue and straw. This was NOT that. I thought Ada's house was an exception since she was clearly an important figure in this village due to her magical abilities, but no. Yes, her house seems like it was bigger than most of the houses in the village, and they were not as clean, but otherwise, they seemed pretty nice. Like, 20 or so 15 by 15 by 15 ft houses, a place that looked like a blacksmiths, and a town hall/library. 

Garem: "Not what I was expecting."

Ada: "What, were you expecting a dirty, barely held together group of houses?"

Garem: "Um…"

Ada: "No, it's fine. Considering what I have heard about the West, You probably haven't seen much Magology have you?"

Garem: "Magology?"

Ada: "Yeah, this village is able to be this clean, this organized due to the advances in the study and advancement of magic, or Magology. We are pretty close to the Ethlin and Bernen Border, so we don't have all the luxuries of even normal towns, but we live pretty modestly here. Of course, it WOULD be better if our great lord Count Devey was capable of spending any of his coin on anything but drink and food."

So people study magic here? I guess that makes sense. If magic exists, I can see why people would develop their technology in that direction. DEFINITELY gonna look into that later.

Garem: "Where to first then?"

Ada: "To call a town meeting. We need to discuss with the town everything we know for you to get started. Also, there's another reason."

Garem: "What?"

It seems like Ada's about to answer me, but hesitates as we are at the town center it seems and says,

Ada: "You'll see."

At the town center is a big circle made up of 7 rings. I admit, I don't know that much about this new… Magology, but I think it was a clock, with each ring representing seconds, minutes, hours, days of the week, month of the year, and year. I was about to ask what the outer 7th ring was for, when suddenly, Ada grabbed the "socket" she had from earlier, and pointed it at the ring, magically turning this 400 pound rock made ring with little effort, until,

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!...

Suddenly, 4 loud bell-like rings sounded out, and people seemed to notice. They start moving, leaving the library, their homes, and they are all coming here. Most of them seem happy to see Ada, smiling reassured that things are going to be alright, But others? Well…

Angry villager: "Oh, so her royal highness finally graces us with her presence."

Lady Villager: "Jern! Hold your tongue, she's just trying to…"

Jern: "Yeah yeah, help us, sure, that's why she's been hiding away while us lowly peasants have had to fend for ourselves."

What in the world is going on? Who is this asshole? What…

Ada: "I understand many of you are angry with me, but that's not important now. I found someone to help us."

Jern: "Really? Who, where are they?"

It takes a second for the villagers to realize that the person that Ada was referring to is ME, and seemed to take it as an unfunny joke. As in, they were not happy.

Jern: "This guy? He looks pathetic! How is he going to stop a vampire?"

Ada: "I know he might not seem like much…"

Gee, thanks Ada, that certainly boosts my ego.

Ada: "...but he's strong. Really strong. If you don't believe me, you can test him yourself."

Jern: "...Do you really not want me to deal with this that much Ada?"

Ada: "Not right now Jern, this…"

Jern: "Nevermind, fine, we'll test this guy, see if he has what it takes."

There's some history there I am going to have to ask about later. 

Garem: "Whatever I need to do, I'll do it."

Jern takes a look at me, thinks for a moment, and puts up his fists, saying,

Jern: "If this guy is more qualified than me, let him prove it. He should at LEAST be stronger than a lowly ex squire, right Ada?"

Ada seems like she wants to say something, but stops, and simply says to me, in a soft whisper,

Ada: "Beat him, but please try not to hurt him."

With that in mind, I prepare myself mentally. Not for whether I am going to win or not, I am 100 percent sure I am going to win, no, I am more prepared for how to beat him without killing him. From what I understand, I am about 25 times stronger than a normal man, more than enough to accidentally blow someone's head off, so…

Garem: "What are they?"

Suddenly, the light shows up over my chest again, except this time it seems to analyze Jern, and says,





…Ok, I guess that's a thing. I am gonna think about that later, now I know how tough he is. According to this, he is about 3 times stronger than a normal person, so I guess his cockiness is not unfounded. Still I gotta be careful…

Jern: "Hey, what are you standing around for? You can't delay the inevitable sprout!"

…maybe it would be fine if I hit him too hard. Seriously no, bad Garem. I guess that no one else saw that little light display I guess, so that's convenient. Well, better not keep Jern waiting,

Garem: "I'm ready whenever you are."

Jern: "Alright. Ada, set up the Circle."

Huh? Whats going on… you know what, I dont want to look stupid, so I am just gonna stand around pretending I know what is happening.

Ada: "Sure."

Ada then seems to walk in a circle around us with her socket out, drawing a barrier made of magic. It was about 2 feet tall, and white in color. No, not white, clear, almost as if it had no purpose, if it makes sense to say that a line of magic barrier could have purpose. After finishing the barrier, Ada come up to the both of us and says, 

Ada: "Please state your intent in this duel"

She then holds the "socket" over Jerns left wrist, to which he says,

Jern: "To prove this man's worth."

After which, a mark appears on his wrist, with his name signed, almost like a contract. Ada, having finished walks up to me, and asks the same thing she asked Jern,

Ada: "Please state your intent in this duel"

Garem: "Um, to prove my worth?"

Ada: "Please repeat yourself, with conviction"

Garem: "To prove my worth"

With my doubt erased, my arm lights up similar to Jern's, with my name Garem displayed. Seeming satisfied with my response, Ada goes to the side, ready to declare the duel.

Ada: "Let it be known that both participants, Garem and Jern, have consented to a duel, to prove the worth of the one named Garem in his task…"

I just realized something. How am I going to win this? More specifically, how am I going to win without accidentally killing my opponent? I am clearly stronger and faster than him, but that comes with the side effect that if I am not careful I might accidentally relocate his skull into his chest cavity. Maybe I should…

Ada: "Fight!"

Shit, too late! He's running up towards me, think! I got it!

Jern: "Lets see what you are made of you little…

While he was talking, I ran up towards him too, with the intent of grabbing him. Clearly, he wasn't expecting me to do this, but seeing how I am like 5 foot 8 and he is 6 foot 4, he didn't move, thinking there's no way I could overpower him, which is what I was hoping for.

As soon as I get within arms length of him, he reaches out to me, but at the last second, as he is about to grab my shoulders, lifting his knee, probably to knee my face, I grab his left leg. As he is staggering, I use that short moment of hesitation to get behind him and put him in a headlock.

Jern, seeming surprised by my sweet wrestling skills, acts shocked, not expecting me to get the jump on him. He pretty quickly gets a smug smile on his face though, and says,

Jern: "Oh, bravo Garem. I didn't expect you to get the jump on me. But do you think you can…"

Jern attempts to get out of my expert headlock, but is surprised to find he can't move. And he keeps attempting to, but he didn't predict how great the difference in our strength would be, and after a few more seconds of struggle, goes limp, and says, 

Jern: "It's my loss"

In a nearly unheard whisper. Clearly, it must have been enough, because his mark turned red and disappeared. After I let go of him, I look at my mark, which is also disappearing, but it seems like I won if the green mark was anything to go by.

Jern: "I'm glad you found someone to TRUST with this Ada"

Ada: "Jern…"

The barrier disappears, and Jern walks away, going into the library-like building. Ada seems like she wants to go after him, but decides not to, instead addressing the town saying, 

Ada: "Let it be known that on this day, the 3rd thursday of the 11th months of the 1905th year that Garem has won his duel and proven his worth."

After saying this, a new sign appears above my left thumb on the back of my hand. A small mark I guess to celebrate my victory. I immediately feel like the towns folk seem to be a little more at ease with Ada's choice in me. At least, no more people have come up to start a fight at least, so that's something. 

Everyone except a young woman and an older man disperse, leaving me, Ada, and these two villagers. I look at Ada, trying the best I can to silently question her on what's between her and Jern, with her I THINK mouthing we would talk later.

Young Lady: "So you're our new Defender? Here to help with our vampire problem?"

Garem: "Um, I guess? Who are you? Both of you?"

Young Lady: "Didn't really tell him anything, huh Ada?"

Ada seems to be a little embarrassed, with her only retort being,

Ada: "Ah, um…"

Laness: "It's fine Ada, I'm just teasing. I'm Laness, the fellow blacksmith. This is my grandfather Barin, our local librarian slash alchemist slash biologist slash monster expert"

Barin: "Monster EXPERT may be pushing it a little too much Laness, I only have some basic knowledge from my university days."

Ada: "Don't be modest Barin, If it wasn't for you, we never would have found out we were dealing with a vampire in the first place."

I have quite a few questions that need answering, so even though I know it would be seen as a bit rude, I had to interrupt, asking,

Garem: "Hold up, what's going on? What is a Defender? How did I become one? And how did you know that it was a vampire and not some other monster?"

Ada seems to look… guilty? Not a good sign, before answering me,

Ada: "A Defender is a… special position. It is given to the strongest local villager, who, up until a few moments ago was Jern. They are responsible for defending the local area and for fulfilling contracts made with the villagers.While under it, you cannot leave the territory until the contract has been fulfilled."

Wait, so I can't leave? This is kinda bullshit, I'm pissed! As I am about to let out a calm and clear argument for how many is too many times to swear at someone, Ada stops me saying,

Ada: "Before you get upset, it comes with some benefits. It will allow you to more easily question any villagers who were not present during your duel, and…"

Laness: "It will give you an opportunity to get a custom weapon made by me! Which, seeing as you only have one sword, are going to probably be needed since a silver weapon is very helpful against monsters. Speaking of which…"

Laness takes off her backpack, and seems to look in it for a few seconds before pulling out a rather shiny sword, which if I am following what they have been saying, must be…

Garem: "A silver sword?"

Laness: "Yes."

She pulls the sword free of its sheave, and I gasped

It was beautiful. It was perfect, it was a shorter sword, about 2 and a half feet long, made of pure white silver, almost as if it was glowing. She handed it to me, and I got a feel for it. It was light, and I touched the edge, being cautious of damaging the blade with my tough skin, and was pleasantly surprised. It didn't cut my finger, but it was surprisingly much sharper and tougher than the blade Ada used on me earlier. Looking at this blade, it made so much sense why they "gave me" the title of Defender.

Garem: "You wanted to make sure I wouldn't run off with this didn't you?"

They flitched, clearly caught in my mental gymnastics, but I didn't blame them. I don't know a lot about this world, but if monsters exist and silver is the best defense against monsters, and is a much stronger metal than the silver in my world, I can see why they would think a random stranger might just take this clearly very expensive sword and run, leaving them to fend for themselves. 

Ada: "... Yes, I admit, I wanted to be sure that you wouldn't leave. In fact, even if Jern had not challenged you, I would have encouraged him to step up anyways to be sure you were under that contract. I apologize, but…"

Garem: "No, its fine. I am a stranger who came out of nowhere, I understand you would want to be sure I didn't run off before finishing my task."

They seem to almost sigh in relief. With that out of the way, the old man Barin starts to speak,

Barin: "Thank you for the understanding. Now, while I may have said earlier that I am no monster expert, I do have a better understanding of them than anyone else in the village. After you clear up any questions you have with Ada and Laness, please come join me in the library."

Barin, seeming to want to get back to his books as soon as possible, speed walks back towards the library. I turn towards Ada, wanting to ask about what's between her and Jern, but decide against it remembering something else I had to ask Laness,

Garem: "I was wondering Laness, do you have any blade oils or clothes?"

Laness seems a little surprised by my question for a second, and I ask,

Garem: "Sorry, did I say something wrong?"

Laness: "Huh? Oh no, I actually am glad you did. Most sword users, mercenaries, soldiers, all of them, usually forget how important blade maintenance is, I think this is the first time anyone has actually asked me for some blade care supplies, hand on…"

Saying that, Laness begins to to route through her bag again, until she finds a smaller bag. She hands it to me and says,

Laness: "Here you go, on the house. It has a self cleaning cloth to get rid of blood, blade oil that should be applied to your swords before you sharpen them, and a hand sized grindstone. If you need anything else, I am available at the smith over there"

She says, pointing to the only building I can see with a chimney. As she walks away, I notice out of the corner of my eye that Ada is trying to sneak away. Now that wont do, I still had questions.

Garem: "Hold it! Where do you think you're going?"

Ada seems utterly shocked her stealth skills failed her, and seems to be trying to come up with an excuse, but can't. Eventually, she just says,

Ada: "I'm sorry. I get you have questions, but it's… awkward."

Garem: "I can do awkward, now come on: What up with you and Jern?"

Ada seems to sigh, accepting that I am someone who isnt gonna give up, and says,

Ada: "He's… my lover."

Garem: "Oh. Ohhhhh…."

Ok, now it makes sense. The tension, the awkwardness, all of it. Wait…

Garem: "That's why you didn't just ask him to kill the vampire. Because you were afraid he would get hurt."

Ada seems like she is about to attempt to rebut me, but can't. Instead, she just says,

Ada: "Yes. He has this obsession with trying to prove himself to me. My… background makes him feel like he needs to prove himself to me, and the only sound argument I could ever come up with for him not to was to find someone who could replace his temporary title of Defender."

Of course, it all makes sense now. Except…

Garem: "Wait, what was that you said about your background?"

Ada seems to almost grin, and says

Ada: "I didn't. Thats gonna have to wait, we got a vampire to catch. Come on, lets go join Barin, look at some books and the victims."

Well, it looks like I am not getting all the answers. To be fair, she has shared quite a lot considering I have known her for like 4 hours.

Garem: "Ok, lets go read"